Chapter 6

Life Afterwards

The ride home was quiet. Aqil had tried multiple times to say something to her, anything. Anything to make her feel the slightest bit better, but nothing seemed to work. He knew she wouldn't recover from this for some time, that she'd close herself off like she always did, but he was worried about what it meant for the pregnancy. He'd have to work that much harder to keep her fed and healthy while she slowly declined until she hit rock bottom. Most times meant driving and drugs if she could find them, but with the baby, he prayed she wouldn't go there.

The coming month consisted much of Aqil tending to a silent Ezra, only sharing a handful of words each day. He knew she blamed herself for his death and that no words could stop that, but Aqil was secretly glad he had turned himself in. He wasn't happy Ezra's long-time friend and mentor was now dead, but he was thankful that the three of them, including the baby, had gotten through the encounter with only a warning.

Aqil didn't know what it meant for their future, though. They would have to be careful not to cross paths again, or else Ezra would likely end up the same way as Cohen.

Despite not having the body, the two of them had a funeral for Cohen. Ezra didn't cry and refused to speak a word, but plenty of things had gone through her head as she sat and watched as Ezra carved a headstone.


An Antidote

The Biotech soldiers pulled up in front of their homestead one day, riding in their usual Humvee. Aqil went out to talk to them, telling them of what had happened to Cohen. They gave Aqil their condolences but wanted to speak with both him and Ezra, saying it was important. Aqil told them they could talk to Ezra, but she might not respond, guiding them into the house.

Mack took a seat in their armchair while the others stood around the small house, some of them looking around at the various trinkets.

"I have a very important offer from the top of the chain." Mack started. "From Sebastian himself."

Aqil's eyes widened in surprise at the mention. He had heard plenty of rumors about the man but didn't know how many of them were true.

"He is offering the three of you a house in Biotech, along with antidotes, including for the baby once they're born. On top of that, Sebastian is offering the two of you a spot in Avery's program, as soldiers like us."

"Damn." Aqil cursed, looking over at Ezra.

"Do we have time to think?" Ezra finally spoke up, her voice weak.

"You have time, but you should come up with an answer as soon as possible." Mack shook his head. "Sebastian isn't a patient man."


A Choice For More Than One

"What are you even considering it, Ez?" Aqil asked once the soldiers had left. "It seems like a no brainer. We get cured."

"Not for free, I'm sure." She shook her head. "There's always some catch with people like these."

"We're not safe out here anymore, Ez." Aqil looked over at her sadly. "If you weren't pregnant, you'd be dead." He paused for a moment waiting for a response that didn't come. "Cohen cared about you. He wouldn't have shown up if he didn't. You can't put yourself at risk because you feel bad. All she can do is give this kid the life they deserve, the life neither of us got. Biotech is the safest place for us now."

"I…suppose you're right." Ezra slowly looked up at him. "I wasn't thinking about the kid. We need to do what's best for them."

"Good." Aqil smiled softly, placing his hand on top of hers. "We'll have a shot at a new life, Ez."

She smiled slightly, the first time since Cohen's death. "I guess it's kind of exciting. We just need to make sure we can take Asuka."

Aqil chuckled. "I'm sure we can work that out."


Dust In The Wind

A couple of months had passed, and the two of them had settled in. No longer living in the middle of nowhere, they were now surrounded by other people, other families that were growing. Aqil started working on training to become a part of Avery's men, while Ezra was told she would start her training sometime after the baby was born.

Aqil pushed open the door with his free hand, many books tucked under his other arm. Ezra had been spending most of her free time reading from the city's vast library while she continued growing in size. She now looked ready to pop.

"Ez!" Aqil called out as he closed the door behind him, Asuka greeting him at the door.

"In here." She called back out from the living room.

Aqil walked into the living room, setting the books down next to her before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "How was your day?"

"Fine." She smiled. "I had a lot of time to think, and I thought about some stuff today."

"Like what?" Aqil took a seat on the couch next to her.

"Well, growing up, since we were teenagers since we were taken to the quartine zone, I didn't care. Just lived every day like it was my last like nothing mattered. But now that I have you, now our baby girl is on the way, I have things to live for. I'm…no longer dust in the wind."

Aqil smiled, placing his hand on top of her and squeezing. "You'll never have to feel that way again."


And that's all, folks. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, feel free to let me know. Also if you have any comments or anything, that works too. I have another story that comes after this, but for now I'm focusing on the other stories I'm currently working on, but I may get to writing it someday.

Anyways, thank you for reading and again, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day! <3