Arc Seven. Chapter One Hundred Eigthy-Seven. Parasite Lost

"How are you feeling?" Liv asked Peter as he came down the ramp from his house. Shrugging he sat down and sighed,

"Honestly. The Extremis virus is a great power boost, with two major problems." and to demonstrate Peter clenched a fist and electricity crackled over it, and then clenched the other fist which glowed bright red and Liv could feel the heat from where she was sitting.

"I can generate electricity, and from that refine it into pure heat. I'm pretty sure if I grabbed my phone or anything else I could use the Extremis virus as a bridge and assimilate it, but, we still don't know how infectious I am, or if anyone infected with the new virus would have the same powers. I mean, what if a new symbiote I birth is already infected. Imagine the chaos that could cause."

"Which is why I would suggest until we have a much better idea of how badly you are compromised that you do neither, and I must insist that sexual intercourse, even kissing anyone with a symbiote is out of the question." and she huffed, "as much as it pains me to say that."

"Uh, I also can assimilate and create symbcell nanoparticles. After Tony bragged about it I sat and wondered if the virus was into more than just my immune system." and as Liv watched, rather than oozing over his, a faint blue shimmer covered Peter and he was covered in a plated version of the Venom armour. Taking one of the gloves, Venom twisted it and it came away if it was separate armour. "It now doesn't need my bioelectric field to remain cohesive. I can create an inorganic symbcell material, just as durable as most alloys. No idea how tough it is, but we can test that."

Fascinated by this new development Liv reached forwards but Peter quickly grabbed the glove and slid it back on his hand, letting the particles dissolve back into his body, "Liv!" and he moved back, "I get that it's new but please," and she nodded,

"Sorry dear, scientific curiosity." but the gleam in her eyes hadn't faded. "Have you tried to assimilate different pieces of technology? Or are you simply making an assumption?" and he nodded,

"Assumption. What if I assimilate something and it messes with my brain, or something vital because my cells think it'd make a good heart. If, and I mean this Liv, if we try this I want a full lab around me, not just the warehouse."

Liv laughed, "Well, as the newly appointed CESO of Parker Inc I can guarantee that by the end of the week we'll have a full lab. Even Shield has made good on some promises, after the incident with Brock, I called in a few favours from Fury."


"Chief Executive Science Officer," and Peter laughed. Liv was already making her mark on the company.

"It should take about a week to finalise and install all the relevant workspaces. To be honest, we're mainly moving things from here to the new warehouse, which I might add, you haven't even looked at."

Peter huffed and sighed, "Sorry, it's just been mad around here, I mean, first Laura and then Wanda. I keep expecting Jean to wander in at some point as well. Then this, I mean, if it wasn't for you I'd be swamped. I'm also worried about meeting Shaw. If Emma is as much of a problem as he is then how do we counter someone who for once, knows we're coming, has powers and an army of powered soldiers, and has the resources to fight us. Harry got caught with his pants down and thought his anti-venom would be enough. Shaw is different."

"So, why not do the same, isn't that Selene woman looking for an in? Why not ask for her help, fight fire with fire so to speak."

"You know she wants to have sex with me for some reason right?" and Liv nodded,

"We do, and we figure it's her enhanced power. She might be related to the succubus myth or even vampires. If these powered 'mutants' have been around for centuries then even werewolves, ghosts and the undead may have roots in their origins. Wanda can move objects with her mind, if telekinesis is possible and you can create fire, why not poltergeists or worse."

"Yeah but what if that's her price?" and Liv tutted,

"We gave you permission Peter, stop being a prude. Take her, break her if you want, just come home. It's only when you sneak around without us knowing that we get mad." and Peter still looked guilty, especially now he was under quarantine. "The only line we draw is a symbiote. No making more until we know the Extremis isn't going to hurt them." but Peter had already agreed to that. A techno-organic virus-infected symbiote could potentially be a disaster.

"We also have the issue of trusting Killian. Once he knows about your physiology he may want more samples of the Extremis you produce, especially if it is markedly different from his own."

From the small sample Gwen had, they already knew that it was. With Peter's symbcells interacting with the volatile serum it had stabilized within his system and once Peter knew about the virus he could make it on his own. Processing it as a part of the same symbcell mix he could make and was present in his bodily fluid.

"I don't have an issue with that, I mean if Stark had stopped being a dick for a minute we could have kept working together, even if I had to licence the CLS to him, "

"Oh, that reminds me, Gwen sent this over," and she handed a list to Peter, which made him smile as he read,

The legal document, produced by the group's ever capable but blind lawyer, struck Stark with several copyright infringement lawsuits, all stemming from his use of the patented symbcells. While Stark's response had been a standard 'I have more money so let's fight,' Peppers was more congenial and actually gave both parties some leeway.

Gwen was being let go, her contract would be nullified and her non-competes would be void. As for nanotech. In exchange for the usage of the symbcells Stark gave his rights to the CLS back to Peter and licenced it from him in turn. A hefty check was attached, cut down by Gwen's termination with no strings, but it still boosted the group's cash flow immensely. Peter handed the whole thing back to Liv and would let her deal with it. While Peter's name was on the paperwork, Liv was in charge and Peter was confident that she would make the company successful, more so than he ever could.

