Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Five. Pest Problem

The buzzer for the front gate went and having moved a new box, wired to the main table, Peter idly flicked the switch and watched the video monitor flicker into life. The atmosphere in the warehouse had cleared and everyone seemed happier for it. Gwen had been declared fit after running the exercise course with them all, and Liv had finally come down from her symbiote high. She was ecstatic that she could move properly, and had enjoyed the freedom she had gained.

Felicia and Gwen had gone shopping, while MJ headed to bed. The excitement of teasing Peter was over and they had decided that both Peter, for doing the deed, and MJ, for saying it was okay, needed some punishment. Gwen had lifted Peters bank card and grinned as she and Felicia headed out on a date. MJ's punishment would be simple, she was on dish and laundry duty for the foreseeable future, a chore she hated after working at the diner all day.

"Mr Parker, This is special agent Fury. I was wondering if myself and an agent could speak with you?" Checking the camera, a bald one-eyed black man with a stylish but over the top leather trench coat stood at the gate, and of course, he recognised Tali, in a tighter leather bodysuit this time. He looked over at Liv who shrugged, "go home for now, that's her," and Liv tutted as she saw the beautiful young woman.

Peter grinned and kissed her, "go on," and he hit the buzzer for the door and waited patiently for the pair to arrive.

"Nice place Mr Parker, may we come in?" Agent Fury asked,

Peter shrugged, "sure I already did," winking at Tali who rolled her eyes,

"Jokes aside, this is important. May we?" and Fury pointed to the coffee table between the two homes.

"Sure," and Peter lifted his arm, pointing Fury and Tali over to the table.

"Coffee?" And Peter poured himself a cup, offering the pair one of their own, and both shook their heads.

"If we were interrupting we can come back," Nick said, pointing at the other cup, half full and still hot.

Peter shrugged, "it's fine. Let's just get this over with, what do you want?"

"Not one for small talk huh? You know your mother was like that, I knew her, back at the academy." Fury began,

"Oh really?" Peter interrupted, "Was that before or after she got killed? I guess by academy you mean the pirates or ninjas academy, going by the theme you both have on, and ninjas by the way, so, go on,"

Nick sighed, "Your mom was an agent, S.H.I.E.L.D, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement Logistics Department. One of the best actually, she'd have my job if well, you know the rest."

"Nice name, you have a department for that?"

Fury looked at him, "sure, agents of acronym. Assistants Continually Researching Obvious Names You Memorise."

And Peter raised an eyebrow, "guess you get asked that a lot huh?"

Fury shrugged, "often enough, but back to my story about your mom,"

"Not interested, what's your point?" Peter asked.

"Not interested huh? Well, it was worth a shot." and Fury shrugged, disappointed, but he had other cards to play to get what he wanted from Peter.

"Oh, okay, then where were you guys when she died? Cause I don't remember anyone mentioning a pirate Pete at the funeral, or oh I don't know, when my uncle died and my aunt had to work two jobs, or even when I hit 18 and the insurance checks started to come to me, and I realised that the government pension we got for her and my dad was worth shit. So no, let's go there, agent Willie." Peter had no patience for Fury's shit right now,

"Agent Willie? Oh, the Goonies, yeah I get that, so, right up until Flash Thompson ratted you out things were pretty great I bet. Yeah, threatening to rip someone's head off really doesn't make them sympathetic to keeping your secrets. So you, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, and Felicia Hardy, all enhanced, all very dangerous." Nick leaned forwards, and his leather jacket squeaked, which brought a small smile to Peter's face. He looked over at Tali, who was sat stoically, scanning the warehouse.

"What do you want? Agent Fury?"

"I want to do a quid pro quo Mr Parker, you share then I share, simple, no strings and no bullshit. One question, one answer, and if you don't want to answer then it's over, I'll leave and we can do this the much harder way." Nick leaned back again, motioning to himself and then to Peter and back again.

"Oh come on, at least Tali bought me coffee before she fucked me. Questions? And if you don't like my answer then you come in guns blazing huh? I don't think you'll like that option agent Fury." Peter shook his head, he knew if he admitted he was Venom, his next stop would be jail, or worse.

"You listen to what I have to say, and I can make a lot of your problems disappear." and Fury pulled out a file from his coat, and slid it across the table to Peter, "What's in that file, but only once you answer my questions. Well then, let's stop with the bullshit and the deflection and just talk. So are you Venom?"

Peter laughed, "right to the heart of it huh? Nope, you first, let's build some trust, what do you want?" He tapped a finger on the file, "nice offer, but this could be empty, and once I talk I'm at your mercy."

"Oh that's easy, you heard about Harlem, right? Well, that was another one of your enhanced friends. What I want is for you and your kind to stop wrecking the city. For you to maybe come to an understanding with local law enforcement that saves lives while allowing you to operate, and if I scratch your back then you know, you can scratch mine. Now, are you Venom?" The impatience was thick in Fury's voice. While Peter was in no mood for games, neither was he.

