Arc Five. Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One. Exposed

With Carol and the Asgardians gone, Peter had received a message from Fury.

Stay put and stay quiet.

So Peter was cataloguing the spoils from Life Foundation. They had taken things before Fury and the thug brigade showed up. Gwen, Liv, and Felicia had cut cables and literally ran out the building with gene sequencers and, much to Peter's delight, a portable particle emitter. From the hard drives they had taken, he had been reading not just Dr Banner's work on the super-soldier serum but the results of Project Pegasus. If Carol had been empowered by the Tesseract, and the stone he found in Monarch's throne room emitted a similar type of radiation, he should be able to use it to empower himself.

Peter shook his head. His fight with not just Carol but Thor as well, showed him that while on Earth he was strong, compared to some of the powerhouses that existed out in the darkness, he was weak. Too weak to protect anyone, and after almost losing Gwen he knew he needed to be stronger.

Touching the stone to his head he found the knowledge he sought, a way to use the formula to remove and then re-enhance himself and he was going to use Gwen to help him. He wasn't strong enough, he felt he could never be strong enough. All he needed now was a way to do that without hurting himself. Liv and Gwen's exploits had proven that just exposing themselves to whatever they felt like had consequences. So after a small discussion, Gwen and Liv both set themselves to figuring out the problem.

While Felicia was able to work, and MJ was still preparing for her movie role Peter and the rest were so bored they had taken to training and after a few days, Gwen had an announcement. After a few days of moving machinery and wiring it up, the warehouse was quiet as Gwen stood at the breakfast table. Peter and Liv sat staring at their coffee, Gwen had burst into their home excited and impatiently waited while they woke up enough for her announcement.

"I reverse-engineered everything. From your parent's notes, we got from the Oscorp servers to Curts, Livs, and what I'd managed to figure out on my own. Uh, I cracked it, Pete. Like all of it."

"Okay, now, take it slow, cause I get that, but what exactly do you mean?"

Gwen dumped a pile of papers on the table in front of Liv, who began to idly flick through them, staring with an open mouth at some of the results Gwen had apparently gotten.

"Markers for strength, stamina, longevity, enhanced attributes, you know like your vision and hearing, increased muscle mass, regenerative properties, and intelligence. Immunity to disease. Everything the formula could do was designed to do. I, uh, cracked it."

Liv looked shocked, "you cracked all of that, but, and I don't mean this to be insulting dear, but how? We don't have that kind of sequencer for a start, even with the Oscorp notes. I mean, it's been over 70 years since the first formula was created and no one, not even me, could crack how to make a stable formula with consistent results."

"Well, that was kinda offensive Liv, but I've got Poison and she's a biological computer. I can analyse and decode the formula without a sequencer, I'm a frickin genius, and once I had each part done I could feed that into the machines and figure out its effects, so, yeah, I did."

Liv shook her head, "what was it you said dear, something about porridge?" and Gwen snorted while Peter laughed.

"Um, but that's not all, I can also reverse the effects, using the anti-venom formula Harry worked on. I can depower someone who's enhanced." Gwen looked a bit guilty, "I can also repeat the experiment they did on you, Pete. Once I could get your cells and now Poison is behaving herself I can analyse them. I know how to recreate your biology."

"Uh, no on that one. My symbiote almost died, and in trying to get revenge, almost killed me. No, it's not worth it."

"That isn't your call dear remember," Liv said as she flicked to the relevant page, and began to pour over the data Gwen had collected.

"No, it isn't, but look at the risk. A half-crazed symbiote screwing with my biology, getting me hurt as much as it could. I don't like the idea of subjecting anyone to that. Do you want to put Poison or Huntress through that? Hell, Ravage left you Liv as you 'taste funny'. These aren't toys for us to play with, they're living creatures so no. That's not fair to hurt them like that."

Liv slumped down, "that is a fair point. Gwen do you know what will happen if we create a hybrid formula?"

