Arc Three. Chapter Seventy-Four. Hitting Your Target

Venom bit back the agony of the bullet wound. He had never felt pain like this before, even fighting the freaky four at the diner hadn't been as painful as this, and he realised how stupid he had been fighting someone on their terms. Venom had walked blindly into several traps. He had been arrogant and prideful, John and every other fight had been a walkover as he relied on his powers. Bullseye was trained and, more importantly, smart.

As the pain in his chest began to subside the man walked over and grabbed the much larger rifle from its case. As he slid a huge bullet into the chamber and lifted it, "nothing personal kid, you just weren't good enough," he said, almost sadly, as he rested his eye against the scope and aimed.

Venom knew that even with his regenerative powers he wasn't going to survive a blast that powerful at this range, I'm sorry Aunt May, and as he glared a whistling noise interrupted the pair and a three-pronged knife was stuck in the barrel of the rifle.

Venom had no idea what they were called, just that ninjas used them and they reminded him of little pitchforks, but unwilling to let the opportunity slip by, and ignoring the huge pressure of pain coming from his lungs and chest, he lifted himself up and rolled away.

As he rolled across the rooftop, Venom wobbled and then crumpled back down to the edge of the building. The first round had damaged his lungs, and while the damage was healing it wasn't fast enough. It wasn't until another presence entered his senses that he thought he had been saved by Huntress, and made a note to make it up to her later.

A red-clad, and very toned and dangerous-looking woman stalked over the roof towards Bullseye, "Bullseye, you owe me, and I am here to collect." He lifted himself up and sat with his hands resting on his knees,

"Elektra, Elektra, Elektra, I know you want me, but I'm working honey, can you wait till I get home before we do this dance?" and for a moment Venom thought they were together. It wasn't until she screamed at him and stepped forward, swinging a low kick into where his head was that he realised she was here for him, just as Bullseye was here for him.

He rolled backwards and took a small dagger from his belt and began to throw them at her, "Honey, I'm working," he laughed and as he kicked out he scored small but painful-looking slices into her shins.

As she fought Venom just watched, the symbcells were doing their job and he was healing. This woman, in a very tight red outfit, simple red shorts, red boots and a red boob tube, was amazing to watch, and as he stared he clicked his mic,

"Uh Huntress, I'm watching someone fight, Bullseye was uh," and he was hesitant to admit he was hurt, Huntress and the rest would be very angry with not just Bullseye, but Peter as well. Shit, but he needed her help. "Bullseye got the better of me, but now he's fighting someone that fights like you, a woman."

The mic clicked. "You're in deep shit mister. What's she look like? a woman covers half the population dumbass."

"Tall, maybe about your height, long black hair, olive tanned skin, loves red, and has the largest-" but his description was cut short,

"If you say breasts I'm gonna hurt you more, but on my way."

"Knives, I was gonna say knives, she's got those ninja trident things."

He could hear Huntress sigh, "Sai, they're called sai."

As he watched the pair fight it seemed to be an equal standing. She was smaller and quicker, scoring gashes on his armour and forearms but he was equally impressive. Whoever these two were, Venom knew he was woefully underprepared. Thankfully the woman, Elektra, interference meant he could heal the burst lung and avoid getting his head blown off, and as he waited he kept a wary eye on the pair.

"Come on babycakes," Bullseye said as he ducked under a palm strike and landed a blow into her stomach, "I've got a job to do," and as Elektra rolled backwards she threw a few shurikens at Bullseye who dodged back and batted them out the air with the tonfa.

"You killed my father," and he shrugged,

"You know that's the biz baby. Don't like the life, don't fight the fight," and he plucked a star from the wood and threw it back at her.

She batted it away with her sai and raised them both in a stance Peter didn't recognise. Bullseye stood, "look, let me kill this chump first and then we can fight okay, but come on, you're ruining my vibe." and she pointed a sai at him,

"Venom, yes?" and he nodded. "You now owe me your life. I will collect later, for now though." and she struck a pose in her stance pointing both sai at Bullseye, "I will take yours first."

Venom watched the pair dance their deadly ballet. Neither one with the upper hand and neither showing signs of flagging. He now knew what Huntress meant, and what she had been trying to get through to Gwen and MJ. Training was no substitute for experience, and even training wasn't enough if the fight got serious. Bullseye and now Elektra were both trained killers and either one of them could, with enough preparation, be a match for an enhanced or a symbiote if the host was unskilled. Watching them he now knew, he was unskilled and unprepared. He heeded to stop underestimating his foes and concentrate on either making sure they couldn't fight or kill them.

As Huntress crested the wall, finding Venom and touching him gently on the shoulder she looked over his injury, "Shot at point-blank range?" and he nodded,

"Hurts too, he had special ammo, went right through my symbskin and took out a lung. I'm healing but it's not great. If she hadn't saved me I'd probably be dead." and as Huntress raised her head she saw who was fighting.

"Elektra?" she asked, and the symbskin mask slipped from her face as her old friend was busy avoiding blows from Bullseye.

"Felicia?" and as Elektra stopped Bullseye grabbed one of her arms, twisted it and stabbed the sai right into her chest.

"NO!" Felicia yelled and as her mask slipped back over her face she leapt, kicking Bullseye in the chest and separating the two, "no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she repeated over and over and Elektra coughed up blood. The sai was through her chest, up and sticking out below her collar bone. Even an amateur like Felicia knew the wound was fatal, "Pete, god please, Pete save her." and he crawled over,

"I don't know if I can," and she grabbed him, shaking him,

"Save her!" she spat at him, "this is our fault, now fucking do it."

