6.Amidst Of Chaos

Katie : What's wrong with you guys ?

Solace : ( Gets up ) he is drunk so.. Anyways good night I am tired..

Katie : But , ( Warren pinches her hand ) Ouch..

Solace was done she leaves and removed her coat and bumped her head straight into the bed..

Next Day , Solace made breakfast ready while having one she was on the call..

Solace : No need to arrest her , I need to have a word for.. evidence purposes so yes..

Katie : ( Hugs her from back ) Thanks..

She keeps the call and turns ,

Warren : What was that ?

Solace : Nothing , I will deal with it..

Warren : What a wrong thought you have to assume that men can't do anything ,

Solace : You are asking for an argument now ,

Warren : Maybe , but that does not answer my question..

Solace : Fine , I am giving you a chance melon is found and she claims you to be her lover because you helped her to heal now she gets her treatment started only after you proposing her to marry you..sounds great right ? Anyways your chance is "Without giving her what she wants save her from herself"

Warren : I will , anyways if I didn't did you planned out to kill her ?

Solace : Of course , Not But if she tries to kill herself I am not going to stop her either..see you at your wedding venue..

Katie giggles and gulps quicker as he saw her with anger..

Warren was thinking all the way while driving that what could bring solution for this..

He reached to meet her personally , she hugged him and he stood slient..

Warren : Melon , Sit..Can I ask you something ?

Melon : Oh..these eyes..wish I could stare endlessly through this..

Warren : Sure , You can but you know I don't love you I mean you love me is your thing but I don't..

Melon : Why ? because I am aging ? or maybe you also believe that I killed my husband.. don't you ?

or my daughters I can handle them they won't even speak a word against you..

Warren : No , No ( Smirks ) all these are not my concern my only concern is "Keeps her hair behind her , that I want to see if what can you do for me "

Melon : Even if it is just for night , I am not scarer for such scars that I have been carrying..

Warren : "No , I am not a man if I only see woman as something sexy but I am man who asks for bravery , here give me your life I want to see if you dare to give me your life so I can do anything with it"..

Melon acts to be fainted , warren smiled and came out..

Solace was talking on phone , he whispered in her empty ear..

Warren : "I did it , She won't even dare to think about me" ( Winks and leaves )

Solace : What ? Sorry I w..as.i was..zoned out I will call you later..

Checks melon , she was taking rest doctors assumed that this is the right time to diagnose her....

Solace gave permission and with her concern they started her treatment..

She came out and kept walking tired removing her coat and searching for lazy cafe to sit around..

After she found she spent her time alone with cold coffee with a chocolate crisp..

Thinking About someone , who is lately being brave to come up on her face from talking to debating to getting involved in her thoughts..

Waiter : Ma'am , Another coffee..

Solace : Thanks ,

She was feeling light today , as if she was unburdened from the weight of life has in for her which she used to seal without a smile now she does feel..

To smile , at the kid sitting opposite to her..

It made her day !

Alexa : Are you sure she won't interfere in your life ?

Warren : She is mom , she is trying her best to get me talked but thanks to sol she saved me quite at times with her..

Alexa : Oh , Your girlfriend..

Warren was drinking constantly to avoid the talk..

Alexa : Ahh At least you stopped denying your feelings anyways I was telling you about our expansion and you may need to move out of the town for the meeting..

Warren : Sure mom , I will you just tell me when and where to leave..

Katie : Trip ? Hey aunt can I go with him ?

Alexa : Of course my darling , you can day after tomorrow you have to leave I'll vsend you the address..

Warren : Okay mom , bye see you..

Solace came and she smiled at both and went inside..

Katie : Did you just saw her smiling ?

Warren nods he was knocking but she was getting freshen up..

As she came out in her comfy clothes , and jumps into the bed and continues to stretch and smoothly falls asleep..

After she opens the door ,

Solace : Warren , ( Holds his back as he was about to fall asleep )

Warren : ( Gets up and yawns ) Did you sleep well ?

Solace was amazed that someone , someone for the very first of the time in her life hass been waiting for her..

Katie : Guys , It's been a while since we had party and guess what ?

Solace Sighs and closes her eyes walking towards the sofa..

Warren : You invited people ?

Katie : Sorry ? You expect animals at party ? don't worry after two shots every human becomes that..

Warren : Very Funny ,

Solace : Katie , What should I wear for the party ? I don't think I have clothes..

Katie : Oh my goodness , you are interested in my party ? great now listen I have an amazing dress for you..

Solace was in doubt , when she showed her it was a burgundy bodycon one piece..

Katie : You will look sizzling in this ;

Warren : Guys , the guests are here already..

Solace : Sizzling ? this is too fancy for someone like me..

Katie : ( Comes in front of the cupboard ) don't you dare to wear black..

Solace : You go attend the guests I will be there in 5 minutes..

Katie : Who are you looking for ?

Warren : Where is she ? is she upset ? or did you made her angry ? wait let me check..

Max : Hey , Guys is this how you host a party ?

Warren : One day I am going to kill your boyfriend for serious..

Katie : I am sorry , I am going down..

Solace was getting ready , in a black long gown with silver lining neck and open cut from thigh..

Ema : Won't you welcome me ?

Max : Hey ema , look at miss gorgeous..

Katie : I think the day is here ,

Warren : Umm ?

Katie : I am going to kill him , ( takes the knife with her warren follows her )

While the guests were admiring , "What a wonder , their eyes were amazed how could ba brown girl look smart and sexy at the same time..

Solace was walking towards warren. he was coughing constantly that she touched his chest , he was stunned into her eyes to even speak..

Katie : Wowww , I did not expected that you in this black..by the way your complimenting him ,

As she was sliding her hand back he held it , and whispers in her ears..

Warren : "Nice , I am impressed "

Solace : ( smiled ) It's not for you , that's how dress when I am happy..

Katie : I think you guys should pose for a picture..

Ema : Whatever , ( Leaves with a guys to dance )

She was standing with her back showing the backless pose , while he held her closely by her waist..

Katie : One , ( she held his shirt ) Two ( He smirked ) Three ( They had a stare of seconds )

Katie : Oh My God look at this how sexy you guys look together..

Max : Kat , Come we should dance and party hard..

Solace sat down by the sofa , and was enjoying her food and company alone..

Where Warren was having conversations with people and a glass full of wine ,

His stare was arousing peace to him amidst of the chaos , as solace was making expressions for everything she tasted as if a queen judging..

And having fun on her own..