Arc Five. Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four. Machines Of War

Peter swore as a bolt of red energy flew at him, and dodging to one side he was struck by a second, conjured moments after the first. He felt whatever it was impact against him, and he gasped as the air was knocked from his chest. The force of the blast blew him back into the room and then through the wall of the cell. He groaned as the woman advanced on him, waving her arms and coalescing the red energy into another bolt,

"Run," she shouted as the red energy seemed to play around the collar, and it sparked a few times before glowing a bright yellow colour.

Shit, he thought again, the energy she produces must be interfering with the way the collar works and he dived to the side as another red bolt flew through the hole he had made. Unwilling to reveal his identity as Venom he hoped that Peter would be enough to deal with this scarlet bitch or whoever the hell she was, hope this really isn't Wanda, he thought as he spied a desk in the room. It was probably an interrogation room, judging by the simple desk and chairs. With no other options, he pulled the desk free of the bolts in the floor and as the woman floated through the hole he swung and batted her back into the cell.

"Stree-ike!" he yelled before releasing what he had just done "uh, sorry" he yelled and looking around the room spotted the door and shoulder barged through it.

Uniformed officers scattered as the door splintered and Peter found himself in the corridor, he had no clue as to which way was out but didn't care, bash through enough walls and he'd find the exit eventually. As pistols were drawn he shrugged and at least solidified his clothing into symbarmour, he'd been hurt too many times to take chances and he let the clothing morph into a plain black outfit. He was more worried about the crimson energy the woman was using, it hurt and she seemed like a pretty good aim with it as well. No, stop being dumb, and he let his armour cover him completely. It would only take one lucky shot in an unprotected part for it to be all over.

Holding part of the door Venom charged down the corridor, knocking anyone in his way down, and as another bolt whizzed over his shoulder and tore a new hole in the wall in front of him he saw his chance.

The room was filled with high-tech equipment, much more advanced than the rotary phone, and black and white PC monitor facade of the office outside. He could hear her ragged breathing and snapping the door in half, he didn't even look as he spun and threw one piece right at her.

Bringing her hands up the door chunk stopped in mid-air, and Venom had to dive as it was propelled right back at him.

Shit, okay, no throwing things at the scary lady, and he scrambled through the hole and looked for another way out.

Yes, he thought and crossing his arms to cover his face, he dived through the glass window of the room, shattering the thick safety glass and dragging the window shade with him. Tangled up he was blown from his feet by another blast of the red energy. Whatever it was his symbarmour offered no protection against it and he was having trouble adapting to it. It was unlike any energy he had felt before. Just a concussive force, as if a giant fist was punching him from a distance.

Shaking off the blow he looked around and as the whole building seemed to have gone on alert Venom decided that hoping this wasn't Wanda and that she would go easy on him wasn't worth the risk. Slipping into his more heavily armoured black outfit he readied himself to face the woman once more. If he could stay out of her way he only had one chance to fight her, he just needed to get close enough. A nearby car gave him a hiding place, he needed to think, this was a tactical fight, going head-on against someone with Carol's level of powers was stupid, and holding back because of that was going to get him killed.

Fighting in the parking lot was going to make things a lot easier, while she could fly he now had a lot of hiding places, and a lot of heavy things to throw at her, as well as his own webbing, just wish I had a grip on my mind powers, he lamented, but using an unstable power was more likely to backfire than do any good, and as he tore the hubcap from a police cruiser he waited for her to make an appearance.

That was the problem though, as the woman levitated through the broken window it simply crumbled around her to make space for her and Venom knew she was way out of his league. Carol had been right once more, there was power and then there was this cosmic bullshit. Natasha's no devices rule left him without the harness, which right now he needed, his powers being mainly physical left him at a disadvantage and he needed something to counter the fact she could fly.

Venom sighed, taking in a deep breath he let his claws extend and rolling out from behind the car he slashed them at her, sending the razor-sharp tips flying towards her. As Wanda grabbed the spikes with her powers Venom flipped himself over and sent web after web towards her. There had to be a limit to the number of things she could manipulate unless she had a computer for a brain.

Shit, he thought, I hope she doesn't, and he cursed, sending more and more projectiles towards her. Attaching the web to the hub cap he sent it flying, hoping to use it as a kind of whip and club against her superior height, but she grabbed it and crushed it into a ball with her red energy.

"Enough," she yelled and the ones she had caught flew back at him and flipping and diving out of the way she conjured another ball of energy to throw at him, "I can't fight it, I don't-" and she screamed in agony as the bright yellow light from the collar covered her.

