Arc Seven. Chapter One Hundred Ninety-One. A History Lesson

Natasha had been right. As soon as Peter tendered his resignation he received several phone calls, all from bureaucratic assholes telling him he was a government agent and he couldn't just quit. Once he explained that yes he could, as he had only signed the trainee contract and not a full agent one they then became more threatening.

At first, it was the criminal record that Venom supposedly had, but Matt had already taken care of that, and the paperwork, all with Director Fury's signature was filed, copied and neatly handed back, with a polite but stern 'Fuck you.'

Then it was his status as an alien host, as well as the rest of the group, was brought up and Peter just kindly reminded them that not only was he good friends with Thor, the Prince of Asgard but Carol Danvers as well, a member of Nova Corps, who had granted him immunity under galactic Law.

The phone calls became less hostile but even more annoying. A final medical, to approve his discharge had been scheduled and Peter just laughed and brushed them off. There was no law that said he had to undergo a medical examination if he didn't want to, especially when he was quitting. Pointing out his lawyer would have a field day felt like cheating, but they were becoming more insistent and superpowers wouldn't help here. Once a few phone calls had been made he was in the clear and it was almost time for his meeting with Shaw.

He had taken Livs advice and had Wanda contact Selene. If anyone knew how to deal with a mutant organisation it would be her, and while he felt Charles was closer he might preach tolerance and forgiveness, while Emma wanted fire and brimstone. Peter still had to endure the glare of not just Charles but Logan as well. Laura had been very vocal about losing her virginity to him and it seemed that her father disapproved. Peter didn't really care though. He placated him with a family meal, where, his mother, Curt, and everyone else would be present. Logan was gruff, but he figured after a hundred or so years he was probably a lot more tolerant than most.

A new pilot had come to take them to the island and they had used Shields hanger to board. He was a young man, and looked barely out of his twenties but as flying isn't something you just let anyone do Peter felt safe enough.

As they landed there was no one but Selene waiting for them, holding a wicker basket filled with jars and other small wrapped baskets,

"I wish to apologize, Mr Parker. When we first met I was rude and assumed the worst. It was my mistake and I hope that this collection of small treats may in some way make it up to you." As Peter took the basket with a wary eye he took a small breath and a selection of preserves, pastries and bread products filled his nose.

Selene smiled, "we support the island by creating artisanal goods. Pates, jams, jellies, and a lot of other goods we sell to high-end stores. It allows us some modern luxuries without being too dependent on the mainland," she explained as they walked down the road from the landing strip. "Ah yes, we tend not to use vehicles here. Most of the children have movement abilities, and they might hurt themselves. Plus, I am not paying for gas to be shipped," and as she smiled Peter chuckled as he gave her one back.

As they walked, Selene talked more about the basics of Genosha. Its simple mission was to help mutants find peace and a place where no matter their power, or physical abnormalities, they would be accepted. As she talked Peter was too busy watching the woman herself.

Keeping his telepathic senses locked away, he still let his others spread out, and while he ignored the curious glances from the mutants hiding in the woods he took a good look at her. Selene was in great shape, powers or not she was dark-skinned with thick back hair, neatly braided in dreadlocks against her scalp and they jangled against one another as she talked, the ornamental beads are woven into them adding an exotic flair to the already beautiful woman. She was a head shorter than Peter and wore a simple tan skirt, white blouse and tan overcoat, a poncho thing that Peter had no idea what it was called. He had seen one once in a magazine but as fashion was more MJ's passion to him it was a coat poncho thing.

As he looked around there were small cottages, surrounded by fields, some with vegetables but several had farm animals, the smallholdings Selene mentioned. As they walked further into the centre of the island groups of concrete buildings began to appear.

"Our capital, if you wish to call it such. Housing communication, power, and other amenities. We might have a very rural lifestyle Peter, but we do enjoy the more urban amenities as well." And as he spotted several coffee shops and cafes he knew exactly what she meant.

As he was led into a tall concrete and glass building he was checked over by security guards, and Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Security?" and she laughed a dark rich laugh.

"For you. We don't have guests often but we do need to put on appearances, especially after your little stunt. Some expressed concern about your return." and as Peter frowned and gave her a questioning look, "We have children on the island, and some were worried for their safety."

Peter's shoulders slumped, "then sorry, but it'd been rough, and uh, yeah, just, sorry." While the first visit had been Selene's fault for being overly aggressive, he had responded in kind and would think of some way to make amends, a way other than what Selene wanted.

As they stood in the elevator Selene smiled. "Once we head to my private apartment, I will answer any question you have. I want this to be as beneficial to both parties as possible, and I can assure you, having myself, and Genosha as an ally will not be to your detriment." and as she turned she placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know we did not start off on the correct foot. I am used to a certain way of doing things but as you have, then so shall I. I am sorry Peter, and such mistakes will not happen again."

As the elevator door pinged open, Peter was led into a richly decorated room. It had been done in a Victorian style, with rich dark red mahogany wood panelling under deep emerald green wallpaper. Several portraits hung, one of Selene and another of a man, with thick mutton chops and a scowl. Looking very dapper but also very southern in his attire.

