Arc Four. Chapter Ninety-Eight. House Of Harry

As Venom, Poison and Huntress all threw themselves at Norman, he knew he'd made a huge mistake. He never expected that all three were symbiotes, that all three were this powerful, and even with his fully enhanced and superior body, he felt his bones and flesh ache as they kicked and slashed at him. Venom even extended four extra arms from his back, the damn harness. No wonder he couldn't find Liv to pull the flesh from her bones, Venom had hidden her from him.

Uncaringly, he ripped out doors and plants, throwing them at the trio as they swatted them aside and continued their assault. When one threw him, another was waiting to land a thick foot or fist into his face or torso. Gwen kept her distance and he felt stinging slaps as she continually whipped at him, using broken glass as knives within those damn sticky whips of hers.

He had figured out one of their plans though. As Venom and the grey one backed off, he knew Gwen was about to hit him with another explosion. They didn't come too often but still, they were making him mad, they hurt and showered him with caustic fluid.

The inside of the Life Foundation was wrecked. The once perfectly landscaped garden, with white marble roman styled columns and water feature had been reduced to rubble. Venom was currently ripping a pillar out the ground as he swatted Goblin with it Huntress was waiting, she webbed him and swung him into another pillar where Poison cracked her whips and they helixed and exploded right next to his face. He screamed as once more he was showered in the caustic fluid that ate at his flesh.

Goblin roared and leapt for her, only to be intercepted by Venom. He'd had this done to him and so they played catch. He would divert Goblin to Huntress who would let Poison swat him with her whips before closing in, while he was distracted and attacking. The last explosion blinded him and he rubbed raw and swollen eyes, his regeneration faltering with the damage they were doing.

Calling upon an old favourite Venoms thick gauntlets lengthened and thinned and he plunged on through Goblins chest, where his heart would be and the other through his stomach, twisting and snapping both off from his fists. Huntress joined in and extended a hand into a sword that she handed to Gwen, who plunged it through his chest.

As Goblin lay, green blood pooling around him and his breath becoming shallower Poison spat on him, "that's for dad, you fuck," and the trio turned to leave the centre. They stood stock-still, Harry was there. He had walked up to the four of them fighting and just stood waiting until they had finished.

Harry stood surveying the damage Norman and the trio had done before falling, staring as Venom, Poison and Huntress eyed him warily.

"You got Norman, so uh, fuck off." Harry waved them away "or, what? Do you want another symbiote, or maybe more formula? Get your little friends all juiced up as well Venom? Or well, Peter I should say. Liv might not have told dear old dad here, but I've always known it was you under there,"

Venom was shocked, Liv had filled them in that Harry was more involved than he let on, but to see him stood drove the point home. Harry had fooled everyone and now, Peter and the rest had willing walking into his home. He had learned his lesson though, and if they could, they would just eave.

Venom raised his hands, and backed towards Huntress and Poison, keeping an arm out, covering them, "Fine, we just wanted Norman. We'll just leave, okay?" and Harry tapped a foot impatiently, as he surveyed the damage.

"It's fine, I mean, just wreck the place," and he shook his head. He didn't want them there any more than they wanted to be there.

As the trio backed away, Harry stopped tapping his foot, "In fact, you know Pete, I don't think you should 'just leave'," and Harry made finger quotes. "I mean, look at this damage. I think you need a lesson, a reminder on who's boss around here."

He banged a foot on the floor and black-clad soldiers marched out of the doorways, clad in black. The soldiers reminded him of Flash. Thick black skin-tight armour, covered in tactical plates with harness and utility belt. Each one had similar masks to Agent Webb as well,

"Clones?" Venom asked, "you cloned Flash?"

"Not Flash you idiot, the symbiotes, they're all clones. Thanks to your little stunt at the restaurant we figured it out, use a fragment, not a fully grown adult and now, well, now I have an army. What do you have? Huh? A warehouse, a uh, a couple of friends, oooo and some scary arms, which I might add, are mine and really, stealing Peter, that's not very nice."

"Oh, who invented the serum, oh, Curt or maybe Richard? Was their name Osborn? uh nope, so shove it, Harry." and as Venom raised a hand the four limbs raised behind him and all of them sprang wicked sharp blades

Harry laughed, "oh so scary. Men." and the soldiers lifted their rifles, Huntress stood in front of Poison ready to protect her, "fire," and the soldiers began their assault.

Venom batted away the bullets, but in doing so he realised that they were small darts, sticking easily into his skin. Even the ones that didn't stick burst with a strange dark coloured liquid. They burned slightly, like grasping hold of poison ivy, but he brushed the handful of them away from his skin and he just stared at Harry.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" He asked Harry. His symbiotic soldiers had taken up positions around him, pointing those dart guns at them all. He didn't really care though, they had come for Norman, found him and now they were leaving, Gwen's vengeance was sated with his death.

"Pete!" Huntress yelled,

He heard and turning his head, he saw that Gwen was on her knees, being sick, several darts sticking out her skin, but the vomit was strange, it was white and black rather than the normal colour.

"Pete she's sick, we need to leave now!" Huntress yelled, she had avoided the darts, choosing to dodge out the way but Gwen wasn't fast enough and was exhausted from her fight with Goblin.

