Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred One. Shield and Sword (NSFW)

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Nicholas Fury sat looking at his computer screen. He'd seen the various videos of Venom fighting, and even running him through facial and body matching software, it came back as negative for Peter Parker. He disagreed though, it was too coincidental. That the son of one of Shields best agents suddenly gets a warehouse, suddenly gets three girlfriends, and has a security system that is impenetrable, pop up in the last reported location of a missing agent. Oh, they could get in but he'd know and once he knew there wasn't really any point in the subterfuge.

Ten months ago, two agents were sent out after the then target of interest, Black Cat, and neither returned. One was killed in action, and the other just never came back. As Fury looked at the file, he checked the name of the warehouse owners for any clue, and once Peter Parker came back flagged as red, he just shook his head at the irony.

Mary Parker, top agent and probably in line for the job he now had, was killed in action, along with her husband, Shield scientist Richard Parker. Footage showed the Winter Soldier leaving the scene. Blood analysis showed he suffered at least three gunshot wounds and probably several broken bones. The only reason her son, Peter, survived the fight was the wrath of a mother raining hell on the world's top assassin.

So, they tried a different approach, when Venom killed John Jameson in a freak accident, they sent in one of his schoolmates, but surprise surprise the inside of the warehouse was shielded as well. The recording cut out as soon as Flash crossed the doorway, and they once more got nothing on Peter.

Pressing the intercom, "Send in Agent Romanov please."

The Russian redhead, once on Shields top list of kill targets, entered and after taking a look around, almost dumped herself into the office chair in front of his desk. While Shield had given her a probationary period, she still had the attitude that she really wasn't one of them. Even as Fury gave her a look that she should maybe sit up straight in front of her boss she ignored it, years of experience told him that while she looked relaxed, she was ready and waiting for any target that tried to approach.

"I need you to find and interrogate this target," Nick said, swivelling the screen of his computer.

Natasha looked at the fairly handsome young man, staring at the menu of a food truck, "a little young for my tastes but sure,"

Nick snorted, "you may find that his three girlfriends might not appreciate that approach Agent Romanov, but you can try if you'd like." He dropped a paper copy on his desk and slid it towards Natasha.

Natasha sat straight and pulled the file closer, "three?" and reading whistled, "should be fun then, so, general info, what's the packet?"

Fury opened a drawer and handed over a manila envelope, "Standard, I doubt he'll talk much but a DNA sample would be preferable. Word of warning though. He is the son of Mary Parker and he may be enhanced, so priority red for the op but priority black for him, be careful."

Natasha was too engrossed in the file. Mary Parker had been required reading during training and having tangled with the Winter Soldier herself, and coming off the worst for it, she knew exactly how tough she had been. As they had no proof he was the target they were looking for a blood or DNA sample that would give them evidence of enhancement, and then they could legally approach him.

"And after assignment?"

Fury tapped the desk with a pen, "that depends, if he's the target we might need to capture or eliminate, you saw how that went with the last target,"

Natasha shrugged, "not my call, I just need to know what hardware to take."

Peter was standing in the convenience store, buying a loaf of bread and eggs to make breakfast for the girls when he smelled it, looking around the store he finally found it, or her in this case. A redhead, cute face and button nose looked at him and smiled, "uh, help you?" she asked and he shook his head and looked over the shelves, taking small breaths, yup, it was her. Even the smell of perfume, a nice sweet floral scent couldn't hide the foulness coming from her.

He shook his head and reaching past her grabbed a can of, something, he didn't even check to see what it was as he dumped it in the basket and walked away.

Peter bought his groceries, grabbed an extra chocolate bar from the checkout shelves, and headed back to the warehouse, he kept his senses in full on and while it was uncomfortable, he needed to know if they were watching him.

Sure enough, as he left the store the woman, in the daylight who would give Felicia a run for her money in the chest department, shouted, "Hey, uh, not to be weird but uh, you maybe want to get coffee?" and he smiled at her and nodded. She was wearing a short summer dress, not entirely suitable for the warming spring weather but close enough she could pull it off, but Peter noticed the trim ankles and sneakers, not totally suitable for the dress, more for fighting in.

"sure, Peter and you?"

"uh Tali, the truck on 34th is pretty good."

Peter shook his head, "sure if you like day-old roasts and stale beans. Try the one on 87th, roasts his own, makes fresh madeleines to go with them. A bit more expensive, but well worth it."

She smiled, anyone else would have melted at that smile, "look at you Mr coffee snob," she said, smiling, no hint of malice in her voice

"yeah, well, I like the best you know, good coffee, breakfast in bed," he said, winking at her and right on cue she looked away and a slight red hinted at her cheeks. Even Peter wasn't so stupid as to realise he was being played, plus the smell was a giveaway. The walk to the coffee place was quiet, Peter didn't want to talk and Tali was acting the shy nervous type.

"So, what do you do Peter?" She asked as she stirred her coffee.

"Oh, landlord, plus trying to get a business off the ground, but tenants stuff mainly."

"Sounds nice, not many houses around here though, you uh, not here for something else?" She smiled,

"nope, live here, converted a warehouse and got three tenants, what about you? You don't seem the trucker type?"

Tali shook her head, "I uh, work around here, you know, pay the bills on my back kinda gal,"

Peter knew exactly what she meant but it was a strange angle to go for, did she think that maybe he was more open-minded, "So, why me then? I mean, you can tell I'm not a trucker or a dock worker, doesn't seem like I'd be your type?" he asked

"uh, heard some things, and uh, I thought you might know. About a new lube?" she looked at the paper cup.

