Arc Seven. Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Seven. Join The Club

Unsurprisingly Charles had stayed behind, Ororo had joined Peter, while Logan and the X-Men began to prepare.

As they took a cab back to the warehouse, Peter noticed her uncomfortable resigned expression, "You know, you can talk to me, privately if you want?" he offered and she nodded.

Holding out a hand he felt resistance as they connected but with gentle persuasion, he touched her mind.

Well, I never thought I'd be comforting my guidance teacher, and Ororo laughed

And I never thought I would be sitting in a cab embarrassed that I threw myself at my student, and he chuckled,

Is that what this is about? Cause I did warn you, but she shook her head.

T'Challa is adamant you are a danger, and he will do something about it. You are watched, and he has a device in the warehouse that allows him access through your security.

She felt Peter tense, and he resisted the urge to swear.

As soon as I remove it, he'll know it was you.

I, and she slumped, I have already said my piece to him, and you need not be concerned. Not every woman is a damsel, not everyone needs protecting.

Peter shrugged, wouldn't be a uh, friend? A good person maybe, if I didn't. They might not need it, but it's still nice to be offered right?

Ororo laughed, and when did that shy nervous boy who would hide in my office become such a lady killer? to be so smooth and confident.

You have to be, or you get in serious trouble. I would definitely say that every woman in my life is a good influence.

Ororo laughed again and patted his hand, and now I really know why you have so many. But do not let confidence become arrogance, Peter. It is a good thing but not always.

Peter ran a hand down his chest, where Bullseye had shot him, and thought of where Laura had gutted him as well, nodding and pursing his lips, yeah, I am aware of that.

Good, then you are aware that you are not invincible, and that you can be hurt, and Peter nodded, then there is no need to say anything else. You are a fine young man Peter, and I am proud of you.

Peter felt heat rising in his cheeks and turned his head to hide the fact that getting compliments from an attractive woman still made him embarrassed. It would severely hurt his supposed cool factor

Thankful the trip from the Xavier Institute to the warehouse was not a long one, and that Ororo, even after they had finished talking, did not let go of his hand pleased Peter on a small level, but he was glad to be home.

As Peter paid the cab driver, Ororo stretched and after walking around the building found what she was looking for. A thin microwire, barely a hair thick was embedded into one of the warehouse vents and after running a shock through it, nodded and Peter made a note to reinforce the venting mesh. With his new senses, he could now pinpoint disturbances in the field around the warehouse and take measures himself, but her help was further proof that T'Challa had lost an ally while Peter had gained one.

Before heading inside, "Can I get your phone please?" and Ororo handed it over, installing the security program, she nodded and smiled and they both went inside,

"Oh thank goodness," Liv shouted, "Come quick," and she rushed over and grabbed him, pulling him into the shower room. As he was manhandled away Ororo marvelled at the progress he had made since her last visit and seeing Wanda and Laura eating moved over to speak to them.

As Peter saw the Huntress coated Carol he swore and sprayed her with the more potent symbcells, she stirred, "not quite what I wanted us to be doing," and as he nodded he bit back the anger at seeing her so hurt,

"Who?" but she shook her head,

"Not important right now, too big," and he nodded and once he had covered her, he knelt by the bath and ran a hand over Huntress.

"Sleep, it works better while you rest, and we can talk over food," and she nodded and closed her eyes once more.

"So?" he asked Liv,

"The Nova Corps apparently. Ravage has filled me in the best she can but she was hurt as well," and she shook her head as Peter offered her a wrist, "She's got my own cells to heal, Octave has the same powers." and he nodded,

"So, Carols back," and Liv laughed,

"Oh and we had to bond Wanda with a symbiote. We needed to get Ravage to a non-hurt host so she could heal. So, you might be dealing with that later," and Peter chuckled and shook his head

"Well, at least we'll know," and Liv laughed and ran a hand over his shoulder

"Do you want to?" and he nodded, "Dirty so and so, I think punishment is in order"

Peter laughed, "it's pretty much permanent these days," and she laughed as she shook her head,

"Oh it can be made much much worse Peter dear. We don't want you getting a big head." and he smiled and took her in his arms,

"You all deserve it, and I am the luckiest man alive." and Liv raised an eyebrow at him,

"flatterer," but she pulled him closer, "and Ororo?" but Peter just rested his head on top of hers,

"No, I don't think so. She's interested but after T'Challa I think it would be sex and nothing else."

"You know we wouldn't mind." and she pinched his behind softly, "and it might be nice to have a few more bi women."

Peter shook his head, "After Selene, I think the casual sex thing is a bit off the books." Peter didn't quite know how to put it into words, the sex was great but the connection was wrong.

"Then, that only leaves Jean." and as Liv leaned back she saw the concern on his face, "What?"

Peter sighed, and connected to her,

Charles thinks Jean is too unstable, and that she needs someone who will keep her grounded. Her powers are dangerous and I'm not a good influence.

Liv laughed, You are certainly not a good influence, Laura accosted me in bed yesterday and even I blushed at some of the things she shouted, really Peter?

Hey, that wasn't me, blame the internet, and I don't keep any pornography on my computer. I mean what's the point? But is she? And Liv shook her head,

Apparently not, she tried Gwen as well but just said it wasn't the same and left it at that. I am concerned over Jean though. If her powers are unstable, then maybe ease her into things. You just said it didn't need to be sex, maybe caring non hostile environment is what she needs.