"Well, that was as vague an answer as you could possibly give. The last time law enforcement came after Venom, someone died. The last time Venom checked the brothels and shitholes were operating by paying off local law enforcement. So as you never really answered my question, what do you want? Cause that bullshit answer doesn't wash agent Fury."

"I want a team of enhanced individuals to deal with and terminate threats against the world, Mr Parker."

Fury pointed at the file and Peter flicked it open, lifting the first page, "Avengers Initiative, sounds fancy. Bruce Banner also known as Hulk, Agent Natalia Romanov, aka Black Widow, Agent Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, and Tony Stark as technical advisor. Very impressive, so why me?"

"That's three, answer the damn question first or we walk and I sent in a squad of agents to arrest your ass."

Peter snorted, "yeah, on what charge?"

"You just piss me off is good enough. I get to be director of a multinational law enforcement agency for a very good reason. Agent Romanov might have bought you coffee but I won't even use lube when I fuck you," Fury was up and leaning over the table, staring at Peter.

"And if I admit I'm Venom, then you cart me off to a lab and try to dissect me?"

Fury shook his head. "Nope. Your powers, while impressive, I bet aren't replicable. I don't care who gave them to you or how you got them, only that I can depend on you if the time comes."

"Well, agent Fury, I'll need a contract, a guarantee, in writing for me and those I am associated with. I'm not about to wipe my ass for you, get me those and we can talk properly."

"Second to last page," was all Fury said.

Peter raised an eyebrow at the contract, guaranteeing immunity as long as a certain number of rules were followed. They would even pay him for freelance work he did.

"you know I can't agree to this without discussing it with the others first."

"I can respect that, oh and nice place,"

Peter smiled, "I will give you one for free though. Ms Romanov, the next time you're sent after someone you suspect of being enhanced wear a different scent. Some people can smell the formula they used on you, and yours is bad."

Natasha frowned, "bad?" and she sniffed the back of her hand, "then why?"

Peter laughed, "the bathroom. It was obvious you were a plant. I mean, I'm pretty but not that pretty. Even I'm not going to say no to a super hot woman who offers herself willingly." Peter said, smiling, and Natasha shook her head.

Fury flicked his eyes between them, "you know we're at work, save the flirting for later, but you have 24 hours. Talk to your people and call the number on the last page. If I don't hear from you, don't expect the same deal, Mr Parker."

Peter just scowled, "yeah yeah," and waved a hand at the pair, while reading, "the doors over there, show yourselves out."

Peter watched as Fury and Romanov headed out the door, and soon enough Liv poked her head out.

"I heard, you'll take it won't you?" she asked and he nodded.

"Even if it's just for you Liv, amnesty means you can go out again," and taking his head in her hands she sat on his lap and kissed him,

"but freedom for me means a cage or worse for you Peter dear."

"Anything, if you are all safe then anything." and she sat on his lap and cuddled up to him.

"Oh, and here was me thinking that Peter Parker, yelling at the head of a spy organisation about his mother, had no sentimental bones in his body. We're all big girls Peter, we can look after ourselves."

Peter shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, "they already know, the honey trap, the excuse to turn up today. They know. If Flash talked then it doesn't matter, he knows about everyone, and once we're taken then it's just you Liv, so no, I've got no choice do I?"

"Burn the world huh, even yourself?"

Peter shook his head "If Shield was as great as they said then they'd have come in here guns blazing. They need us Liv, need me. Even if it's for a crappy job. It pays, and really well." Peter flipped open the contract, each consultancy was a thousand dollars and each job where he would actually work could net him up to ten thousand.

"Pays good, and Fel and I will run out of scumbags to shakedown eventually. Even now most are pulling out of Manhatten and Hells kitchen, so legit might not be too bad."

"Whos legit?" Felicia asked as she and Gwen came back from shopping, laden with bags. Peter shrugged and slid the file over to her, waiting for her response.

"Super-Spy Peter Parker huh, the names Parker, Peter Parker. Yeah, I dig it" and she shrugged. "Things are stabilizing now Kingpin and Prowler are out of the picture, plus immunity for the five of us seems pretty sweet if you ask me. You should phone Matt though. I'm pretty sure he'd be over the moon to know you were actually legit, and not the giant monster he thinks you are." Peter just snorted and while he shook his head, dialled and started to go over the contract with Matt. They just had to wait until MJ woke up before they could all decide.

Once Gwen and Felicia had headed into their home, and Gwen and Peter wrestled to get his card back they chatted and talked, Shield being the favourite topic until MJ finally woke up for her late shift at the diner.

"I still have doubts dear," Liv had snuggled up to Peter again, something she always did when she was anxious, "It still doesn't sit right with me. but, I will trust you and support you, so, yes." a sleepy MJ, still in her PJ's, drinking a coffee just shrugged and leant back

"I'm easy, up to you," and Peter snorted, "ass," she whispered behind her cup but still grinned.

Peter flicked on his phone and sent a text to the number. "I'm in," was all he sent and soon an e-doc with the contract arrived. Making sure it was the same as before and that it covered everyone in the warehouse, not just Gwen, MJ, Felicia, but Liv as well, he signed it. Once it was sent a Shield e-badge with "Peter Parker. Provisional" was displayed.