Arc Seven. Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Five. Best Laid Plans

With breakfast cooked and served they sat around the table. Erik gave Peter not so subtle looks while Pietro and Angel fed each other pieces of their omelette.

"So, are we to simply smash Shaw and then celebrate, or do you actually have a plan?" Erik asked as he buttered a slice of toast.

Peter lifted the fork with the fluffiest and tastiest omelette he had ever had on it. "I wasn't the one who floated out a plane and crushed a building with his bare hands, but yeah I have a plan." and while Selene gave Erik a quizzical look the man actually looked embarrassed.

"I was making a point," and he lifted his cup and took a drink, "one that appears to have missed its mark," and Peter laughed,

"Yeah, I got it, big scary guy. We all are, it's not a competition, but Shaw. Accept his offer, find his location and try to minimise casualties. A superpowered showdown does nothing but antagonise local law enforcement. And technically I'm not Shield anymore, so bad press now hurts more than stings." Peter explained as he finished another plate of food and helped himself to toast.

"So, you don't have a plan, other than find out where he is and then attack him." and Erik smirked, "That probably won't work, Shaw isn't stupid."

"Yeah," and as Peter bit into his toast, he chewed slowly while thinking, "I have to go with, no plan survives first contact with the enemy on this one. Shaw isn't stupid, neither are we. He has to have a contingency plan in place if you ever found out. He has to have a plan in place if I tell him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, and we have to plan for his plans, or our plans will fail," and Peter looked over at him, and he raised an eyebrow and frowned. "Yeah yeah, we get it, all the plans are dumb, and really we go kick his ass."

Erik tutted and looked over at Pietro, "I still don't like that you'll be there. How have his classes been going?" and as Angel went bright red and Pietro just grinned Erik shook his head, "I see."

"Yeah, the overbearing father things been done, maybe try to support your kids for a change?" and Pietro coughed and began to choke on the piece of food Angel had just put in his mouth, "But let's be real, finding Shaw, dealing with whatever stupid plan he's got will require thinking on the fly. I mean, I can get four from my side. Felicia is out. She can't be taking sides in a war with the Hellfire Club, Gwen and MJ are both non-coms, and after a thought, so is Liv now I guess. So, Wanda and Laura, Nat will help, We speak to Charles and see who on his side will help, Jean, maybe?" Peter sighed and dropped the last crust of toast on his plate, "But it's then up to you, If you won't help Erik, then, well, then shut the hell up. Sitting and picking at our plan isn't helpful or productive. Shaw needs to be stopped, and sitting being an ass about it is just as bad as helping him,"

At that last part, Eriks face stiffened and he stood, "You just ran out of goodwill young man. I suggest you keep yourself out of my presence." and Erik strode off out of the restaurant.

Selene put down her fork and shook her head, "that was not helpful Peter. We need him." but Peter shook his head,

"Nope, we need his powers, and we don't have the luxury of niceties. I get that he doesn't want to fight, I'm totally fine with that. I don't ask Gwen or MJ to fight, and have respect for them keeping themselves out of trouble, but listening to his self-righteous bullshit, no. He wasn't helping, he was hindering, and if he's mad, well then maybe I said something that was true that he didn't like."

Selene leaned over and stroked his arm, "and there are things you are unaware of, and things you cannot say, and you need to go and apologize to him. He has his own reasons for wanting Shaw stopped, and his own reasons for making sure that nobody dies trying."

Piero looked over at Angel, "He does have a point though, I mean, are we just really going to rush in and hope we can beat whatever mutants he has there?" but Peter shook his head,

"Yes, and no. We can make sure that we have plans, who's on support, who's on communications, who's doing the heavy-hitting and who's taking out fast or agile threats. I never said we don't plan, I just said we cant. Shaw has at least three, two teleporters, a psychic ninja, and who knows what else. He could have someone who flies, telepaths, big huge guys, look at the different powers we've got at this table. Shaws got the same, and just as long to collect Augmented the way you have. There's no way to plan it all, we can only do our best."

A voice rumbled from the end of the table, "Well said, I help, smash big guys and help protect little guys." Cain laughed as he spooned egg into his mouth,

"See, Cain gets it, and we can go from there. As long as we get Shaw, the rest is up to Emma."

"And there is the problem Peter, so far, everything we have discovered on our own. Emma has been of little use and may be simply using you for her own means," Selene explained and Peter had to reluctantly agree,

"And I'll deal with her. I've got a good idea of her powers and I can shut her down. I'll get Felicia and Elektra on backup just in case it's a trap, and well. I'll warn everyone else. The warehouse can go into lockdown until I give an all-clear signal. All we can do is prepare the best we can and well, pray to whatever god you believe in."

