Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Four. Showdown

The police had coordinated with the various drug and gang enforcement departments in the New York area. Venom was taking down specific locations, it seemed random but it was an identifiable pattern. He had been hitting the worst places, starting in Hell's Kitchen and working outwards. Witnesses were also reporting that he had a partner, another enhanced with similar powers to him, super strong super fast and it was decided for their first assignment that the Enhanced Task Force would be on standby. Each identifiable target would be watched and if Venom and the new Enhanced showed that a rapid deployment strategy would be used.

For the NYPD the wait was only a week after two places were hit. Reports came from a new location, a well-known whorehouse catering to a rich and powerful clientele. Captain, then just detective, Stacy had raided it years ago only to receive a slap on the wrist and phone call from, not just the mayor, but a few senators as well. Clients were bailed and charges dropped. It was the one aspect of the job Stacy hated more than anything, the rich playing hard and fast with the justice system but being just a police captain he was powerless. Surprisingly, if anyone knew, George was happy Venom had hit those two places, he hated the games the rich and powerful played, and when he heard the same senator who called him was found, beaten and bloody, he rejoiced.

As the call came in the three taskforce members were sitting in a van, the music suddenly cutting out and as the tires screeched, they sped off to apprehend their targets.

Venom and Huntress were making merry in the brothel, they had saved a few girls who were broken and bruised, their clients already in much the same way. Venom gave no shits if your daddy was a senator and one young man, in particular, would never piss from anything more than a bag for the rest of his life after Venom found what he was doing.

Wiping the blood from his hands he strained, "Huntress, we've got company," and the pair were alerted to a lot of police suddenly arriving, their enhanced hearing picking up the incoming noise.

"Who ordered sirens?" yelled John through his mic, with the element of surprise gone, both Spider-Man and Agent Web had shot web lines and swung up onto the rooftops. If previous scenes were anything to go by they would need to be up high.

Venom and Huntress made their normal escape, up through the building and out of a top floor window but both found a surprise waiting for them.

Flash had wanted to take on Venom, he'd insisted and as Huntress climbed out onto the roof Spider-man was waiting for her. "Now now, She-Venom, this doesn't need to be violent, just drop the bag and surrender."

"Are you shitting me? She-Venom? you know how insulting that is?" and Huntress fired off two taser webs, making Spider-man duck under them, "We are Huntress, and we never surrender to prey." Huntress threw the bag onto the roof and webbed it down before turning to Spider-Man and hissing at him.

He shrugged. "Never let it be said I'd hit a lady," and Huntress pounced, claws drawn.

Flash didn't care what Brock was doing, he just wanted to take a swing at Venom and as he watched the pair fight. "You and me Venom, it's just you and me." Flash let the symbskin armour peel back from his face, "So, you gonna run and hide again Puker? Wasn't that what you always did when me and the boys came for you?"

Venom snorted, "always the same, pathetic then, pathetic now," and Flash roared and swung for Venom who took a hit in the side of his ribs, the blow felt like a truck had hit him and Flash followed it with a blow to his chin, then a right thudded into his other side,

Flash backed away, "hah, you ain't shit Venom. You can't fight for shit, you're nothing," and he advanced again holding his hands up protecting his face, letting his symbskin flow back over him.

Spider-man was having a worse time of it. Huntress was faster than he was and it was only his enhanced senses that were saving him. The task Force had given him a new suit, nano kevlar weave but her claws had sliced through it like it was butter and the black spider design on his chest was split in four, blood dripping down his front. He had scored a few good hits on her as well but she shrugged them off, had they made a mistake the real threat was her. "S1, unknown is now P1, repeat, unknown is P1." and a round pinged off the tiles where they were fighting. S2, or Slayer 2, John's code name switched targets and had targeted the woman. He had guessed wrong that Venom was the stronger of the two, and as he took a quick glance it seemed that Flash was more than enough to take him on, and hopefully, he was enough to deal with her.

His enhanced scenes were working overtime as she swung and clawed at him. He had taken Betty's advice and started going to the gym, boxing lessons were slow and as a member of the ETF, they had given them a more form of advanced training. Some kind of multi disciple martial arts developed for a middle eastern military. But it wasn't enough, there had been no time to get a lot of training in, and with only Flash and himself enhanced sparring against a normal person often resulted in injuries.

He ducked under another swing and as he brought his own fist to punch her gut she twisted instead and jabbed him in the elbow, trapping it between her thigh and fist. He yelped and pulled back, spraying a web out but once more she simply danced away from it, spraying out her own to catch and neutralise it.

