Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Two. Man To Man

Betty was furious with Eddie as he blew her off one more time. They were supposed to be going out to a wine tasting but he came home, full of excuses of a mugging and wanted to stay in. She had almost broken up with him but the thick black bruise over his shoulder, where he claimed the mugger twisted his arm, saved him and for one last time, she gave in and after grabbing her purse, left.

Eddie shook his head, he hated lying to her. The bruise was from the water cascading down the building and right now he only had one thing on his mind,

Finding that bastard Venom and kicking his ass.

Finding Venom was easy enough, you just swung about Hell's Kitchen long enough and listened for the screams. They were different from the normal ones. Muggings called for help, muggers called for mommy when Venom was involved, and as Spider-Man crested the top of a building he found his man.

Venom was manhandling another victim, blood leaked from a broken nose and the man's glassy eyes hinted that he might even have a concussion. As usual, whoever he had saved had just run off, either grateful for the save or simply too terrified of Venom to hang around. Looking around he must have spotted something and grabbing him by the scruff of the neck he lifted him up and stuffed him into a trash can, webbing him into it.

Spider-Man watched as the man lifted a wad of cash and it somehow folded into his skin as if his costume was more than just fabric. Shaking his head, the water must have addled his brain. He webbed his camera to the building, made sure he got a good angle and hit the Bluetooth remote in his packet. He wanted this on film. If he was going to show people exactly who Venom was, he needed proof.

Before he could swing away Venom caught the movement of air and looking up he saw the red and blue idiot swinging down to greet him, great he thought

"Venom, we need to talk. You helped Sandman escape, and you need to answer for that."

Venom shrugged, "if you knew then you were there, don't remember you helping take out the bad guy Spider-Man, or what? Did you wait until I left and took your victory snap then?"

Venom heard Spider-Mans heart rate increase and he chuckled to himself, that was exactly it,

"So, you made that mess huh? What? Wanted the glory without the effort? Taking credit for my actions is bad. Didn't you lecture me on being more honest Spider-Man? Seems you need to take your own advice."

"You left a criminal webbed to the roof of a building. He escaped and my involvement doesn't matter. What matters is you left him there. Who knows what damage he could have done? he admitted to destroying that diner, what if he did that again, or do you not care?"

Venom clenched his fist, "You don't get to lecture me Spider-Man. Don't think I don't know you follow me around. Don't think I have seen the pictures that only you can take. Of me, and Black Cat. Didn't I tell you to stay away from me, or you'd regret it? Eddie."

As his heart started to pound in his chest Spider-Man knew Venom wasn't kidding around, and as Venom heard the thumping and the increased sweat and adrenaline coming off Spider-Man, he'd scored a direct hit. Eddie Brock, fucking reporters, he cursed in his mind.

"Stay away from me, and stay away from Black Cat as well, If I see one more picture of her ass in the paper and some bullshit headline about her, it won't be a conversation you'll enjoy."

Venom raised a hand and as the web line shot out and snagged the top of a building, Spider-Man made his choice.

Roaring he sent out his own line and pulled, dragging Venom down towards him and as he fell he swung out, catching him in the gut. "No more Venom, tonight you face me, and then prison. You're a menace, and one that needs to be stopped."

As Venom recoiled from the punch, Spider-Man sent another into the right side of his face and then another into his gut. It wasn't until Venom stepped back to avoid a second left and grabbed his wrist that Spider-Man realised he wasn't as hurt as he hoped.

"Childish," and Venom bodychecked Spider-Man and then as he fell back slammed his own fist into his stomach. Spider-Man had never been hit that hard before and bile and vomit rose in his throat. Pulling him back again Venom headbutted him and as Spider-Man fell back, let him go, shot out a web from both wrists, and once the webbing connected to his chest swung him up and then back down, slamming him into the pavement.

"You asked for this Spider-Man. We were happy to leave things alone, but you interfered." and as Spider-Man lay on the ground Venom raised a foot and slammed it down.

Narrowly avoiding it, Spider-Man rolled across the ground, shooting out a web line and catching Venom on the ankle. As it caught him off balance he slammed the foot down and braced himself, a long thin blade slid out of Venom's hand and he slashed down, cutting the line.

"We will fight you Spider-Man, but," and he shook his head, "you are weak, like a child," and Venom sighed. "When we started, we were like you, so full of ourselves and we were hurt. Train, Spider-Man. Train or this will never end well for you."

Spider-Man picked himself up, shakily standing in front of Venom, "I, I can't let you go," and Venom shook his head. Before he could react Venom grabbed him around the throat, laying punch after punch into his stomach, Eddie felt his ribs cave and he struggled helplessly against the much stronger man.

"A reminder," and Venom made a small blade, no bigger than a finger and he stabbed it into Eddie's shoulder, before breaking it off. "Stay away from us." and dropping him, sent out another line and leapt off into the New York skyline.