Gwen sighed, "Peter is right. It will tear the symbiote and the host apart at a cellular level and then recombine their DNA and cellular structure. To be honest, Peter, you're lucky you survived."

"Which is why I want you to stop, this is inhumane Gwen and if you had seen what Harry had been doing in his lab you would never have started down that path."

"I just wanted to make sure everyone was safe, not make more. I scrubbed the records, the only formula is now in here," and Gwen tapped the side of her head. "What I am going to suggest though is separating everyone from their symbiotes and cleaning out the junk formula. Oscorp serum was so badly put together I'm surprised none of us has schizophrenia or Parkinsons, and I want to fix that. Keep the symbiotes safe, go through the enhancement process and then rebond, that way we know both host and symbiote are okay."

"What about me though? I used Banner's formula and then used the radiation machine? Can you depower me?" Liv asked,

"Honestly, yes, I've looked over your test results and all you did was fry your cells with radiation. Ravage almost killed herself fixing the damage and then Pete almost died fixing her, you're no more a hulk than I am. You just screwed yourself up and then left us to clean up the mess."

Liv visibly shrank at Gwen's admonishment, knowing that she was correct. If she had been in the lab on her own, she would have died, taking Ravage with her. While the symbiote was happy to sacrifice herself it was still cruel and unfair, and it was the reason Liv refused to mention another bonding to Peter. It was only Shield's insistence at entering the warehouse that she had even approached Peter.

"Tests." Peter leaned back and spoke, "nothing without testing. Gwen, I love you but nothing and I mean nothing without going through all of us. Last time we ended up in a huge argument so no. Test until we know it's safe."

"I uh have an idea for that." and Peter shrugged. "Tali. She's enhanced, right? So we use the de-bonder and then re-enhance her as our first real test. She owes us, and this squares that as far as I'm concerned."

Peter shrugged, "Only if she agrees though." and Gwen nodded,

"I'll send her and Fury something official, and uh, one other." and Peter looked confused.

Gen sighed, "there is another thing, MJ, come in, I know you're there."

Peter looked at Gwen and MJ, and even Liv seemed to be hesitant.

MJ looked over at Gwen and held hands, Gwen squeezing hers.

"I uh, want to quit my job," and Peter frowned,

"The movie? Uh, okay," he asked, confused.

"Once the movie is finished, that's it. The invasion and the attacks, I can't Peter, like Gwen, I want to fight. I talked to Muse and well, she's okay with that. So, Gwen is going to do those test things and then enhance me. Fel already started me on a training program and uh, I'm joining her Black Cats."

"And let me guess, the reason you three all look guilty is so are you right?" And both Gwen and Liv nodded.

"Peter dear, we told you, Nobody threatens our home, and they did, we're exposed here, Shield, Harry, Carol," and Peter raised an eyebrow but Liv shook her head. "Anyone walking through those doors who knows, as you said to me dear, too many people with too many secrets who'd end up in jail or worse." and Peter frowned but nodded.

"And," Gwen's shoulders slumped, "college is boring for me Pete, I can read the textbook understand it and then have to wait for the class to catch up, or on some stupid machine when I can touch the sample and analyse it before my coffee is cold. I'm not spending 50 grand a year to sit on my ass, not when I can be here and do everything and more."

"But what about your job, your career, don't you need a diploma? What about-"

Gwen raised a hand stopping him, "I've been scouted by Stark Industries. Pepper assured me that the work I'm doing can be credited towards a relevant diploma, but, I need to do more Pete. I can help, we can make money with formulas and make money with a selection of creams, a lot of money. Shit, I've even thought about ditching that too but Pepper will give us FDA approval in 3 months on a lot of stuff Pete. She's got the pull we need to make some serious cash."

"Pepper Potts scouted you herself?" Peter asked stunned, "CEO Pepper Potts? Shit Gwen."