As he laid a hand on her, "I really don't know if I can, I'm healing, and I don't have enough to do that and save her." and she growled at him,

"Fine, we will save her," and as she screamed into the night, Huntress spread over the fallen form of Elektra and as her symbskin covered her, it pulled out the sai, throwing it to one side she cradled her dying friend to her chest as the symbskin retracted. Eletrak lay, blood pooling at her chest and over her lips, "please, please don't die."

Clapping, Bullseye reached over and picked up the large bore hunting rifle, "well, guess that saves me finding you. Three for one sale. Must be my lucky day."

As he took aim, Huntress leant back and the round whizzed past her. Huffing and growling, she laid Elektra down, "we will take revenge for you," and standing, "yeah been there, learned. Now. now we kill you." and Bullseye fired once more, a symbsword grew from Huntresses hand and as she stalked towards him she swished every time he fired, deflecting the bullet.

"Good, good, a challenge." and as he tossed the empty gun to one side he rolled and lifted the rocket launcher he had. He knew they could be tough, but now with one on two, it was time to bring out the big guns.

As he levelled it, Huntress still walked slowly and sending out a web line gummed up the front of the gun. "Stop being a pussy, fight me."

He shrugged, "at least let me get a weapon," and Huntress stopped and nodded.

Laughing he lifted two of the same tonfa weapons and as Venom saw them he sighed "that's-" but Huntress raised a hand,

"Don't care, he won't get a chance to use them," and as she lowered her hand he struck, swinging one and as she sidestepped her blade swished, and as he screamed, his hand landed with a wet thud on the roof. Spinning around him, her sword swished out once more and the other arm, cut cleanly at the elbow, dropped to the ground.

"We are Huntress, and no one touches our mate." and as she knelt, a second sword grew and slashing them both Bullseye found himself staring at the darkening night sky. Sending out two web lines, she covered the stumps of his legs, stopping him from bleeding out.

Huntress huffed into the cool night air. "Tell us who sent you, and we shall make it clean and quick," she held one of her blades across his throat,

"Oh fuck off, I won't tell you that, I mean, what else you gonna do? You cut off my fucking limbs you psycho cunt!" he screamed at her and she sprayed him with enough webbing to make a rope.

"We can do this," and lifting him she hoisted him over to the edge of the building, "now tell us," and as he spat a huge glob of bloody phlegm at her she let go and stepped to one side.

Stepping up to the ledge, she looked over and the mangled bloody remains of Bullseye stared back up at her, a blood-stained grin on his lips. A final act of defiance, but as she knew well enough, she held out a hand and as the symbskin blade slipped out she let it fall. As it pierced his chest he never even moved. His face still stuck, eyes open, grinning at her in some imagined victory.

Shaking her head, "how is she?" and he took a breath,

"Alive, barely. The symbiote is healing her but this isn't like Gwen, she was barely alive, with so much damage she might not make it." and Huntress shook her head.

"Elektra was a fighter, she'll be fine. So what'd you think she'll name herself?" she asked, moving over and sitting next to him. As the sun set, the pair watched and Elektra moaned and stirred slightly,

"Dunno, don't know her well enough., but uh, who is she?" Huntress rested her head on his shoulder,

"My first friend." and she sighed, "But we need to take care of Prowler as well. Think Liv or Gwen could come and get her? I mean, we can't really leave Prowler in his car or Elektra on the roof, and not with all this crap. I mean, someone really had a hardon to kill you, Pete," and as he got a good look around the rooftop he saw not just heavy machine guns but dynamite, pale brown blocks with C4 printed on the side, and a variety of bladed and blunt melee weapons. Bullseye had prepared, and he was lucky. Before they went any further he wanted to get the harness from Liv, these people weren't playing and he knew neither should he.

"I can watch her," and the pair jumped. Venom was too busy concentrating on healing and making sure Elektra didn't die that he had let his senses drip, and Huntress was the same.

"Fucking shit." Huntress yelled, "Wait, who are you?" and the red armoured man raised his hands. He was tall, muscular and the dark red kevlar covered him tightly, on one side a pair of billy clubs hung and the other held a grapple gun and belt winch.

"Daredevil, but," and he sighed and lifted his mask, "Matt, Matt Murdock, Electra's boyfriend." and Huntress slid back her mask,

"Yeah, I know you, the lawyer guy she started seeing in college." and Venom looked at her, "What? We kept in touch," and he shrugged,

"Fine, but she'll be mad when she wakes, and don't worry if uh," and under his mask, he snorted and laughed quietly, "yeah, just enjoy yourself, okay?" and as he sent out a web line he swung away, back to the roof where they fought Prowler.

Matt raised an eyebrow at Huntress, "what's that supposed to mean?" he asked her and she shook her head,

"Asshole," she whispered, Venom had left her to try and explain a hungry horny belligerent baby symbiote. "We saved her, by making her one of us. She'll be confused and angry when she wakes, maybe horny and most definitely hungry. Have food, something she can smash and maybe a lot, and I mean a lot of condoms ready." Daredevil just shook his head and slipped his mask back on.

"We will want an explanation for this," and Huntress nodded, letting him carry her away to hopefully somewhere safe.