Chapter 11

Dagger's POV


The sun was just starting to set when we started wrapping up for the day. Everyone had given me an even wider berth after lunch. Luckily, the bathroom was the next thing on the demo list. So, kudos to me for using my pent-up irritation and sexual tension for something productive. But how long before it became unproductive?

As I tossed my work belt up into the bed of the pickup, I was once again stopped by Cal. He rested his hand on my shoulder, just like he'd done earlier in the day. A fatherly smile crossed Cal's face, and I knew he meant to give me more advice.

"About what I said earlier...admitting you have a problem is usually the first step to fixing it. AA or NA is a good place to start that journey." Cal patted my shoulder.

Oh, I have a problem alright. Just not the kind that AA or NA was going to help with.

Leaning against the pickup, I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at Cal's hand until he moved it. Then I turned my glare on him, grinding out, "And what problem do I have, Cal?"

"Come on, kid. Don't be like this." Cal frowned, shaking his head. "You miss almost every Monday, and you barely show up during the rest of the week. I keep you on because you're a good worker when you're here...but that's the problem. When you're here. I can't keep telling my guys that you called in some family emergency or something.

"We all know it's either drugs or alcohol. And there's nothing to be ashamed of. Not at all. But, you gotta get help, kid." Cal looked genuinely concerned for me. That made sense, considering I'd worked for him basically for the same amount of time as I lived with Benny. Give or take a year.

"Do I look like someone who's using, Cal?" I stared Cal down, enjoying the way he shifted uncomfortably.

"Well, no. But it's the pattern that says otherwise." Cal went into his pocket and dug out a business card, offering it to me. "Look, just think about it, alright? They're good people."

Seeing as I really didn't have a choice, I took the card and pushed off my pickup. "Fine."

"Thanks, kid. Have a good night. We'll see you tomorrow."

I didn't even bother answering, just got into the pickup and sped off. Turning up the music so I couldn't hear the engine, I headed back to the cabin. The only good part about where we were working right now was at the base of the mountain, so it was less of a drive. Only fifteen minutes less, but I guessed forty-five minutes was better than a full hour.

Still longer than I wanted to be driving, though. I needed to run. My wolf needed to run.

So, as soon as I parked in front of the cabin, I got out and shifted, shredding all of my clothes. Not ideal, I'd admit it, but I wasn't exactly in the mood to go through the hassle of stripping down. It was just easier.

Where are we going? Conri's thoughts nearly made me run straight into a tree.

Why the fuck can I hear you? I was at a complete stop, looking for where he was.

I left Bane's pack officially today. Isn't that awesome? A lean, rusty-colored wolf burst through the brush to my left. His tongue lolled out happily.

Awesome. Hey, can you control your mate, please? I just fucked things up with Serenity and I'm pretty sure it's partially Nat's fault.

Her name is Natalie. And no can do, buckaroo. She's her own woman. I'm just the pussy-whipped fucker waiting for her to let me mark her.

Great. What use are you to me then? I took off further into the woods, Conri on my heels as I did.

Didn't realize you wanted me to be of use to you. Thought we weren't a pack. Conri's thoughts were smug, just like he always was.

We aren't.

Benny thinks we are. He's talking about having you build me an add-on as a room. Oh, hey, when you do that, can you make sure to soundproof it? Natalie's a bit of a screamer.

Do you think with anything other than your dick? That was kind of the pot calling the kettle black at the moment, all things considered.

I didn't hear a no.


Alright, Mr. Grumpy-Ass. Sweet silence fell between us for a second before Conri was thinking the next pain-in-the-ass thing. Oh! Did you hear about the Frostclaw and that other human? Macie...? I think that's her name.

Why would I have heard about the Frostclaw and Macie?

I dunno. Don't you and your mate talk?

Not about others, I guess.

He marked her! So there's hope for the rest of us. Except...he got kicked out of his pack. So that's a fuckin' bummer. Guess Bane isn't the only one with a human prejudice.

Frostclaws rarely exiled their own. They were almost as tightly knit as the Timberpaws, so the offense had to have been serious. Having a human mate—something none of us could control—seemed like the last thing someone should've been exiled for. But more than that, if other packs held this prejudice against humans, it meant more danger for our human mates.

That's what I was thinking. Conri's affirmation wasn't what I wanted.

We can't make a pack without the Elder Council's blessing. And they'll never accept me as alpha.

So I'll be alpha. Conri was joking, but still. It was a shitty joke.

Abso-fucking-lutely not.

So you ask nicely to be alpha.

Also, fuck no.

You're the only one with the balls to take on the Elder Council, and you're telling me you're afraid to do it now that you have a mate? I say we find that Frostclaw guy, get him to join us at Benny's cabin—

You really think Benny is okay with his cabin being turned into a pack lair?

Well, considering we don't have many options, yes. Yes, I think Benny's completely fine with the die.

Benny's thoughts broke into Conri's and mine. What idea am I completely fine with?

Dagger is forming a pack. Your cabin is the lair. Conri moved over to my left flank so that Benny could run at my right.

Oh ho ho, is he now?

No, I am not. This was definitely not the exercise I needed. Actually, what I needed was to be balls deep in my mate, marking her. That was the exercise I needed.

Hey man, we're sharing a brain right now. Keep it PG. Conri was cackling in his mind as if he wasn't just thinking about his mate the same way. Except, he actually had slept with his mate, so his thoughts were even worse.

So the pack idea. Is it because of the Frostclaw? Benny chimed in.

More or less. Conri started to explain everything more in-depth, but I wasn't able to focus.

Between the thoughts of Serenity and the decision to make a pack, my brain was swimming. Cutting the connection between myself and both of them, I took off so they couldn't catch up with me. I just needed to be alone.

It was when I hit the Canadian border that I decided to head home. I was exhausted, and a still mostly full moon was high in the sky. Seemed as good a time as any to head back, considering I still needed to get some sleep before going to work tomorrow.

The birds were starting to wake up when I got back to the cabin. Benny and Conri's snores were loud enough to wake the dead. But at least they were asleep. Shifting forms, I snatched my phone up from the remnants of my clothes from earlier. Mud squished between my toes as I headed into the cabin.

No one stirred as I walked up the stairs, and definitely not when I took a shower to wash off the day. Which I was grateful for. The last thing I needed was another bombardment from my roommates.

After my shower, I headed to my room and collapsed on the bed, not even bothering with clothes. Well, this could work...maybe I'd just work myself into complete exhaustion so I don't think about—

A chime from my phone piqued what little curiosity I had energy for. Grabbing it from where I'd set it on the nightstand, I realized this was the first time I was checking it since getting off work. And I felt like an absolute dick for not checking sooner.

S: I just read through the conversation Nat and Macie had with you. It was pretty funny. I appreciate you being willing to wait because I am DEFINITELY not ready for any of that. I'd rather just get to know you first. Even though Macie and Nat think I'm being a "prude." Sent at 5:32 P.M.

S: You're really almost 29? Sent at 5:53 P.M.

S: Also, I have more questions to ask you this weekend. Sent at 6:01 P.M.

S: Oh! I didn't even think about it, but you're probably still working, aren't you? Sent at 6:05 P.M.

S: Good morning :) Sent Just Now.

Glancing at the clock, I realized I actually didn't have any time to sleep. Not if I wanted to avoid another AA/NA meeting talk with Cal. So, I sent a piss-poor excuse of an apology to Serenity before crawling my ass back out of bed to get dressed for the day that just didn't seem to end. I needed to find some kind of balance if I was going to survive these next two months.