"Oh," was all he said, "and if I did, would you like to try?" he was going to go down the cream angle, see if she bit, or if she was fishing for Venom.

"You'd show me, I mean, like out here, there is a bathroom not too far away, we could uh, go there?" And she stood, draining her coffee. This was almost too easy.

"Oh sure, uh just let me send a text to my tenants, was supposed to buy them breakfast but I'm sure they'll manage." Flicking on his phone he knew MJ was the only one still up, having finished her late-night shift, and had missed all of the drama of Gwen's injury.

Hey, it's Pete, got a snooper, can I deal with her?

Her? Shit Pete, use protection this time you ass, Liv was bad enough. Will let the others know.

They knew that one way to get to Venom was through Peter, and if Felicia had put the pair together then others might as well. It had been discussed that if a honey trap was used that Peter was allowed, as long as he used protection and kept Venom ready for action. If he killed, he was to let them know so alibis could be crafted. If he had sex, well the punishment for that was to be discussed after the deed.

And shaking his head, he smiled and put his phone away, "sure, lead on Tali."

In the bathroom, once Tali had paid a small deposit to the store owner, she stared at him impatiently. Peter wondered if she would actually go this far or if she was about to attack him but nope, she undid her top enough that he could see the sides of the pert but large breasts, "so? Show me."

Peter took out a small jar from his pocket, he carried it around as a scent blocker, leaving it open or smeared over an animal would lay a false trail, never did he imagine that he'd be using it like this.

As he opened the jar he had no idea if Tali knew what was about to happen but as the lid popped her eyes widened and she took a deep breath, "oh shit, that's amazing," and she took the jar and closed her eyes as she sniffed it.

"You sure you want to do this?" and she nodded, undoing the rest of her buttons. She was fit, and not the fit you got from exercise. Peter could see the small marks and abrasions over her skin. Whoever she was, she was a fighter and judging by the lack of marks, a good one.

Her muscles shifted as she undid the rest and pulled her dress open, letting her breasts spill out. They were large, round with crinkled pink nipples that sat begging to be touched and he reached a hand over and stroked one with his thumb. She moaned and smiled as she took his hand, stepping back, and leaned on the edge of the washbasin, "now you."

Peter reciprocated, undoing his own and letting his erection spring free, his clothes were symbskin but a zipper was easy enough to copy. Tali marvelled at its size, for someone trained to expect situations like this, she still stared at the thickness and length of his manhood.

She swallowed, "can I?" And he nodded, breathing in the heady aroma of the cream she knelt down and gently kissed and then slid his cock into her mouth, wetting it. She bobbed back and forth for a few seconds before leaning back to take a breath, "more?" And he nodded.

Sitting herself up on the washbasin, she spread her legs and moved her panties to one side. Peter took a generous finger of cream and smeared it over her glistening pussy lips. She moaned as the warmth spread through her, increasing her sensitivity tenfold with even a small amount. She took out a condom and bit off the wrapper, sliding it down his already engorged manhood.

"Last chance Tali, yes or no?" And she nodded, "no, say it"

"yes, please yes," and with a practised stroke he slid inside her. She bit her lip and cried out as he reached right to the end of her insides, touching and sending a jolt through her. She needed to get back in control, whatever the cream was, was sending heat and pleasure through her and he hadn't even moved yet. If this continued he would get her and she would get nothing. It was that moment Peter chose to slide out and thrust forcefully back in. and she wrapped her arms around him, muffling her cries. She reached a hand down to rub her clit, almost crying out as her fingers brushed over it, but her real goal was the condom. As he pulled out, her fingers deftly caught the edge and as he slid back it came free, and on his next stroke, he went inside without it.

She whined and bit his neck, muffling her moans on the skin of his shoulder as he thrust again and again into her, leaving no pause for breath, "oh fuck, oh fuck," she moaned over and over as he mercilessly thrust into her. He licked and bit her earlobe and the small nips brought further whimpers from her.

Her first orgasm came like a wave, the second not long after crashed into it and she shook and had to lean back, supporting herself as her legs clamped around him. She felt a warm stickiness fill her and he thrust one final time. "Oh fuck" he cried out gripping her legs.

"Shit, the condom," he sighed as he slipped out, his erection fading,

"It's fine, I'm safe, I uh, can't, but, I'm good," she grabbed some paper towels and used them to wipe herself off while Peter did the same, tucking his manhood back into his pants. The symbskin retracting back from around it.

"so, uh, swap numbers or was this a one-time thing?"

She shook her head, "the cream, I want more, lots if you can get it." Fuck Fury, whatever that cream was she loved it and she wanted more for other cases. She gave him a fake number, one of the many she used while working but was happy to see his number stored in its memory. He could definitely be a repeat, as long as the next job wasn't his elimination.

"So, uh see you around?" And she bolted for the door.

Yeah, she's enhanced, Peter shot MJ in a text, smelt it all over her plus the full strength cream barely dented her libido, we have a problem. As he tucked his phone away, he shook his head.

Natasha zipped around the corner and onto a stashed motorbike, heading straight for a Shield office. After signing herself in she requested a sample kit and headed to the bathroom. As she stirred the cotton bud around inside her, she was surprised to find it was clean, nothing more than her own fluid and examining herself she realised, she felt him cum inside her but he hadn't, shit, did he know? Was Peter Parker, the son of the famous Mary Parker, trained by someone? He was a baby when she died, so it wasn't her but maybe someone in his family. The file had said that his uncle knew his brother was a Shield agent. Natasha shook her head, fuck, she thought, and putting the swab into the kit wasn't surprised when the report came back as negative. At least the sex had been good.