Eddie lay panting, his breathing was short and hard, even his enhanced physique was finding it difficult to deal with the damage dealt by Venom. Slowly and carefully he climbed the building, retrieved his camera and made his way home, too sore to swing, too tired to run, each step was torture on broken ribs and burning shoulder. He cried out as he pulled the blade free and stared at it. He wasn't good enough, Sandman and then Venom, both played him like an idiot, and he let them.

As he climbed the last fire escape and opened his window, he fell into his apartment and collapsed on the floor, uncaring about the mess, and as the light turned on even the moments of panic faded, replaced by pain from his chest.

"Shit Eddie," Betty shouted, "Eddie?" and as she came over, he barely had the strength to lift himself off the floor. "Well, either you've got the weirdest fetish ever, or you're Spider-Man. Either way, you've got a lot of explaining to do."

Eddie was in too much pain to care, and as Betty stared, "Uh Eddie?" and she came over. "Shit, is that blood? Oh shit Eddie," as she lifted her phone and began to dial 911, he knocked it from her hand,

"Can't. Please," and instead she lifted his mask. Underneath his face was a mess of bruises, a burst lip bubbled with blood, and his eye was already starting st swell shut,

"Well, at least I know why the wine mixer was cancelled," and as he tried to laugh he winced. "Come on," and she tore the costume from him, "let's clean you up, and then if you can, talk."

With great effort she half dragged, half carried him to his shower and after dumping him in, stripping off the bottom of his costume and his boots she turned on the water, letting it soak him. Looking in the small medicine cabinet she found a bottle of iodine and some cotton swabs and not as gently as she could have, cleaned the knife wound on his shoulder.

Able to stand and walk, and wrapped in just a towel she helped him back through to the living room and stood as she dumped him on the couch.

"Make it good or I walk and tomorrow you have a new job as a superhero celebrity while I get a raise."

"I'm Spider-Man," and she rolled her eyes, "I was bitten about 5 months ago," and as he explained, not just about his own powers but about Venom and Black Cat, Betty paced back and forth, holding the anger on her face inside until he finished,

"And then tonight I confronted him, and well, he kicked the crap outta me."

Betty crossed her arms, stared for a moment and then headed into the kitchen, putting on the coffee pot and filling it.

"He's right, you are an idiot." and Eddie was too sore to complain, "You attacked someone, on your own, with no training and no backup? I honestly thought you were smarter than that Eddie." and as she made them both coffee she was about to lift the cups when she reached under the cabinet and pulled out a quarter bottle, pouring a decent amount into both cups.

Eddie didn't complain as the Irish coffee burned on the way down, the alcohol a glad addition, "so?" and he glanced over at her.

"Well, first, healing, some proper first aid kits and sleep, then Mr 'I'm Spider-Man' you owe me at least 10 dates, and we are going on them all. You're paying and then sex after, Mr 'I've got boundless stamina cause I'm a superhero' will damn well make sure it's good as well, and then you stupid shit," and she finally broke, "and then," she took a breath and wiped the tears from her face. "You train, you get a teacher and you learn and you don't do something as stupid as taking on that monster yourself." and Eddie leaned over the best he could and rubbed a hand on her leg, "oh and if you didn't get footage, then you're sleeping, alone for a week." and Eddie held his stomach as he tried not to laugh.

"In there," he pointed to the onesie pants she had cut free, and as she sat and watched the video footage of what could be called a beating and not a fight her face contorted through various emotions.

"He knows who you are?" Eddie nodded, he had tied the mic to a Bluetooth headset he wore, in case a criminal decided to confess, and the video had recorded their entire conversation. "So he's smart, and what this about Black Cats ass?" and as he tried not to look guilty, "where's the rest?" and sighing Eddie pointed to a drawer with USB drives in it. "I'll be taking these and if, and I mean that, if any of these are less than suitable, you will be in trouble mister."

Eddie tried not to laugh, Betty was taking this a lot better than he thought and as she flicked through her phone, "there's a cheap gym not too far from here, lessons aren't too expensive and oh, a boxing champion trained there, Fogwells. Bit scruffy but considering," and she gave Eddie a look and he rubbed a hand over his stubbly face, which he regretted as it stung.

"I know, I know," but Betty looked sternly at him,

"Eddie, please. You can't lie to me, not after all this, is there anything else?" but Eddie shook his head, "If there is, it's over, you know that right?"

"Betty, you're the most important thing that's ever happened to me, and I swear, there isn't anything, I'm Spider-Man, that's it, you know everything else." and he held his hand over his heart,

"You know a smart man would have used that as an opportunity to suck up to me, but, I guess that's not you huh?" and as she laughed, Eddie felt a warmth spreading through him, a sense of peace that a problem shared was a problem solved.