"Aww, looks like one of you is a goner there Pete." Harry taunted him and took a rifle from the soldier next to him, "See, this isn't a bullet, what's the point of that? We both know the symbiotes are bulletproof, hell, even without it you're armoured enough with the harness right. So we made a little surprise for you, hell, I'll even name it after you Pete." Harry boasted, "but sorry, not the loser pain in my ass formula. Nope, it's the anti-venom, a poison specifically designed to kill symbiotes. So, unless you've got an anti-anti-venom stuffed in there you really should get whoever the hell that is to a doctor."

Gwen continued to be sick, black and white pooling under her as she vomited it up. and as she retched again the symbskin on her retracted,

"Holy shit, is that Gwen under there?" Harry asked. "Fuck me, Pete, infected your girlfriend and so what, that MJ? Nah, tits are too big," and Huntress growled at him. "Oh ho ho, I recognise that growl, Felicia, no wonder you've got a raging boner for Gwen here. but tick-tock, Gwen won't last long. I'll be nice though, see, I know where you live, I know where Aunt May lives. I fucking own this town now so go, go ahead and run Pete, run and see if don't catch you. RUN!" Harry roared, and Venom grabbed a shaking Gwen and the three of them tore past the armoured guards as Harry laughed in the courtyard.

Harry surveyed the scene, those rogue symbiotes had really done a number on his place but as he stared at his father he snapped his fingers. A symbiote soldier came over and opened a case. A red symbiote spilled out over Norman, dying him from green to a deep red colour, "I never liked green," Harry said, giving his father a kick before walking off. Harry didn't buy the dying part, he knew full well a sword through the heart was hardly fatal to someone with as much mutagenic formula running through them as his father had, the symbiote would just finish off the healing process, plus make him very very obedient.

Gwen was unconscious well before they got back to the warehouse and Peter was glad, the symbskin was flaking off now, patches peeling away and he knew, he knew they were dying. With no concern for anything other than Gwen, Venom kicked in the door and ran into the warehouse. "Liv, LIV!" he shouted and she wheeled herself over to the table, Gwen's symbskin was barely covering her, both legs and arms were gone and she moaned and vomited once more.

Her eyes snapped open and the maw extended, "no Pete no, please," but it was too late, the skin shed, flowing from her and where the darts had pierced her skin were massive black bruises, thin lines of green stretching out across her skin, Liv pointed at Huntress, "medical kit now," and off she ran

Gwen had started convulsing and had lost consciousness before Peter could lay her down on the table. Liv came over and turned her press gently on the dart wound in her arm. A black slime oozing out of it, foul-smelling and thick.

"Peter, what was that?" Liv asked,

"Harry said it was a poison designed to kill symbiotes, so what do we do?"

"Curt!" Liv yelled, "we need to get the symbiote off her, this is the dying part," and Liv pointed to the thick slime, "and it's now killing Gwen, any part infected with a symbiote cell is necrotizing. We need to remove Poison to save Gwen."

"No, save them both," Peter stated, arms crossed.

"I don't know if I can Peter," but she stopped when he shook his head.

"Fine, fine I'll try I'll try," and as she began to draw blood, Curt hurried over, pulling on his lab coat. He pressed two fingers against Gwen's neck and shook his head "Sorry Peter but out the way please. You won't want to watch this and I don't want you trying to kill me if it goes wrong."

Curt ripped open Gwen's top, pressing a finger to her chest he took out a needle, bit off the cap and stabbed it right into her, just where her heart would be. Gwen arched as the plunger was depressed and then fell back again.

"It's fine, just a little suppressant, I use it when I feel an attack coming, her metabolism and bodily function will be slowed for a few hours. Liv, get the drip hooked up and get me a sample of the pus would you."

It was the reason Curt had been at the warehouse. He had been working with Liv and Gwen to find a way to not just reverse the effects of the formula but to enhance the suppressant that he had created, one that would allow him to capture the regenerative effects of the Lizard formula without the mutation.

Peter took a step back. With Liv and Curt working he knew he was getting in the way. He now got what Curt meant, they stripped Gwen, slipping a paper blanket over her but were constantly poking and probing, drawing blood and samples from everywhere. He was angry, not just at that, not just at seeing Gwen manhandled by Curt but the fire of rage bubbled within him at Harry.

He knew that Harry had a hand in the symbiotes, Liv was able to piece together that much, but this, the medicine, the symbiote experimentation and now the soldiers. Harry was planning something big, something that would change the world. His hands clenched and he knew he had to stop him.

Felicia was watching from the sides, knowing to stay out the way but seeing Gwen like that, watching as black veins grew darker and thicker over her body finally broke down. Peter came over and sat next to her, trying to hug her but she turned as glared at him, he ignored her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Let us go," she screamed, but Peter swung her around and dragged her into Gwen's home.

"Fel, we need to let them work."

"You, this was your fault, I told you she wasn't ready, I warned you and now, she's fucking hurt cause of you!" Felicia yelled at him.

Peter shook his head, "go on" and as he stood there, Huntress thudded a fist into his gut, a right into his ribs, and then a left. Over and over she screamed and struck him until her strength gave out and she collapsed sobbing on the floor.

Peter knelt and took the crying Felicia in his arms, "Felicia. When I kill Harry Osborn, I will give you his head as a trophy." Felica tightened her grip on him, pulling him tighter,

"I want to eat his fucking heart," was all she said as she cuddled in closer to him.