Liv was quite correct. Peter kissed the top of her head, definitely the luckiest man alive, and as they parted he took her hand and they walked over to the table. Laura smiled at him but continued with her breakfast and Wanda gave him a coy and shy look and Peter knew it was more Octave than Wanda and smiled and nodded back.

As he helped himself to toast, which had been left to go cold on the rack, he buttered a slice and sat in his chair. "So, Wanda. Erik wants me to-" but she shook her head, "Right, just as I said. So, tomorrow, I head to the meeting, talk to Shaw, find out what he wants and then we go from there. Liv, I know you don't, so can you watch the warehouse and Carol, Laura if your coming, your dad will be there with the X-Men, Wanda, Your dad with be with Selene and the Brotherhood, and Ororo," and she looked at him,

"Storm." and Peter laughed,

"So, Storm, you can meet up with either group or stay here, in case of pests." and she nodded, but Liv frowned,

"Pests?" and he took a bite, chewed and swallowed,

"Seems Wakanda doesn't like us. So, pests."

Liv looked over at Ororo, "Is this your doing?" but she shook her head,

"I am aware, but not involved. I will stay here, the royal guard of Wakanda, the Dora Milaje, will not attack while you are out. I do not know how much they know, but I do know T'Challa, he will come himself to deal with the devourers, he would not risk anyone else."

Peter shook his head, "We need to deal with that, but for now, Carol and Shaw are my two top priorities." He waved the toast at Wanda and Laura, "so, in or out?" and Wanda went bright red and Laura shouted

"IN!" unaware of Wanda's expression. Peter laughed, "Right, then you stay here for now, and once we make contact, you follow and stay focused. Wanda, I get that bonding for the first few days is rough, and if you don't feel up to it nobody will fault you for not fighting." and as Wanda drew her knees into her chest she nodded, "but thank you, it means a lot you were willing to help Ravage." and she hid her face.

"Right, Ororo, can we talk, in private." and Peter stood, "Carol is fine, she'll heal and sleep but Wakanda is something else entirely. I don't want them to take advantage of this situation."

Ororo nodded and the pair heard up into his home, Liv looked over at Wanda. "Just tell him, he's being polite for your sake but I can feel my connection to Octave, even if we aren't bonded, and all you want is to run to him now," and Wanda sprang forwards, slapping her hands on the table,

"I know what I want, but seven!" and she bolted off into her chosen home on the other side of the warehouse and Laura looked up from her breakfast.

"Her too?" and Liv nodded, "good, Peter big horndog but needs as much help as he can get." and Liv was surprised that even Laura knew how much Peter depended on them.

Unaware of the happening downstairs Peter motioned to Ororo to sit and as he took his favourite chair, he sprayed a little neutraliser into the air. Ororo laughed and teased him by stretching, pulling the material of her top tightly against her chest. "While it is all fun Peter, but let us be serious."

"Wakanda," and he spun the bottle in his hands, "I need to know if Wakanda will come for us all, or just me. What do they know?" he asked, dreading the answer.

"T'Challa thinks we had sex, so assume everything. The device was a probe, very advanced and very sensitive. He might not have a recording of you all, but he will have conversations and anything you discussed." Peter gripped the bottle

As he shook his head, "This is a mess Ororo, and I can't fight Wakanda. Even if I got Shield back on my side, you think anyone will stand up to them? Check the papers. Cancer, AIDS, Parkinsons, and a whole bunch of stuff is being cured as we speak, all using Wakandan tech. Hell, you stand in the street and say Venom is an enemy of Wakanda and T'Challa won't have to do anything. The US government will hogtie me and hand me over, washed and ready for sacrifice."

Ororo sighed. "I know, but this isn't about Wakanda. T'Challa is only following the advice of an ancient king. A symbiote landed on Earth before and caused mayhem across Egypt and Africa before it was caught and killed. I may have made things worse, but, I do not regret using you to discover T'Challa's true hatred of you, and I would do so again."

Peter tilted his head, "Yeah, you've got a lot to make up for that, but uh, Egypt? Was this maybe a couple of thousand years ago?" and Ororo nodded,

"You are not descended from that creature are you?" but Peter shook his head.

"An alien spacecraft was unburied in Egypt, by Shaw. I bet it was on board." and he ran his hands through his hair. "Trapped by alien assholes, I bet it was really pissed, maybe even insane. No wonder it rampaged."

"You can make up for T'Challa by cleaning up your mess. You were warned and I'm really tired of the games. Deal with it, deal with him and we're square."

Ororo laughed. "Are you not going to bed me to take your revenge?" and Peter frowned and shrugged,

"I don't remember you complaining, or hurrying to get dressed," and Ororo laughed

"Peter, I was joking, and not totally unwilling. I will clean up my mess, and after, I will personally make amends to you," and as he leaned forwards and ran his hands over his face, there was a knock at the door.

Wanda stood, "Gwen and Felicia are back. Carol's awake but Gwen's dealing with her, uh," and she looked over at Ororo, "Can we talk? In private." and as Ororo looked between the pair she stood, smiled, "I will be back in touch Peter." and headed out, closing the door behind her.