Arc Six. Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Nine. Legitimate

Peter was nervous as he headed back to the warehouse, he'd never been the victim of a conscious mind attack before, Wanda might have given him lessons on how to shield his mind but not on how to actively defend himself when someone tried to influence him, or how to attack back without making their heads explode. The professor didn't count, as he wasn't aware of it but this time he had been but was unable to trace it back to the mind that attacked him.

He sighed, adding that he would have to discuss taking Selene up on her offer, first Charles and now whoever that was, if it was someone else. Of all the assholes on the planet it seemed that telepaths liked to skulk about and do things in the shadows, well fuck you, stupid telepaths, he made sure to broadcast loudly across the district.

"If you insist Mr Parker, however, I would prefer a nice bed. I might have an offer for you, but even I have standards." the woman said with a smirk, as she eyed him up and down, "not that I wouldn't be willing."

Peter froze. From the shadows a tall blonde stepped out, curvy and dressed in a plain white dress, it was cut low and accentuated the massive breasts she had, coming down to just above her waist, in a mini skirt style she wore two long, thigh-high white boots, and walked with the grace of a predator. "But I would prefer to talk." She held up a hand and reached into her fur-lined white coat, taking out a small gold trimmed business card and offering it to him.

"You?" and she nodded,

"I am sorry but I had to test your mental defences, and they are lacking Mr Parker. If you desire, I can teach you to not only defend yourself but influence and attack. You may have had a similar offer but mine would be with barely minimal strings." As she gave him a small smile, "I will take payment in kind though, and I'm sure you have a few tricks you could teach me," as she eyed his groin.

Peter stared at her and frowned, "You know about Selene?" Ignoring her blatant seduction attempts, he'd gotten in trouble for one honey trap, there would be no repeat of that.

Emma laughed "Selene's stench is all over you darling, so it's not difficult. We operate a different style of group. Hers is a Brotherhood, where one rises based on their mutant power. The Hellfire Club offers you one based on merit and ability, and if Venom and his little friend come under our wing, then we can make your little business bloom into more than just simple cash."

"Hellfire Club, nice name, Brotherhood too, like a cult, I'll pass." and as Peter turned to walk away, he heard the growl from behind her. If she knew about Selene and Venom, then he needed to make sure the warehouse was secure before he touched another group, especially one that seemed to know so much about him.

"It's quite alright Mr Parker, just know that we have looked into your past, as well as made a few discrete inquiries. We won't push the issue but be warned that while this offer is legitimate and very beneficial to both sides we won't watch a potential threat take sides with one of the other factions that reside in New York. You may not be aware but there are power plays going on that even you would have trouble dealing with." Emma folded her arms, tapping the card against the sleeve of her coat. Oh just take the damn deal you idiot, she thought to herself, it was cold and while he was attractive, dealing with a hormonal teen wasn't her idea of fun.

"You know, I promised I would behave, go legit, but don't fucking push me. Your little mind stunt is the same shit Selene tried and she ended up on her ass. I have no issues hitting a woman or her fucking dog." Peter knew that she wasn't alone, a huge man lurked in the shadows and even if he had no enhanced senses he could probably still smell him.

He sent out a pulse, checking for any signs of a mind in the immediate area and found one, a lurker on the rooftop of a building close enough he could feel him, far enough away to be hidden from his normal senses.

Peter watched the huge man step out from the shadow, dog was an understatement and taking a look over him, Peter figured he was at least 7 ft tall and built of nothing but muscle. Thick wild hair stuck out from a hunter's cap and he sported the same wild haircut as Wolverine. Feral yellow eyes stared menacingly at him and he snarled, revealing thick razor-sharp incisors. The banded outfit he wore underneath revealed a bulging set of muscles that made Captain America look puny, and he was covered in thick yellow hay blonde hair.

"Oh hey, Wolverines bigger uglier cousin," and at the name, the man stepped forwards snarling,

"Now now Sabretooth, he doesn't know." The woman lifted a hand and placed it on the chest of the brute, "Mr Parker, antagonising myself and my group comes with consequences, some you may not be able to afford. I suggest you take this seriously. When you're ready to act like an adult, call me." and she flicked a card at him, he grabbed it out of the air and the pair faded into the shadows.

Emma Frost,

White Queen,

Hellfire Club.


Great, more fucking mutants. Peter sighed and hoisting the bags back up made his way back to the warehouse. Things had just gotten a bit more serious. Huffing he decided though that talking things over with the group may be more productive than standing in the street holding bags of groceries and making his way home a voice called out to him,

"Hey, yeah kid, yeah you, you know where The Warehouse is?" and Peter looked around to see who was looking for his home. Peter sighed, they must have had a free day at the steroid gym, as he spotted another hulking muscle man.

This one had short black hair and a cheeky grin plastered over his face but his tactical vest and cargo pants with jackboots instantly struck a chord with Peter, Shield agent, and he nodded, "yeah, follow me." even if the man wasn't, it would be easy enough to just shank him somewhere and have Poison deal with the body.