Every time his 'spider-sense' as he'd been calling it went off, she had already struck and moved away. She was toying with him and the longer they fought the more tired he was becoming. Huntress seemed to have boundless stamina but he was discovering his limit fighting her.

"I need help here, she's too much,"

Spider-Man marked her as P1, priority one and after watching Flash punch him like a bag even John wondered if Venom was a dud, powerful enough to take out humans but an Enhanced was wiping the floor with him.

John adjusted his scope and targeted the new enhanced, "S1 be advised shot out in 5, 4, 3,2 and firing," and Huntress felt the impact against the side of her head, knocking her off her feet. The bullet had squashed itself left on her temple but it still hurt and she still screeched as the pain ran riot through her. She clawed at the burning hot round and it tinked to the ground as Spider-Man laid a fist into the other side of her head, sending her tumbling. He rained blow after blow on her face and shoulder, his style sloppy but slowly taking effect. The round stunning her long enough to get the upper hand.

Eddie swore, what the fucking hell is she made of? as he watched the round squash against her head and then she got back up, dazed but fine. He had seen John firing those against kevlar dummies, taking their heads off with a single shot and as he punched her in the few weak spots he had been shown, he figured out that they were way over their heads. As he struck her as hard as he could he saw it was having an effect but unless Flash stopped playing around with Venom, he could still lose.

The whole operation was monitored and at command, they watched Agent Webb thunder blows into Venom, hitting not just his ribs and kidneys but his face and side of the head. Venom seemed slow, sloppy and they wondered if he had any fight training at all, the woman Enhanced was a real threat though. She dodged and weaved and John recognised at least three different styles mixed together, made even more dangerous with her unnatural speed and grace.

"Fight Back!" Flash yelled at Venom, who he had just hit straight on the jaw with a powerful right. Flash had a different opinion from the other two, whatever he threw at Venom, however hard he hit him, Venom took it. He wasn't fighting back because he was weak, he wasn't fighting back because he didn't have to. Flash ripped off his mic, "fight me, Parker, this is all your fault, so fucking fight me, or still chicken shit like normal."

"Flash!" John shouted in his mic as he saw the headset go flying, what the hell was he doing? "S3 is off coms, I repeat S3 is off coms," and John cursed, if they needed to fire then Flash risked being hit as he would have no warning.

"Weak," Venom laughed, "We are not weak" and as Flash thundered a blow into Venom's kidneys, Venom grabbed his wrist before the blow landed. "You are nothing, you yell and are still nothing, we don't care, that is why we don't fight."

"Fuck you, Parker," and Flash brought his left fist over and smashed it against Venoms jaw.

"Pathetic, why? We are not kids, we are not at school, why Flash? Why? Cause we fuck MJ? cause we took her? She left cause you made her, cause you were angry and raged and took it out on her so why?"

Flash took a few steps back, "Why? Your fucking asking me why? This Parker," and the black skin slid back, "It hates you. We hate you, Parker. At the diner, I saved her and she should have loved me. You should have loved it but no, you hurt it, you tortured it and no matter how hard it cried in pain, no matter what it did to get your attention you ignored it and she ignored me. So you want to know why? cause yeah this isn't high school but you still look down on us, you hate us and we hate YOU!" Flash's muscles bulged and as he threw out a punch it connected and Venom went flying back, denting the thick steel air conditioning vent on the roof.

He shook his head, feeling the blow, "Good, you hate us? We don't fucking care. You made my life hell, you want pity? you want revenge? Fuck you!" and Venom leapt, Flash swung out again and Venom ducked under the blow cracking a fist into Flash ribs, grabbed the extended arm and picked him up and smashed him into the rooftop, "You ruined our life and now you complain." Keeping a hold of Flash's arm he put a foot on his chest. As he looked over he saw Huntress stagger, having heard the round John fired, and Spider-Man lay heavy blow after blow into her. He needed to end this quickly and help her.

Venom raised a foot and slammed it into Flash's waist and he felt something pop inside and vomit rise in his throat. He wanted to stand, he wanted to punish Parker for everything but as Venom stomped again and again he couldn't, he had no strength, no way of stopping him. Venom put his foot on Flash's shoulder and pulled, feeling the joint pop, and he let the limb flop to the roof.

Venom leant down his face inches from Flash's, grabbing him by the vest and lifting him up, "you act like you're the victim, like you're the hurt ones and yet you did this, you made us this." Venom headbutted him and Flash saw stars, and then Venom spun and threw Flash off the rooftop, "WE ARE VENOM AND YOU ARE NOTHING!"