Don't hate me, Venom thought, and shaking his head, hiding behind another cruiser he knew it was unkind, "uh, hey, uh, how about, you know, rather than fighting we go back to the last dream. I mean, I was in, and you seemed pretty into it," and he shook his head, low blow but anything to tip the scales. If the illusion was broken as she felt imaginary pain, then strong emotions plus her powers might overload the collar. Making her really angry should lessen its effects and he hoped he could stay out of her way long enough.

She started to yell again and the debris from the ground started to lift up and Venom smiled behind the mask. He knew what having an anger problem was like and he just hoped that he wouldn't regret it, if he suddenly discovered she could lift every car here, then he would be in trouble.

"I mean, nice rack and all but I prefer to taste what's really underneath. If you catch my drift, sink my meat in," and she screamed again, the debris pelting towards him at high speed,

Oh yeah, anger issues. And as he flipped he avoided the larger chunks but let the smaller pebbles hit off his armour. Bullets were no issue and unless she could throw things at supersonic speeds, small rocks weren't an issue either,

Shit shit shit, he thought as the car he once hid behind levitated, crushed itself into a ball and hurtled towards him, "shit lady, cranky because you didn't get to finish, I get it," and rather than avoid it, Venom shot out two thick webs grabbed it the ball and spun himself around, throwing it back at her.

She roared in anger and the ball of scrap disintegrated as red-clad hands tore through it like it was nothing but paper but this time Venom had followed it, using the weight to pull himself towards her. As she stuck out her hands, Venom covered them in the stickiest webbing he could make and flipped over her, twisting her arms behind her back and webbing them there.

He could see the red and the yellow energy of her powers and the collar crackling over the collar and as he used the only thing he had free, his tongue. As he grasped onto it he felt the same energy as before, the fucking Mind Stone he cursed.

Ultron had been here, but not only that he was in cahoots with Shield, or whatever asshole ran this place. If the Tesseract could be used to make an energy weapon, then the Mind stone could be used in the same way. To create and power a collar capable of robbing someone of their own free will.

Add in the chip that Norman designed for the harness and Shield had slave collars of all the fucking tropes to make work, they went for that one. Peter was an avid reader and the slavery collar was well used in fantasy novels and right now, he was busy wrapping his tongue around a real one, trying to lift it even slightly from the woman's throat.

"Sorry about this," and as he finished webbing both her arms behind her back he reached around and grabbed her breasts, she roared in anger, and he felt her powers repulse him from behind her. Webbed on tight though she had no choice as could only struggle with his arms around her. and the red finally overpowered the yellow, shorting it out and as Venom's tongue lifted the device his teeth extended into two mandibles and bit through the steel choker. He could have tried to initiate contact with the device. He had worn Liv's harness with no issue, but he had no clue if doing so while it was active and actually around someone's neck would harm them, and right now, he didn't want to find out.

As it slid free, Venom felt the women relax and they plunged to the ground. With both arms supporting her he lowered her to the ground gently and let the collar slip into his hand. Felling the commands pulse around it he let his symbskin connect to the neural interface and was bombarded with the commands she had been given as well as the intricate design of its circuitry. Growling in anger Venom crushed the device in his hand and turned to the woman, laying on her side panting and glaring at him.

"The collar is gone," she said in a thick easter European accent. "Can you free my arms?"

"Uh, you won't attack me right?" and she glared at him,

"For what you did, what you said, I should kill you, but no. I have business inside first, then we see," she said and Venom let out a long sigh,

"Really, let's not, okay," and using a finger he wrapped symbskin around the bindings and let it dissolve them back into his body.

The woman stretched and red sparks covered her hands as she flexed her hands, "Wanda, and you?"

"Oh shit, uh Venom, Peter, and uh yeah, your dad sent me." Please don't be fucking pissed at him, Peter really didn't want to fight her again, he doubts the car trick would work twice. She snorted,

"Of course, my father. You say shit about this and I tell him about your little touchy-feely okay?" and Venom nodded, "but, you want to kick some ass? They have more collars in there, and more, so much more." and Wanda let the red aura envelop her and floated back into the building,

"Stress relief, sure," and Venom sent out a web line and pulled himself back in the window after her.

In the capital, over the phone to the outpost commander A smartly dressed and neatly uniformed man watched the live security camera feed, as the pair worked their way through his men. Against the pair, they stood no chance and as a remote outpost, mainly for containment they had none of the more advanced weapons that he equipped his own men with.

As the commander on the phone panicked he only said one word before hanging up, "Die," and with a snarl resisted the urge to throw the phone at the wall.

As he watched not just the Witch but this new agent smash and incapacitate the soldiers, he picked up his office phone and began to mobilize the troops. He knew that once they were finished there, they would be coming for him.