Arc Six. Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Nine. I’m The Best At What I Do (NSFW)

Peter had only taken a day to fully recover. While his accelerated healing meant the outside was fine, the serrated blades of Talon had torn him up badly enough that the insides needed a steady liquid diet to heal properly, and solid food was still off the table.

As he sat, drinking his third protein shake of the day Laura nervously knocked and stuck her head around the door,

"Hey, short stuff," but he paused as he saw the look on her face, "what's wrong?" he asked,

Laura dived at him and grabbed onto Peter and squeezed him. "My fault, my fault" was all she said as she cuddled up to him,

"Hey, hey it's fine. I healed, and I know, sorry for making you see that again," and he ran a hand over her head, "sorry". Peter knew how much that had hurt her, and even now Talon was refusing to show herself, partially out of shame but more out of fear. Peter knew that seeing her memories had sent ripples of anger throughout the school, sending anyone caught in his psychic wave into a blind panic. Emma had dosed him, not just to help him heal, but to get him to relax, and then lectured him on getting a proper grip on his powers.

"Good, all healed?" and he nodded, "good, then listen," and she grabbed his face and lifted herself up and kissed him. "Talked to others, spoke to Gwen, and Liv. Love you, saved me, not just from them but from me, wanted bad things, wanted hurt everyone, lash out in pain, and make them suffer." Laura took his face in her hands and kissed him, "Saved me, gave me Talon, stupid snot needs to talk though, helps me learn."

Peter chuckled, "maybe, if you didn't call her stupid snot then she might?" and Laura laughed and kissed his chin,

"No, stupid snot hurt you, will punish her later, Hun says she can learn."

"Hun?" Peter asked, "Oh, Huntress. You called her Hun?" and he laughed, oh I bet she loved that,

"Still learning, make words hard, learning though, got help, online." and she sat back, looking him in the eye. "Spoke to dad, and he mad but okay. Spoke to others, and they mad, but Gwen wants kisses to make up."

Shit, Peter thought, He had taken a guess at what Laura had meant, but now she just confirmed it, and if kissing Gwen was on the cards, he needed to have a small word with her about taking advantage of someone who didn't know any better.

"Like you, lots. Ask Jean what it means. Jean said boys and girls do things, the professor said where babies come from, so looked, don't want baby though,"

Peter shook his head and while he liked Laura, they had fun sparring, this wasn't how he wanted this to go. "Come on, stand up, we can talk first okay, those uh videos aren't really healthy to watch, so let me explain" if I can, he thought. Getting sex ed was embarrassing enough when he'd sat through the class but to have to explain to someone who not only got naked, inviting but also very willing was something Peter never imagined he would have to do.

Laura looked hurt, "you don't want?" but Peter shook his head.

"I do, but did the professor and Jean not explain relationships?" and she nodded excitedly,

"Like boy, boy likes girl, hold hands, do dates, have sex, get married, have babies." She said enthusiastically, and while Peter knew she sounded stupid it was her lack of talking in the lab where she grew up, not a lack of intelligence that held her back. "Asked others if okay, Gwen said, okay as long as behave and not go too far. Then ask if I wanted to kiss her, said maybe but wanted to kiss you first." She frowned, "no good?" and Peter really didn't know how to respond to that, was he taking advantage of her or was she now capable of making this choice.

"It's fine Laura, just," and Peter really didn't know what to do, say yes and get in trouble or say no and upset Laura.

"You want babies?" and Laura peered down at her groin but shook her head, "no babies, not yet. Watch that too, part of sex-u-al-ed-u-cay-shun. We know what we want, we want you."

Shit, not touching that one, Peter cringed internally, 21 was way too young he felt.

"Laura, I like you and we have fun sparring, but I have five others, I'm sure-" and she nodded,

"Professor said you bad man and Jean goes red when he talks about being a bad man. She smells like she wants you, not like Scott, he's a dumbass, but the professor says not to call him that."

"See, most people only have one, and that's all you're supposed to have, it's just different with me and everyone."

"Cause you horn dog," and Peter choked back a laugh,

"Logan says you think with dick and not be good man, but, smell good, act good and still want, not care." and she advanced on him once more, "find words hard, can't say how feel, show instead?" and her hands ran down his chest to his groin and she rubbed him. "Please?" Laura tilted her head and smiled, "like the movie, on Logan's laptop!"

She moved and sat in front of him, "let me suck your fat cock." and beamed as if she found a treasure,

Peter choked in surprise,

"Woah, What the hell? What the hell sites have you been on?" Peter stared at her as she stripped completely, the thick hair from before was now neatly shaven.

"No? Cum in my slutty pussy daddy?" and Peter could only stare, "Hmm, not good. Fuck me, fuck me hard?" and Peter shook his head.

"Laura, stop, just please, listen." and he made a mental note to give Logan a lecture on computer security, and Gwen and the rest a scolding about teaching Laura bad habits. Even if they had nothing to do with those outbursts, they should have given her some proper advice.

Peter sighed and pulled her up and into his embrace, "people who like each other, they talk, and if they both agree, then they kiss, and then they move onto the other stuff." and Laura nodded and sat on his lap, running her hand through his hair as she always did, this time though Peter gently touched his lips to hers and she responded, pressing back and letting her lips press against his.