"I only hope it is enough," and Selene dabbed her lips with the napkin she had, "thank you for breakfast Cain, it was delicious as always," and the big guy beamed from the praise,

"Any time Selene." and the group split and went their separate ways.

As Peter helped Cain clean away the breakfast plates, much to Cain's annoyance but Peter's insistence, they chatted. Peter found the giant quiet but still easy to talk to, he liked recipes and trying new foods and as Peter described all the food trucks around the warehouse the man's face lit up.

"You should come visit, we could do a food tour of New York" but Cain lowered his head and shook it,

"Charles. He doesn't like me being in New York,"

Cain had grown apart from Charles. He was an abandoned half brother, whose own brother lay in a coma. Peter's opinion of the man dropped even more. While the family sent a stipend each month, to take care of medical bills, Cain found that relaxing and cooking helped him deal with urges, and in hushed tones he admitted,

"I like to cut things. I like to feel meat squash between my fingers. I like to carve and slice, and I know it's bad. I know it is wrong, so I cook. You get that right?" and Peter had to agree.

He knew that anger was a powerful drug and as he learned to use his powers the urge to simply kill and main was always there. The symbiotes gave great abilities but at a cost and he was thankful the girls had an outlet.

"Yeah, I get you, big guy," and Cain laughed and while to him it was just a pat, as he lay the shovel sized hands on Peter's shoulder, he felt like a boulder had been dropped on him.

"I will help my home. Shaw is bad and threatens my home." and Peter nodded, trying not to hurt his feelings by collapsing under the man's show of affection.

As Peter collected and sorted the trash into the various recycling bins behind the restaurant he felt the presence and turned Erik was standing there.

"Uh, look," but Erik shook his head.

"I have been difficult, and your affection for my daughter is unwelcome. But Shaw cannot be allowed to conduct these experiments again." and Peter closed the lid on the trash can,

"Again?" and Erik nodded,

Peter shook his head, "let me guess, 40's right? Shit. I'm sorry. I was insensitive and I guess, Laura is a sore point, it wasn't fair to take it out on you." and Peter heard a rich laugh from the restaurant,

As Selene walked out, she cast a sparkling eye over the pair, "I do believe that you might have actually been nice to each other, the stars must have aligned," and as Erik scowled, Peter saw the humour and laughed,

"I can admit I'm wrong, it just doesn't happen very often," and Erik snorted,

"I find that hard to believe." but Peter shook his head,

"It was a joke, a joke. Still," and as he washed his hands under a spigot he dried them on a cloth he had over his shoulder and dipped closer to Erik, "maybe hold off calling you dad for now," and as Erik's lips pursed, Peter could see the man's blood pressure rising and he laughed and ran and one of the trash cans crumpled. As it was about to launch itself at Peter, Selene shook her head and grabbed it with her own power,

"Behave," and Peter laughed and shrugged while she shook her head, "you too Erik, he's barely over twenty and you are an old man. You shouldn't be letting someone rile you up so much. Even if he is annoying."

Peter faked being hurt, "hey, I have you know that-" and as Selene gave him a look, and placed her hands on her hips, "uh, yeah, okay, most of the time, the girls have me on punishment duty, so yeah, you get that one."

Erik snorted, "How impressive. Venom, the scourge of dirty plates and washer of laundry. Cowed into submission by a house full of women. Maybe I should change my mind and allow you to pursue a relationship with my daughter. She can see how to command respect, and grind you under her heel at the same time." and as Selene looked between the pair she just shook her head,

"I am herding children," and as she walked back into the restaurant, Peter looked over at Erik and shrugged.

"So, coming with us?" and Erik nodded,

"On the condition that Pietro and Wanda do not." and he stood before Peter with his arms crossed. "I am aware of how dangerous Shaw can be, and while I was angry at the incidents in Sokovia, I was also quite proud. Wanda for her control over her powers and Pietro for knowing when he was of no help. I will help, but only if you do everything," and he leaned closer, "and I mean everything, to make sure that neither of them is there when you confront Shaw."

Peter shook his head, "Pietro won't listen to me, and I bet you anything if Wanda goes, so does he." and Erik nodded,

"I will deal with Pietro, but if you are in a relationship with my daughter I want you to make sure she doesn't get hurt, and keeping her away from Shaw goes a long way to making me accept you,"

Peter frowned and shook his head, "look I don't care what Pietro said, I never did anything and we aren't-" but Erik raised a hand,

"I am not stupid young man, and I see the way she looks at you. You might not be, but she is fond of you and she will listen if you ask." Erik cleared his throat. "I am not good at this, but please. You know, and I don't want to lose her, I don't want to lose either of them," and as he turned and walked away Peter swore under his breath,

"Damn guilt trips." and tried to think of a way to stop Wanda from following him to Shaws.