2. The Clouds Without Rain

Next Day Solace came at office , and began to work today she took all the appointments earlier by evening..

Is when she was intrigued by , a case of melon..

Melon : If I did not killed him, we would have been ruined..

Solace : Did that not ruined you now ?

Melon : No , Instead I am at peace because I am free , I can walk into the street with whatever I am , I can manage the home now..I am can do anything now..

Solace eyes were filled with tears as it triggered one of her grieving past happened pretty recently..

Solace : Can I have this bouquet ? That one is..how much ?.. Thanks..

She went to her dad's grave , placing the bouquet she shed her guilt and..

Solace : I am sorry , I.....a..m Sorry..( she was crying her heart out along with the raindrops )

When she came back to home , Katie hugged her..

After which she had her dinner..

Solace : Did someone called ?

Katie : No , They didn't..

Warren looking at her mom , smiles and gives her dinner..

Warren : Mom , Why don't you get married again ?

Alexa : Because I don't miss your dad , I can see him everywhere when I go his voice is still in the air I can feel it that he did not left us..

Warren : But mom , you know how he was ?

Alexa : "You cannot hate someone is dead , warren trust me I am happy alone"

Warren : Grace mark those words for m..( remembers solace )

Solace : ( Calls him ) Hello , I am sorry to disturb you but it's important I had a case..which is not letting me sleep would you help me ?

Warren : ( Gets up and sits over his bed ) Yes sure ,

Solace : She killed , but she does not regrets it neither does she fear anything so what take would be yours in such a case..?

Warren : Mm.. isn't this too short as an evidence to point out statements..I think we should investigate further in terms of situation and especially I wish to meet her in person..

Solace : Fair enough ,

Warren : I'll inform Stella ,

Solace : Why ? It's 1 at midnight..

Warren : ( Curious ) So ? What's wrong in that ?

Solace : I mean , I am saying..ma..I was saying I will call her..( Hangs the phone )

Warren smiles , as next day she wakes up and goes to office..

Solace : Excuse me , if you have done flirting can we have our meeting ?

Warren : I..I was just talking to her..

Solace : Whatever ,

Warren : ( Pulls her by her arm ankle ) Enough ,

Looking into her teary eyes , his fiery eyes melted that he closed his and turns..

Solace leaves , There was a awkward look in between them as if both are complaining about different things but make it through the day..

The Next Day ,

Melon : Hello ,

Solace : Hello , So Are you ready for the trial at the court today ?

Melon : Yes , But will I be hanged to die..?

Solace : Melon , You know what making crime for any damn reason won't change that it was a crime I will try my best not to prove your innocence but to prove your reaction to your situation..

Stella : Ma'am , Shall we ?

Solace : Let's go ,

Warren : I will drive ,

Solace : Why it is my car ? am I broken dead or handicapped to drive it ?

Warren : ( Smirks ) Fine , You are a slow driver and I might die in such boring ride..

Solace : Really ?

Stella : Guys I am going to drive we will get late like this..

As they reached to the court..

The trial begins (;

Solace : Hear I Would like to call my client miss melon to present herself honestly Infront of the court..

Melon : I , I am melon I am a drugist since I was sixteen is when I met him and got married.. intially we were having a great time but slow does I got to know that he is..

Remembers How he hit her , and she slept in the morning she came to know that she was bleeding..

Melon : ...( Wiping her tears that were continues to flow ) I , was abused , raped physically and mentally and we got two daughters which made him more upset.....as they were not a money making machine.....so I comprised and lived in such traumatic and sabotaging situation is when.....my daughters left the country for their studies.. and he used the chance to kill me with a knife on my back but moved off and he stabbed himself at his neck....

Judge : Okay , you shall may take a seat miss lawayer do you any evidence..

Solace : I think , Things were pretty clear she was homeless to go for any kind help these are few recordings of their neighbors and child's as an evidence.....

Judge : After witnessing the evidence I close this case on the note of an accident and I respectfully allow miss melon to be free of any further allegations or formalities the court is adjourned !

Warren was shocked , that he was resilient is when everyone left the office he came to her..

Warren : Why did you lied ?

Solace : Lied ? about what..

Warren : About Melon , She stabbed him knowing he was asleep..

Solace : ( Ties her hair ) So ?

Warren : So ? You cannot make justice based upon a lie ?