Gwen nodded, "Shield contacted me and while they wanted me to be an agent I said no. I got a phone call from Pepper herself about an hour later. Pepper's offer was much better and less invasive. Plus I figured if we're enhancing Tali, we can do a show and tell for Pepper, kill two birds with one stone."

"And you're all fine with that?" and the trio nodded, "well fine. As long as you're happy then that's what counts."

"We uh, also want you to get somewhere else to do your lab work, keep the brewery cause well it's illegal as shit but everything else, gone. Fel wants a home of her own and it's gonna sound strange but a bath. I was watching one of those home makeover things and I want a bath, a big huge bath so I can soak, and no not the hot tub, that's for fun, an actual bath. Plus Pete, Carol and Natasha, shit, might as well make some more homes while you're busy, cause I know you're gonna get another sooner or later," and Gwen batted him in the arm, "just make sure she's cute and bi."

Peter shook his head, it wasn't like he meant to start relationships, plus Natasha was a shitty attempt at a honey trap, and Carol might not be back for years, they really didn't count.

"Don't shake your head. Mister cute handsome rich boy with potent fuck me pheromone. Shit, I'm surprised there isn't a queue outside,"

Peter chuckled and grinned, "oh, just like the smart, attractive and devilishly daring woman here, is there a door for her queue as well?"

Gwen batted his arm, "smooth talker, good thing you know how to use that tongue," and she leant over and kissed Peter.

"Ahem, we are trying to have a serious conversation, can we at least get our coffee off the table before you start the show." Fel winked at the pair, "but I'm next," and Liv laughed

"There is enough space for all of us dear," and Mj just shook her head.

"Talk now, sex later," she said

"Spoilsport," Gwen said and MJ shrugged,

"Fine fine. Homes, Bathroom, you know like the Japanese style, and more rooms. Look even if they don't stay we can give them somewhere to come home too, plus, it stops you from screwing in my bed again," Gwen said, casting a stare at Felicia and Liv.

Liv shrugged, "Felicia doesn't have her own home dear and mine was taken. If anything you can blame Peter for that."

Gwen laughed, "oh I am. And all three of you will pay."

Peter laughed, "so am I on top or are you?" and Gwen made a small ball of webbing to throw at him.

Peter caught it and began to toss it up and down, "Upgrading the warehouse is fine, and you're right but moving some of this stuff isn't going to work, but we can build up." Peter pointed to the warehouse ceiling. "The crosswalks towering over the main floor could be secured to hold a workspace for me, moving everything up there and we can make it as secure as possible so only one of us can get inside. I'll keep it away from the windows so we still get the sunshine but, this place is huge, a room up there won't make that much difference."

"Can I get some space? I can move the brewery up there as well," Peter did some quick calculations in his head and nodded,

"The only real issue is the plumbing, power is just cables but we'll be poor again for a while, one giant room would be bad enough but if I start splitting space it'll need fireproofing as well as wiring, Fel, how's the money looking?" and Fel bit her lip,


Liv laughed, "Ms Hardy asked me to help with that, as she is more suited for the physical aspects of a life of crime, even without Ravage here. Better at taking a punch and a dick than a financial report eh?" and while she scowled, she snorted, shook her head and shrugged,

"Rather do both than stare at paperwork."

"Wouldn't we all dear, and our finances are fine. We have some kept back from the money I got from Norman. While you drained the bank for the Fisk enterprise, the cream money and the profits from the businesses you've taken over are slowly building. While I admit, it would be better to leave them for an emergency. We can take a few thousand to get the work done, it will just be a few thousand?" and Peter shrugged,

"It's like anything, the more you spend, the better it will be, but uh, no, probably with everything, maybe 20, maybe 30 to be safe."

"I really hope you mean hundred dear. If that's thousands then you can start walking the streets yourself to earn that."

Gwen snorted and reached into a pocket, "I've got five bucks, what does that get me?"

Peter laughed, "move the coffee cups and you can find out."