"Ah, I will explain who that is, as he is one of the reasons you are here." and she motioned for him to sit in a leather armchair and as he sat it squeaked a little. "Please, you may leave that on the desk"

"Now, I will cut right to the chase, ask anything."

"Why me?" was his first question.

Selene was leaning over the table, grinning as Peter tried his best not to stare at her creamy coffee-coloured skin. "It's simple Peter. I want to have sex with you."

Peter leaned back, "you know that's not really simple right?" and she shrugged,

"Just sex, part of my mutant ability is to grow and adapt from the lifeforce I take. I was hurt a very long time ago, and having someone who won't be harmed by my ability would save others from a painful recovery. I will admit I also want some of that power bubbling away within you, and this is my ask. I sent Magneto to help, he got his rewards and I want mine."

Peter's eyebrows furrowed "but still, you know it's such a big ask, plus, didn't you tell me you were a psychic vampire. How do I know that I'll even survive?"

"Seriously? You know how many people would want my head on a stick if I ever harmed a single hair on your head. Erik and Charles might do a small dance but the seven others you have here would tear me limb from limb. I'm powerful but not that powerful."

Selene leaned back and started undoing the button on her lace top, slipping it apart. "It's simple, just once, I'm over two hundred Peter, this is a business transaction, nothing more nothing less. You can use me however you wish, I have heard the rumours, about not just the size but the taste, I will be your little sex kitten for an afternoon, I promise that no harm will come to you and you can use me as you wish. Want a guarantee, get one of the others in, get them all in, I don't mind an exhibition show. You lose all sense of decency after a while, I don't mind."

Selen sighed but leaned back and slipped a finger down, parting the two halves of her top, Peter had to stop himself from swallowing as two small but perfect breasts came into his eye line. An A cup but with large dark and very prominent nipples, already erect and as his eyes flicked up to hers she smirked.

"It may sound callous but I need this. I am sick, and I know you have regenerative powers, Please, let me explain." and as she leaned back, leaving herself bare and smiling at his gaze she began to tell her story

"It started in the early 1800s. I won't bore you with dates. A friend of ours, Nathaniel Essex had just lost his son and then his wife in the ensuing madness that followed the death of a child. As he became more desperate, more insistent that there was a divine power to save a sick child, he squandered his fortune in the hopes of some miracle. Sadly it came, not from America but from Asia. Egypt to be exact.

His men found the tomb of an ancient pharaoh, who supposedly had lived for thousands of years before succumbing to old age. Feeling that this was what he was searching for, Nathanial begged Sebastian for money, and on the condition that he and I accompanied him, he agreed. When we reached Egypt we found something both truly magnificent and truly terrifying. Back then it was a satan's cave of metal and unknown machines, each designed for a singular devilish purpose, keeping a purple-hued monster alive. Now, of course, it was an alien spacecraft, and not a monster, a mutant. Make no mistake though, he was barely human and had been alive for a very long time.

As Nathaniel and Shaw began to excavate the tomb I felt his mind stir. Whatever the mutant had been called before he had a new name, Apocalypse, and with him came his four horsemen. Fairy tales are frightening but very dangerous. Even as his mind stirred, I could feel his power beginning to overwhelm mine and in a panic I attacked. Draining what of his life force I could I transferred as much to Shaw as he could manage. Both cutting and hurting ourselves to use up as much power, Nathaniel thought us both mad and attempted to stop us. In our folly, we awoke a sleeping dragon Peter and Nathaniel ultimately paid the price. While his physical powers were weakened his mental ones were not, and in a flash, he possessed the form of our friend.

As a normal human, he could barely contain the power but as his form swelled and grew, his hair fell off and his skin burst with that unholy power I poured all I could into one single attack, Shaw attacking his body while I assaulted his mind. In one blow we trapped that monster in the crippled husk of our friend and condemned them both to eternal torment. Essex still lives. We agreed to seal his body, at first in concrete, and now in a plexiglass cage, surrounded by the highest purity of adamantium, unbreakable, forever draining and keeping that monster asleep.

We created a company, one to monitor and make sure that monster stays sleeping, the Essex Corporation. It was the last joint venture that Shaw and I did together. While I could absorb the lifeforce of that monster, Shaw was different after, more, focused on controlling everything around him. I offered him help, offered to drain the power but he refused, and well, after several hundred years and a lot of horrible things, He is now the head of the Hellfire Club."

Peter had been so focused on the story he had only just realised what she said, "You and Shaw own the Essex corporation?" and she nodded, but smiled

"Yes, Why?"

Peter was about to explode, but if he was sitting here while she calmly explained, he guessed Selene had no clue. "Can we uh, do the telepath thing, it's easier if you just see." and Selene nodded.

"There must be trust between us." and she took his hand.

As the vision faded, of Laura and everything right up to her visiting him in his apartment, he saw the look of shock fade and turn to anger on Selene's face.

"For it to be used to not just harm mutants but enslave and torture them is abhorrent, and against all I stand for. I will help you, You shall have an army to deal with Shaw, and I will help you kill him, once and for all."