Arc Three. Chapter Sixty-Seven. A Display Of Power

It had taken Felicia over two weeks to finally collate and prepare a report on the files that Peter had taken from Alexsi's office. After Peter's little stunt with a microwave, she decided it was time to tell everyone her findings and she'd roped in Gwen and Liv to help in the end as a lot of the science went straight over her head. As each of them tried out the new powers that Felicia and Peter had displayed it became apparent that once again, their powers were evolving past what they thought the symbiotes could do, even if Peter and Felicia seemed to be unique.

While she had done the report, it was left to Gwen to lead the discussion on it. The science was beyond her in a lot of places, so as Gwen stood in front of a whiteboard Felicia, MJ, Liv and Peter all sat waiting patiently.

"Okay, I get I'm giving this presentation but really Fel?" Gwen said. Felicia had dressed her in a tight black pencil skirt, sheer black stockings, a white blouse, no bra, and given her black-rimmed glasses with fake lenses. To top it all off she tied her hair back in a bun.

"Pete loves it," Felicia said, wiggling her ass on his very obvious erection and he just grinned. "but uh, my first crush was Mrs Watson, you know, she taught English" and as Gwen looked down at herself the image of the very busty English teacher came to mind.

Shaking her head "I'll get you back for this," and Fel just bit her lip and nodded, knowing exactly how she would.

Gwen rolled her eyes "Fine, fine. So, a lot of this is junk, scribbles Alexsi made on things I have no idea what he meant, some of the Russian is incomprehensible. The files that Felicia stole were much better but even then I needed Liv to decipher them but," Gwen click on the projector she had Peter set up for her, the normally empty room had been set up with four chairs and a small table for drinks, while a large projector screen and whiteboard was set up on one wall so Gwen could write things down if she needed to. On the screen was a sample of their own DNA and what looked like Peters. With the equipment they had liberated from Liv's old place, Gwen and Liv, more Liv if Gwen was honest, could actually map out and examine Peter's powers in detail.

"First off, Peter, your powers aren't spider-based, or yours Fel. I cross-checked the files on the formula against what was reported in other subjects and there is no connection."

"I knew that, I didn't have webs until Huntress" Fel replied and Gwen stared at her. Felicia mimed zipping her mouth closed and throwing away the key.

"The spiders were a growth medium, the current Oscorp formula needs a biological entity for production and maturation. Spider bite with spider venom doesn't mean spider powers. Comparing the serum you got, to the serum Felicia got, to the ones that there are notes on, they were all different."

"Wait? Felicia wasn't bitten at Oscorp?" Peter titled his head and looked at her, and she shrugged,

"Nope, my dad stole a bottle of formula and I used it. It was feline, Black Cat? no? just realised that now huh?" and Felicia shook her head as Gwen cleared her throat, and Felicia smiled and shrank back down.

"What we do know is that you're a hybrid. The formula, whichever one it was, worked on the symbiote and fused you. Your spider-powers are a result of the symbiotes probable confusion over remnant DNA in your blood at the time, but even then, you said once you didn't manifest webs until you fell off something so it was probably a regressive memory. We know the symbiotes can pass on information through their genes."

"So, your actual powers?" Gwen shrugged as really they were so broad it was hard to pinpoint. "If you have a good idea of the general makeup of a device or machine you can replicate it by using symbiote cells as a building block. Add into that you can instinctively merge and control devices lead me to believe that your powers, uh," and she sighed, "we have no idea what your powers are. Really, you're big, strong, fast but you can take over machines, create different forms of webbing, I mean, are they spider-based because of the bite, or because you think they should be?"

Liv piped up, "I examined the slides Gwen took of your cells and compared to the normal symbiote cells they are really something Peter, but to be honest they look more like stem cells than a separate organism. You're a blank slate, your powers could continually evolve as far you can push them, copying machinery, taking over devices as long as they are suitably advanced. It's just the start, but really, no microwave guns okay?"

Peter huffed, "okay." He was trying to push his powers, the harness sat snuggly against his back, but he didn't wear it outside of hunting. He had wanted to try and make a weapon or something to give him more of an edge, and if he would make limbs why not a gun of some kind.

"So," Gwen continued, "my powers are a copy of yours, but as we all know Poison was damaged when I was hurt, so it's not as great. I can make and combine any kind of liquid chemical, as long as its elements are in my body, independent limbs or tendrils are too much, so thanks Pete,'' and she stuck her tongue out at him, "but, I can make the formula, just only the ones in the notes or whatever you two were exposed to as I uh, sampled it," and Gwen winked at the pair. "My symbiote was weakened as Pete saved me, so her skin is thinner and she's hypersensitive so thanks to that sex is fantastic, if short. Sadly that also means that as armour it's useless, pain is amplified when I'm Poison not dulled as with everyone else. Plus she's a toddler on crack if I eat sugar, so that's out for me at least"

sugar sugar yum yum, Poison echoed in her mind.

"MJ has complete control over her appearance, Muse can transform not just her clothes, hair, eyes but also her physical appearance, as long as it's not a huge difference.


"I was trying to find the limits of my physical changes. Skin colour, hair colour, and eye colour are all easy. Breast size takes time, increasing and reducing my muscles are painful, and bone structure and length is out, way too much strain, but yeah I did, we tried it, so shush or it won't just be Peter who stuffs you," and Felica stuck her tongue out at MJ this time, flicking the ball of webbing back at her.

She wasn't going to admit though that it was a disaster, it had no sensation and was just a copy, a lump of symbskin shaped into something that just looked like one. There was no stimulation, no feeling, and in the end, they wrote it off as a failure. Not that MJ didn't mind, she wasn't entirely sure what to think if she could grow a penis. Annoyingly though Gwen had loved it, and had made puppy eyes at her for future repeats.