Solace : ( Bangs her bag at the table that hair gets opened ) What is a lie ? huh That he didn't abused her ? where is the justice for that ? ( Holds her head ) If I was her I would have stabbed on his face straight away get that ? and yes don't teach me what is right and what is wrong.. I am not responsible to even respond to you..

Warren : You left a criminal out there..

Melon was sent to the hospital as per solace's instructions to the doctor..

Solace : Her husband died , Already When he Was asleep he did not wake up she just pushed him aggressively and she believed he is dead and yes she digged a grave for him all by her own hands and cried over entire night is what the neighbors saw and said..and the reports also speaks for her..

Warren : But you said she murdered him ?

Solace : She did had a plan to murder him , but she failed to do..

Warren : And you think it would be right to leave her all alone free for having such intention ?

Solace : Warren please end this thing I hate explaining for things that I believe I did it correctly and even is she would have killed her I would have saved her..not because she is woman and I pity but because she is a human not anything that deserves to be assaulted or abused mentally or physically.. you men's are worthless..

Leaves , but kind off her words stayed with him that he called Katie and met her..

Warren : I think I fell in love with a wrong girl ,

Katie : ( Sipping her tea ) What ? Because of a case you have such a conclusion about her ? Okay Remember , when you saw her crying you came and hugged me crying harder then her..just because you were not able to help her with her grief..

Warren : ( Holds his head and breaths ) I don't know what I am feeling for her right now..

Solace was at her home , trying to sleep that all of sudden her eyes were getting filled with tears..

Solace : "Is this agony or beauty that I am alone so alone with myself'

Finally her tears made her sleep and she slept for hours..

Katie : Yes , you should ask sorry not because of any right and wrong but because you respect and trust that whatever she does is not any harm to anyone..that's how I believe in her..( Gives phone )

Warren tries , to call but hangs up on his own while kat had a deadly stare due to which he kept calling her she was not picking up..

Kat called her but , is when they had a doubt and

Katie : Excuse me , can make an urgent call please ?

The Barista : Sure ,

Katie : She is not picking up , I think we should run from now..

Warren was so worried that his eyes were getting blurry with his sweating forehead..

As they reached , Katie had the keys she opens the door and checked around..

Solace : ( Yawns and wakes up hearing noise ) Who is that ? ( Opens before Warren was about to knock )

Warren was gulping hos fears down , as he saw her fine he was wanting to hug her but he turns and..

Katie : Solace , What happened ?

Solace : Nothing , ( Yawning ) I was sleeping , my head was hurting hearing the noise so I woke up..

Warren : Can , I use the restroom ?

Solace : .....What makes you ask for it ? you can use it I mean..( As he went ) What's with him ?

Katie : Oh , Innocent girl as if you don't know or know to just to don't know..

Solace : What a bad pitch taunt kat ; how was your trip ? is he running away again this time ?

Katie : No , He won't I striked him upon something that he will never turn his back over me..

Warren : I shall leave ,

Solace : Wait , Umm Can you please make that cold coffee you made at my birthday morning ? if you remember ?

Katie : Of course he does why would someone on the earth will forget a bad tasting coffee..

Warren & Solace : Shut up kat..

Katie : I am not going to drink anyways..I am fine with a glass of water..

Warren : I will make it only for you..( Leaves )

Solace : Uh..( Looks at Katie she turns her head away )

Katie : Here is it , ( Snacks )

Solace : Shall we watch a movie together ?

Katie : Why not ? Warren Come sit there..

Solace shifts as he sits ,

They started watching movie but Katie fell asleep that..

Warren : ..Um Solace , I am sorry for everything yesterday I was..

Solace : It's okay Warren , we are friends and colleagues we can have arguments that talks problems not nonsense by the way..

Warren : ( Giggles ) Still , I judged you alot for maybe something you are not for real..

Solace lost in his genuine eyes that was trying to speak more than a spark is when the light went down..

Solace turns away wiping her tears , Katie wakes up walks with solace for a sleep..

Solace was not able to sleep as she already had sleeped for the entire day..

She came out with a candle , and a bedsheet for warren she kept it but she thought she should put on him as she does the lights came and he was awake..

Warren : Mm.. Thank You Mom..

Solace steps back before she fell on her bump and it hurted quite hard..

When she came back she saw Katie on floor , she was about to laugh but later she made her sleep on the bed and hugged her so she doesn't fall again..