Arc Six. Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Three. 50 Shades Of Grey

"You what!" MJ shouted, "and you, you let her?" and Peter nodded.

"It's not like a movie. I let her in to show I trusted her, and well, she took advantage of that." and Jean, still red, looked down at the cup,

"Sorry," was all she said but Peter shrugged nonchalantly,

"You rub with one finger, while-"

and Jean shouted, "NOO!!" at him, trying to drown him out. She had taken advantage, and rather than being angry, he had simply returned the favour, and as she knew everything he had done, so he had seen everything she had done.

Jean was sat staring at the three and had gone bright red again. It was Gwen laughing that brought her back to her senses. Today had been a flood of emotions surprised and shocks, and this was the worst of them,

"Dirty girl, and here was me missing out because we thought we'd been caught," and Jean buried her face in her hands and shook her head.

"I, I wanted to know. Needed to know that Peter was good, that he hadn't gone rogue, he's good, he's good," and Gwen frowned.

"Uh Pete, something you want to tell us?"

"Boarding School," and it clicked. Jean had grown up in a private academy with little privacy. Jean going through Peters memories must have been too much for her and now, well, now she had gotten a very intimate lesson on exactly what five very sexually active people could get up to. Then add in every dirty fantasy she'd ever had, every time she had ever touched herself, and Jean was beyond embarrassed and was struggling to calm the rampant emotional turmoil building inside.

"I heard, the news that he'd killed someone, and then that Venom was causing all this, bad stuff, and once the professor and Scott came back with Laura they told us Peter was Venom, and I, I didn't believe it but even Laura said, well she called you Monkey but we figured that was for cover,"

Peter cleared his throat, "yeah, you're stalling, and babbling, not explaining though. So Jean, did you enjoy watching me and my four girlfriends?" he asked with a smirk on his face,

Peter really didn't care if she had or not. He had enough training from Wanda to bar her and now that the Mind stone was secured in his body she couldn't have stopped him even if he'd done the same. What he was enjoying though was teasing her until her face went scarlet again and she looked about ready to die from embarrassment.

"Scott not doing the biz for you?" and Jean looked even more horrified as if she was willing to talk about that with Peter sitting right there. It was unimportant that while she had looked through his memories, and there were a lot of them, he had done the same to her, and as she thought of him watching her, her face went bright red again.

Taking a deep breath, she counted to ten with her eyes closed, and using the techniques the Professor taught her, brought her emotions back under control, letting the feelings sit behind a barrier the professor had taught her to erect each time she felt overwhelmed.

"We, we kissed and uh held hands but no, not even second base." but she scowled at Gwen, who just snorted and poked her before she leaned back in her chair, "and seeing us and knowing it was all of us curiosity got the better of you huh?" and Jean nodded.

"It's all, we're just out of school, what about, you know, pregnancy or stuff, don't you worry?" and Gwen shook her head,

"We don't have to with the symbiotes, but still, naughty naughty, peaking like that."

"I know I know, but, living at the mansion is stifling. I want to go out but the professor just gives me the same excuses. It's too dangerous, too risky, and we go out for training but never for fun, never for anything other than supervised trips. I uh, want to move in with you guys, I want to be here. If you can be out bashing bad guys, and making movies then why can't I?"

"Uh, even though you know what we do for fun? Well, not all the time but yeah, most of the time."

"In the open?" but MJ shook her head,

"No, that was bad, and they know it, punishment, both of you." and while Gwen slumped in her chair, Peter was still on punishment from the last time and it wouldn't make a big difference to his day and just shrugged at which MJ raised an eyebrow, "Super punishment then, how about no me or Gwen till you learn to behave, Mister. This isn't the first time you've had sex on the table, and I doubt it will be the last."

Peter however was more thinking that his schedule suddenly filled, with no timetable from Shield academy but a warehouse penthouse, several homes needing to be built and a bath for an ever grumbling Gwen, he was going to have to spend all of his free time getting it done.

"Fine," and picking up his phone, Peter tapped a few times and a printer could be heard chugging in the background, "Sorry MJ, it" and he sighed, "They came for Liv while we were all out, Stark is an asshole and we all ended up in jail." he shook his head. "It won't happen again, I promise, not with two and now maybe three who aren't," and he motioned to the group.

"Everyone okay?" MJ asked as she moved over and ran a hand over Peter's shoulder, he nodded and tilted his head to rub his cheek against her fingers,

"Everyone's fine, just a lot of new jobs all around. Shield pretty much owns us now, and no jail time is the price." and MJ nodded,

"Tell me the rest later okay?" and as Peter took her hand and kissed her fingers he looked over at Jean.

"Jean, you're a big girl. Sign if you want and then you'll deal with whatever mess you make. Landlord, not dad or boyfriend, so unless it's structural or you can't pay your rent, then don't bother. Oh and no, we don't have shows or anything like that, the red face might be cute but we'll behave once someone who's not in the group moves in."

And it was MJ that grinned, "stingy landlord, no refunds for the naughty stuff." and while Gwen laughed, Jean looked horrified. Peter rolled his eyes.

"She's joking, but if that makes you uncomfortable, then uh, well, don't sign, I mean, Felicia's a-"

As the top hatch swung open, "Felicia's a what?" and she landed on the floor, letting Huntress slide back into slacks and a t-shirt.