"Ahem," Gwen cleared her throat, "and finally Felicia. Like Pete you are unique. Enhanced by formula, she has enhanced senses, increased muscle strength and superhuman stamina, then add in Huntress who gives her armour like Petes. More stamina, more strength, the ability to sense both the low and high frequencies of light, or infrared and ultraviolet to those who don't know, low and high-frequency hearing, and the ability to make a web line like Petes and stick to objects. Did I miss anything?"

"I can make and form weapons, not just claws but larger swords and knives, plus I can uh, solidify them and throw them, but like Pete, there's a limit to how many times I can do it. You think if I eat protein bars it'll help?"

Gwen nodded "Our metabolisms are all super high, I mean, ten larges between us and I can still be hungry an hour later, so sure. I don't know exactly how much it'll help but we need to experiment more."

"Uh, yeah, I can also produce bioelectric shocks and um," Felicia looked a bit guilty. "I can also refract and reflect light around my symbskin, making me change colour or uh, invisible."

Peter shook his head "That's just bullshit," but Felicia laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Peter had tried to recreate a ranged weapon with more than just webbing but so far had failed, even producing heat wasn't an option.

"Again Peter dear, you missed the point, these ladies all gained their powers from you, so why can they do that but you can't? If you have a basic stem cell, a building block that they made into their powers, then you should be able to reverse engineer them. I watched as their symbiotes devoured your cells, they gained strength and power from you, so you should gain strength and power from them." Liv explained, Peter was smart, one of the smartest kids she had met but really, sometimes he was so stupid it hurt.

"But, uh, how? I mean. Wait? Is that why they like uh you know?" and Peter glanced down at his groin.

"Oral sex? Really dear we're all adults here and there isn't much we've not seen of each other, let's be grown-ups shall we." and Liv shook her head in annoyance, but the other three all nodded. "So all you need to do is return the favour, which is something you do anyway but you need the symbiotes material, so suit up girls." and everyone laughed,

Peter just shook his head great, cannibal aliens but he never going to complain about having sex with any of them, symbiotes or not.

"Now onto weaknesses. We did some experiments and while I'm out of the running for any type of fighting both Venom and Huntress share a common weakness, hyperstimulation. The symbiotes heighten everything, emotions, feelings, pain, hormones and senses. It's not a vulnerability to loud noises or electricity, it's just a sensitivity to them. Even though Pete thought he was vulnerable to electricity, once he adapted to it, mild to powerful shocks can be grounded by the symbiotes. Once they are used to them it's the same as our other senses, unless of course your symbiote is a stubborn bitch and refuses to listen."

Gwen was salty, Felicia and MJ could go for hours in bed, but Poison was greedy and flooded Gwen with pleasure signals and endorphins as soon as her first orgasm hit, afterwards leaving her overly sensitive. After one drunken encounter it was so bad she couldn't move, even fingertips brushing over her skin brought another wave of pleasure that screamed into pain.

Poison of course didn't listen, she wanted it now and all at once, even bribing her with cookies didn't work sometimes. She had the attention span of a rock, sleeping most of the time until Gwen ate or did something to stir her and then erupting with childish glee and enthusiasm, overtaxing Gwen's systems.

Thankfully she thought chemistry was boring and Gwen could work in peace but eating, she'd had to switch to salads and decaf to stop the excitable symbiote from making mealtime a disaster.

"And, while I was mad you even tried without testing, we know that Pete is bulletproof." MJ glowered at Peter, who looked guilty and hid behind Felicia. "And with testing," Gwen also glared at him, "We now know we all are, even if Poison is overly sensitive my skin is just as tough, she just whines like a kid about it. So, any questions?"

"Dear, you said you could make the Oscorp formula, then, if I can be blunt. Why are you looking for Curt Conners?" Liv asked. She stared at her coffee cup, knowing the answer beforehand, she just didn't want to hear it.

Gwen sighed, "because while I can make the formulas, I have no idea what effects it will have on you Liv. I never said because I didn't want to make something that could kill you, or make things worse. Plus we also have the option of creating a symbiote to heal you, I mean, if I can get my head smashed then fixing your spine should be easy enough," but Peter shook his head,

"I don't know if I can unless Huntress wa-" but Felicia cut him off,

"She refuses, Liv isn't 'worthy',"

It was Livs turn to sigh, "I know dear, I just, I had to ask is all. But, don't fret, I spent 16 years strapped in one stupid machine, at least with this one," she said as she patted the arm of her wheelchair, "I can eat what I like and have a handsome young man to help bath me," and Liv winked at Peter who grinned and laughed. "I appreciate the offer but, I can't, I just, I, I don't want anything to be in control, not even something like you ladies, it's, I can't" and they could see the panic on Liv's face and Peter turned around and put his hand on her thigh,

"it's fine," he whispered and she patted it smiling sadly.

"So, there isn't much else, we can't really do anything without major medical research, and the files we have seen to be more on Norman's illegal activities, the symbiotes and formula are hardly in there but one last thing," Gwen said, switching off the projector,

"Pete, I love you, I really do, but if you take my kettle apart one more time I will strangle you in your sleep."

To which everyone nodded, Peter looked sheepish "uh, steam gun, you know cause I'm not allowed a microwave gun."

"Wait, is that why my toaster doesn't work?" MJ asked, "you asshole!" MJ began to make more small web balls and pinged them at Peter, who laughing lifting Felicia up and throwing her over his shoulder began to deflect them with her ass, even after she started to slap him on the back, laughing as he spun her around.

As the trio laughed and fooled around Gwen just shook her head and sighed at Liv, "Coffee?" and wheeling her into Gwen's home, leaving the three laughing and playing, knowing full well what it would devolve into.