"Nice, soft," she said and her tongue gently parted his lips, "like this?" and he responded by gently teasing her tongue with hers, as she turned she faced him and her legs split apart, he could feel how wet she was and the symbskin around him faded back and Peter was sat naked with her on top.

As he kissed him he leant back and smiled, "relax," and he kissed her neck and down her front, letting his hands cup her small breasts, gently rubbing one nipple with a finger and taking the other in his mouth and sucking on it. She whined and he flicked it with his tongue while squeezing the other.

Laura had begun to rub herself over him, his erection pressing into her but unsure of what to do she was simply responding to what felt good. Peter reciprocated and let the tip of his cock rub up between her wet lips, rubbing the bottom and then over her clit. Laura gasped at the sensation and Peter used his other hand to press her onto him, keeping her tight against him,

"More?" and she nodded.

"This might hurt," and she shook her head.

"Don't care," and he leant her back, lifting her slightly and as he slid into her she gasped and whined.

"You okay?" And she nodded, wetness in her eyes,

"Happy, is fine, go more," and he slowly lowered her further onto him.

Once they were fully joined, she leaned forwards and kissed him, letting her hands run over his face and neck, his free hand still cupped her breast and he rubbed over a nipple while his other hand rested on her ass, rocking her back and forwards.

"Move your hips, like I'm doing, move as slow or as fast as you want," and she nodded, moving slowly at first, adjusting herself but with a small whine, she began to move faster and faster.

"Oh good, oh good," she repeated, "make so good," and Peter moved his now free hand, and as she leaned back he cupped both breasts, alternating between sucking each nipple and teasing it with his teeth and tongue.

"Oh good, please, make good, hard, please good," Laura had been reduced to basic words but Peter knew what she meant, taking her hips he pressed her down and rocked her back and forth as she tightened around him, Laura tilted her head to one side as if she was trying to remember something and she smiled

"Bad girl, cum in me, fuck my little tight pussy," and he wrapped his arms around her, and thrusting deep, and pulling her down, he flooded her insides with cum.

But the effect was what she wanted, and as Talon purred with contentment she also came, feeling the explosion of pleasure ripple through her body.

As he continued to cum, more and more, she let out a high pitch whine and collapsed onto him, panting and growling as she kissed and gently bit at him, she continued to gently rock back and forth as she did, feeling the last of her orgasm gently fade until she collapsed, lying on his shoulder, her hand on the other.

As she lay there, she kissed him. "You bad though, no babies," and he laughed but shook his head.

"Don't worry, no babies, I promise." Peter had learned long ago that unless he wanted, his semen was mainly symbcells, and unless Talon wanted it there was no chance of pregnancy.

Laura climbed off him and spread her legs looking between them, "good, feel nice?" and kneeling down proceed to take Peter in her mouth, gently running her tongue over his slowly softening cock,

"Hey, you don't have to-" and she shook her head,

"Watch video, man squirts in mouth and then makes woman lick, want to try," and he shook his head. I am going to kill Logan, but the thought soon evaporated as Laura began to suck him vigorously.

She had no tact, it was taking it as deep and as hard as she could, and as Peter was lost in the simple pleasure he wondered if she was okay, but as her eyes seemed focused on him he let out a moan of his own and she continued. He felt the back of her throat but with no apparent discomfort, she was deep throating him with a lot of enthusiasm and was learning at a steady pace. She gripped the bottom of his shaft and as she bobbed her head up and down her hand followed and soon Peter, even with his enhanced physiology felt himself about to cum,

"Oh shit Laura, now," and she let him spurt down her throat before filling her mouth, swallowing and stroking as she did. Even the large amount seemed unimportant and with a grin, she continued until he was dry and licking the top she looked proud of herself,

"Taste good, all Peter good," and he let out a deep breath and ran his hands over his hair,

"Oh shit, and Laura good too, wait did you just call me Peter?" and she nodded.

"Peter mine, do this more. Fight, then this, oh, and food, make lots of food too. Jean says man should provide, you provide, home, food, fighting and this, be good," she said with a huge smile "this or food now?" and she stroked him up and down, feeling him harden again in her hand, "want this, then food," and she licked the top. "Maybe not fight and do this," and took him in her mouth again and he leant back, running a hand over the top of her head and she took him deep again.

He couldn't complain, she was wild and he didn't care, and as she sucked him down into her throat and he felt himself stiffen again, She looked up at him, "steal Logan's computer when he not looking, watch more clips on how to do this, both have super healing, do everything," and as she sat back down on his lap and guided him into her. She moved his hands back up to her breasts as she slid him in and out of her, even taking one hand and kissing his fingers as she moaned in pleasure.

Peter lowered his hand and let a thumb rub over her clit, and soon enough he felt her cum once more but if he didn't take control she would drain him dry and he didn't stop this time.

Her mouth hung open and her tongue lolled out as he pounded her harder and harder, letting himself fill her as deeply as he could and she moaned and gasped and writhed on him until he felt her tighten around him and then go limp. It was only then that he came once more and Talon greedily took all he offered.

Sweaty and exhausted she leaned against him, panting and gently nuzzling against his neck, "Peter so good, so good," but she lifted herself up and placing her hands on his shoulders kissed him,

"I ready. More." and began to grind on him once more, "fill here too" and she motioned to her butt, "see that, want to try everything." The young but experience hungry mutant was still unsatisfied and in his attempts to tire her out, Peter realised he might have unleashed a monster instead.