"Wonderful darling angel," Peter added quickly, "who brightens my day whenever I see her," and Gwen snorted,

"Kiss ass."

"Yeah, what have you done? Last time you sucked up to me that hard you'd broken something," and as she cast an eye over Jean, "oh, fair enough," and walked into Gwen's home. "Too tired, deal later," Peter nodded and gave her a quick kiss before following her and heading into his own home. Taking the fresh lease from his printer, he handed it over to Jean with a pen,

"Uh, I don't have money, I mean, I have money but, uh, the professor takes care of it," she explained.

"Wait, he takes care of your finances? But you're not much older than us?" Gwen asked, "and he still has guardianship?" but knowing nothing about the law, Peter and MJ could only shrug,

"I uh, had problems when I was a kid, my parents were killed in a car crash, like Peters, so he's always taken care of me. I never thought, but, I guess it'll be okay," but as she went to sign, Peter slid the paper away from her and shook his head.

"Make sure. I don't want a whole bunch of lawyers here, digging where they're not wanted. Even if Shield wasn't involved, you know what we are and what happens here." Peter took a deep breath. "Don't make us regret this Jean. The professor sounds worse and worse the more you talk about him," he stating and shook his head. "Wanda and Liv should be back soon and I need to get the homes started, even if I've got school soon the faster they're done the better."

"Uh and my bathhouse," and Peter tilted his head to one side and pulled a face,

"I know, I know," and Gwen stood and smiling whispered something in his ear, instantly making him smile.

MJ tutted. "We know, but unless you're fast you won't be the one having sex in it first, I've got dibs."

"How do you have dibs?" Gwen asked and MJ shrugged,

"Just called it didn't I?" and Gwen groaned and threw up her hands.

"We'll see. Unless Mister lazy pants here doesn't get moving with it,"

"Come on, I was just in Sokovia, then getting blow up, gimme a break," and the pair laughed.

"Poor Pete, always getting bullied," and he crossed his arms,

"Damn right, but once the others get back and I see how busy I'll be I'll get started, honest." and MJ and Gwen nodded.

"Right, gonna check on Fel, have fun Jean," and Gwen smiled and walked off into her home,

"And I have a new part to practice for," MJ said, taking out a script, while she had decided to work as Black Cat. The premier, barring the Tony incident, had lit a fire back in her enthusiasm, and with the movie becoming a hit, she had parts rolling in.

"So uh, I guess, I'll head back to the mansion?" said a defeated looking Jean, and Peter decided to take pity on her,

"Look, lease or not there's nothing to stop you from staying over. I mean, you can take my place and I'll grab a cot bed and stay in one of the others or I'm sure Liv won't mind. You don't have to go home, stay, it's fine," and she brightened up, smiling as he spoke,

"Great, then uh, which one's yours?" and he pointed to the home at the end and she darted off into it.

"What the hell Peter? These are like, real homes," she yelled, and he laughed,

"What, you thought it'd be like a cave in there?"

"No, but uh, it's an office, like a converted office. I was expecting, you know, not a home."

"Well, mine's sparse. Gwen and MJ have the best two, to be honest, they were bigger and more planned out. Mines just for staying in and the rest will be redone, eventually. So uh, pick one and I'll get to work." Peter pointed at the taken homes and Jean took the one next to Livs, "Oh, phone for a moment," and touching it to his, it beeped and she stared at it, "uh, protected network, can't dial in or out without the protocols," and she held the phone to her chest as it buzzed and dinged nonstop, "yeah, Gwens did that too, sorry I forgot."

Jean frowned, "Uh, I need to take this, sorry but I could be a while," and Peter nodded and pointed to his home,

"Go ahead, I don't mind," and sitting at the table pulled out a drawer from underneath, taking out a sketch pad and pencil he began to draw out the insides of the remaining offices.

As he worked, the warehouse faded away and his hand began to dance over the page. The ground floor offices would be hollowed out, two would be filled with a knee-high pool, large enough to swim in but deep enough to just sit, with two baths at each end, showers, in a rainfall design rather than traditional showerheads. Storage for towels and hampers for dirty ones, more for guests as the symbiotes took care of dirt and water.

In the two above and the four at the end, these would be homes, the stairs would need to be reinforced and improved and wiring and plumbing would need to be fed through the whole thing. Peter sighed as he would have to move and redo the floor underneath to get the plumbing in, or risk ugly jutting pipes everywhere.

If he was going to move them then, stretching out quickly, adding a terrace above the bottom two, extending it around to fit over the bathhouse, and adding in a half foot in sound insulation for wiring and plumbing. He would need to buy more offices, but as flatpacks were cheap and easy to find it wouldn't be hard. As the idea flowed he decided to scrap the entire side, move everything temporarily and use the pieces to build the penthouse, start from scratch and rebuild the entire thing. Start at the top and work down.

As he worked he failed to notice the small gathering he had drawn, each woman staring as his hand moved across the paper, sketching and designing the new interior of the warehouse, even Liv and Wanda had come home from Shield HQ and stayed quiet as he worked.

"Hey, no fair, if you do all that, I want to move," and as Peter looked up and saw Gwen staring slack-jawed at the plans he smiled, and the group began to argue over who was living where.