"You live there too?" and Peter nodded, "I'm her uh, co-worker, Brock. She mention me?"

"Sure, the pilot for War Machine right?" and the man's face split into a huge grin,

"Yeah yeah, that's me, you a student yet or still waitin'? I hear the classes will be tough, got a real badass this time around, the Black" and as Peter used his key to let the pair in, Brock took one look at Natasha and coughed, "a real good instructor," Peter stifled a laugh, He knew Natasha had a reputation around Shield HQ as 'that agent'.

Peter at first thought she meant the agent that they used for honey traps, but it really meant the one that did anything to get her target. Her codename of Black Widow was well earned, and using herself as a honey trap was probably the kindest thing she could have done. Extreme violence was not off the books where Natasha was concerned, and when he thought she joked about just stabbing him to get a blood sample, Peter learned that it wasn't a joke.

"Mr Rumlow, a pleasant surprise, but an unusual one. Is there a problem at the lab?" Liv asked, coming over and taking the bag from Peter, giving him a side glance,

"No no, doc, we got the purge finished and you ain't turned your phone on yet. So someone had to come out and make sure you were fine for tomorrow. We got the armour moved and if you don't know where then the labs can be a bit of a maze, right?"

Nat stirred and took one look at Brock making a noise. "What are you doing here Brock? Keeping tabs on me for Pierce?" and as she sat up she stretched and grabbed the blanket, hiding the fact she was only wearing a t-shirt, one the girls all knew was one of Peters.

Brock laughed "Nah, you ain't interesting enough, gotta keep my best science gal up to date on the lab, and her phone ain't on, neither's yours," and Liv raised an eyebrow but imperceptibly shook her head as she saw Peter tense.

"Would you like a coffee Brock?" Liv offered diplomatically and he nodded,

"Unless you got something a bit stronger?" and she shook her head,

"I'm afraid not, it's all students here so no alcohol." and pouring him a cup she placed it on the table in front of him and pointed to the jug with milk and the sugar bowl. As he spooned sugar into the black coffee he took a look around the warehouse,

"Remodelling?" and Peter nodded,

"Adding in more facilities, got to keep the tenants happy,"

"Wait, your Parker? Peter Parker?" and Peter nodded, it was the best way to hide the anger he was feeling, knowing that trying to talk to this giant douchebag would only put Liv's mission at risk.

"Shit, you know your mom is famous right? I mean, as far as Shield agents go, only Nat here comes close. I mean, I once watched a training video where she took out five targets with the old Sig Mayer 5, those things couldn't hit a barn door with a cow they were so bad, but not your mom. It was just pop pop pop and the targets went down. So you're an agent now too right?" and Peter nodded,

"Damn, if you're like your mom, oh hey," and he took out a card. "If you ever want some advice, or you know, to spar or extra help, just call, you know, with Liv here an all, I'm sure I'll be around." and he gave Peter the same smile he'd used earlier.

Peter smiled back, finally getting a grip on himself, "oh thanks, but I need to see how hard they push us, I mean, I hear my instructors a real badass," and Brock laughed, whispering under his breath

"Some kind of ass anyway," but even as they all heard him loud and clear they ignored it.

"Right, well, thanks for the coffee doc, and uh, see ya at work. Remember, new building, and if you get lost, just call me, numbers in your phone already," and as Liv showed him the door Peter was sitting with a stern look on his face.

As she came back over, "Liv, get your phone please," and she nodded, getting it from her bag and Peter took it into his home, sliding it into a faraday bag, used to protect the parts of the harness when they weren't in use and out for examination. Since the Ultron incident, each component had been scrubbed, not just physically but electronically as well, and Peter and Liv were rebuilding the controller OS.

"You think?" and he nodded,

"I don't need to read minds to know he's a giant douchebag," Peter said, "and insisting on your phone, I mean, someone said, don't trust anything that's been out of your sight and he was very focused on it."

"Do you think he's in the group?" and Peter shrugged.

"He might just be a dick, you are pretty" and Liv smirked and shook her head,

"Flatterer," and he shrugged, "I'll make a clone of my phone and then clean it, you have enough to do dear. Let me worry about my department while you worry about everything else," and Peter pulled a face, "yes yes we know, but there are five of us, dear. Stop trying to shoulder everything yourself, use us," and as Peter raised an eyebrow and grinned, "and not in that way, you'll break Ms Romanov if you keep that up," and she laughed.

"Who said he hasn't, think I sleep all the time cause I'm lazy," and everyone stared at Peter,

"What? When has anyone ever said no?" and they thought and nodded in agreement, "though, if it's too much Nat, you should have said, not a monster."

"Speaking of monster," Nat rummaged through the bag, lifting out chips and candy bars, and as Liv coughed, she sighed and started to unpack and put the groceries away properly "Can I uh, get a symbiote as well?"