There was even a release of the Stacy formula, leaving Stark with no claim on it, but Gwen's cream was still manufactured through Stark. All in all, it had been a win, which bothered Peter. Stark never gave up so easily, unless he had a backup, but until he called to brag, or made a big showy presentation, Peter had no clue as to what he was doing.

The first thing of course was to hire Gwen and offer Curt a position, both accepted at once and now the company had three employees. It was now a matter of waiting until the warehouse had been refurbished and Liv and Curt would both conduct interviews, hiring interns and other support staff could wait. For now, it was settled, more amicably than Peter expected but it was settled.

The second and more pressing matter was to make sure that Peter's new physiology was safe. To do that they used the newly refurbished warehouse. While it was empty of anything important it was still a certified biohazard and clean zone. Testing here would be safe for anyone outside the testing area. It was just Peter they were worried about.

Behind a blast shield, Liv drew blood, while Curt and Gwen stayed back in case of an emergency. As the first sample burst into flames Peter tutted and looked within himself. He could feel his connection to the virus and it was that connection that allowed him to realise.

"Liv, we need Stacy formula as well. The cells aren't assimilated into mine, they're piggybacking. So when my cells break down they break down too. My armour is fine, as I can create a stable coating, but normal bodily fluids remain volatile. "

Peter had branched out since assimilating more knowledge from the stone. As he needed to know not just the mechanical science behind artificial limbs but the neurological and biological he had been absorbing textbook after textbook. Without bragging, he figured he could give Liv or Stark a run for their money now.

"The Extremis is unstable, and in trying to remove it we'd really screw up my body. I'm already enhanced but the de-powering formula would probably do more harm than good, but if we enhance the virus it should stabilise it, and if I mass-produce symbcells as it happens then I might be able to assimilate it while the formula works."

"Radiation as well?" Liv asked but Peter shook his head,

"No, not going there, we've all seen Banner and Blonsky. Even my own blood won't be much help. I need to merge with it and make it my own. So we need Gwen's hybridisation procedure."

The process was, in theory, simple. Peter would guide the hybrid formula and target only the Extremis virus and the symbcells within his immune system, as the formula was assimilated he could then spread it throughout his body, creating a third newer hybrid body, a symbiote-human-extremis hybrid. With the virus added into his own cells, like a new form of mitochondria, he should stop it from explosively decomposing with it left his body.

The problem was, in practice the process wasn't as easy. Gwen's process would be used, even though they had all agreed to would be cruel to both the host and the symbiote. This time the target was the Extremis virus rather than a symbiote and Peter knew it would be excruciatingly painful. His only saving grace was that as he now had a much hardier physique it wouldn't take as long or be as deadly.

Even then Gwen and Liv both looked hesitant as they strapped him to the table. Curt carefully laid out a tray of injector guns, each one with a relevant dose of both powering and de-powering formula. Both were required to first clean and then repower the individual. The next step was to use the hybrid formula. This formula however was targeting the cellular makeup of the host, rather than their DNA. As it worked they would almost undergo a butterfly effect, becoming, internally at least, a mushy paste that would rebond with any resident creatures. A painful and laborious process Peter had no choice. It was this or risk exploding, or worse, risk infecting others and them exploding. As long as he remained calm and conscious he could guide the formula to the cells producing the Extremis virus, and once they were part of his physiology, they should become stable.

The first injection sent a shiver of cool ice through his veins and it wasn't until the third injection that the fire raged within his blood. Peter strained and screamed against the restraints, and holding a camera, Curt recorded the whole thing. As his symbarmour spread over him, he contorted and tentacles of pure black flailed and writhed as the formulas got to work.

Even he took a step back as Venom's maw split open and a huge gout of flame spurt forth, the naturally enhanced symbcell napalm sprayed into the air and Gwen rushed to grab a fire extinguisher.

As Peter roared, the flame gushed out and even Gwen had to retreat. Inside the building was burning and a thick black smoke drifted up to the warehouse walkways. Liv tutted, "Really dear?" and slammed a hand on the emergency flush system. Rather than water, a thick foam gel, capable of extinguishing any type of fire, rained down and in the mist, they could see the bright flares of Peter's flame breath.

"Not even moved in and he burns it down." and Gwen snorted at Livs comment,

"Well, at least you can stick up one of those zero days since Pete's last accident signs," and Liv laughed, it was funny enough to lift the brevity of the situation, and even as Peter's flames grew less frequent they stood waiting.

As the air cleared and Peter was left sitting in a foam bath they could see the changes. He had been wiry before but now he almost glistened. His slowly bulking muscles had shrunk once more, but as Liv lifted an arm to check his pulse, she felt it was as if he was made from iron instead of flesh with its weight. "Turn around a moment Curt" and even though he frowned he did so. When he wasn't looking, Liv gave Peter the once over and nodded at Gwen, "He's fine," and Gwen nodded knowingly. The last thing they needed was the already well proportioned Peter to suddenly become a swinging sausage monster. Symbiote or not there was such a thing as too large.

"Really?" Peter asked, with his eyes closed, "that's the second thing you check?" and Liv laughed,

"I can tell by your heartbeat and sweat that you're fine dear, a woman's prerogative if you insist. Now, dress and we can clean up before we check your vitals properly."