Arc Seven. Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Nine. Bar Sinister

Peter had changed into a smart business suit, but he was still nervous. Meeting Hammer and Aldrich were easy compared to this. At least with them, he knew it was business but Shaw was more than just a businessman, he was Augment and more importantly, he was a murderer.

He wished Natasha was here, but when Fury and the top agents of Shield quit to go solo, she went to help them set up their new base. As it was a secret, Peter didn't ask, and she didn't tell.

As he waited, a stretched limo pulled up and a very attractive Emma stepped out and walked round to the other side of the Limo, opening and holding the door for him, she nodded and he slipped inside.

As he sat, he got a good look, and Emma wore a very revealing white pair of thigh length boots, a pair of very tight white shorts, a stylist white belt with diamonds covering it and a white boob tube, topped off with a white half coat. The inside of the limo faded as he took in her appearance, and as she snorted and shook her head he realised he had been staring.

"Now that you're quite finished. We are meeting Shaw for lunch at his favourite restaurant. The meeting should be pleasant enough, as he hates violence over food, and if you agree to his terms there should be a little tour of one of the facilities afterwards." Emma explained as she poured herself a drink from the mini-bar set into the centre of the limo. Peter shook his head as she offered him a glass, he might be Twenty-Two but after Gwen's homemade moonshine and alcohol, everything else tasted bland and unappetizing.

Emma slid herself over to him and gently rubbed an arm up his, leaning into him and whispering, "well darling, if there is anything you want, let me know," and Peter's eyes glazed over as she kissed him on the neck.

"Well, that should fool the driver at least. Sorry darling but no hanky panky, just talk," and the projection of Emma moved back to the other side of the limo.

"Shaw's orders are to kill you if you refuse, and then send a strike team to Felicia's location, and a mutant one at that. He doesn't know about Elektra or the symbiotes, he believes you are a mutant who has a transformation power." and as Peter watched himself, being manhandled by Emma she laughed and waved an imaginary glass at him, "Don't get any ideas, it's just a show and not my first one."

Peter shrugged, "So, sign and then what? I mean, if I agree surely Shaw then has me over a barrel, at least legally." and Emma nodded,

"Of course, but it'll be a short term contract, allowing him power over you, and if the plan is to kill him, it won't matter, the ink won't even be dry before the blood does, right?" and Peter nodded. "And are you going to share your plan with me?" but Peter shook his head,

"We trust you Emma, but so many things could go wrong that it's safer if we don't," and she tutted. "All you need to know is that everyone, and I mean, everyone thinks this is a good idea, and after the dust settles, the Hellfire Club will be yours. Shaw won't exist after today."

She leant back and took a drink, "I still don't like it, how am I to trust you, when you won't trust me?" and Peter sighed,

"We are all taking a huge risk here, not just me and you. Everyone who's involved is sticking their necks out and if this goes wrong it's on more than just me. You haven't exactly been forthcoming with information Emma, I don't even know who else Shaw has, other than the two that tried to grab Laura. You, the ninja and the teleporter, and the big feral guy. Who else?"

"An agile mutant, named Toad, he works for-" but Peter shook his head,

"Dead, Selene killed him after she found out about Shaw's little pet projects."

"Selene is involved?" and Peter nodded,

"Plus, I got Charles on our side as well," and he took a breath and let it out slowly. "The Brotherhood and the X-Men are both sending a team, as am I. I have friends who are coming. Now, who else?"

"You know about Selene and Shaw?" and Peter nodded,

"She was very forthcoming," and Emma shook her head,

"Not entirely, Selene owns part of the Hellfire Club, she and Shaw,"

"Have an agreement, I know. I know about Essex and I know about the labs, about Weapon X and what MGH actually is. I know Emma, and that's why we're having problems trusting you, because I know all that and it wasn't thanks to you."

Emma frowned, "and it appears that you also know a lot more than I do." and she slumped back in the seat, "I had no idea. I deal with financials and acquisitions, I travel and move money and people. I don't read reports or ask why. I buy and sell products, but never know what the products are." she sat up, straightened her coat and nodded. "So, it seems that I am asking a lot of you, and have been very lax in my own offerings. I am sorry, and I will make it up to you."

Peter laughed, "not the first woman who made me that offer, it's fine Emma. We all got that Shaw's a giant asshole, as long as you don't suddenly turn on us we're willing to leave things alone after. Well, Selene might have a few places burnt down, but you can discuss that with her."

"You're turning things over to Selene?" and Emma suddenly looked worried,

"No, Selene is going to be coming in and looking over the contracts she and Shaw already had, but after and not as part of this. Whatever you and Selene have going on with," and he waved a hand, "whatever, that's for you and her to deal with. I'm not interfering afterwards."

Emma still looked worried, "It's more Selene's reputation I am worried about. Shaw has never had anything nice, or good to say about her, and the few times I met her, she was never exactly welcoming." and as she stared at the glass in her hand she wished it was real and she could have a proper drink.

Peter laughed, and shook his head, "you expected her to be nice to Shaws" and as he looked at her she raised an eyebrow,

"Whore, the word you want, and the one that she used is whore." and she sat back, biting back the anger.

"I was going to say right hand, Emma," and as she glared at him, he just frowned and shook his head, with a half shrug, "but I don't care. Look if you are, so what? if you aren't then that's for you and her to deal with. Right now, all I want is for this to be over, no one to get hurt and Shaw to be taken care of." but if that was the right thing to say to appease Emma Peter never knew, as the driver pulled up to a bar, and tapped on the window.

"We're here," and as the fake Emma vanished she ran a hand over Peter's chest and kissed the side of his face, "you're sweet darling, but a little young," and as the door opened She got out before Peter and offered him her hand.

As he saw the restaurant, Bar Sinister, he had heard of this place before. It was one of Tony's hangout spots. Full of rich multinational debutants, where old and new money rubbed shoulders. Supposedly even a glass of water, from an arctic glacier somewhere, cost $50 and it went up from there. Peter would never have been able to afford to look in the window let alone eat here.

Cameras flashed as Emma led him by the hand into the lavishly decorated outer foyer. Unlike a tasteful modern chic and understated eatery, The main hall was covered in red velvet, thick gold curtains and massive white marble Grecian style statues, and as Peter frowned, he was sure that was Emma, stood, naked and barely covered in a toga.

She saw him looking and laughed, "I posed for a day, in various costumes before they chose that one," and as Peter nodded in appreciation she smiled and took his hand once more. "Best not to keep him waiting."

As Peter and Emma walked into an empty room, Peter noted that a man similar to the teleporter he had faced stood behind who he could only imagine was Shaw. The blue-skinned man scowled but the other, skinny but well dressed in a suit similar to Peters stood and offered his hand, "Sebastian Shaw, and you must be Peter." Peter took and shook the man's hand, feeling no attempt to coerce his mind or other attack through the handshake. It was just a normal grip, with no super strength or powered touch. Even to his extra senses, Shaw was just a man.

"So, I ordered. The steak here is amazing. I have Azazel travel to Japan just to pick some up for me, and I thought today should be a special occasion." As Shaw smiled he lifted a bottle and the top popped, Pouring two glasses, he lifted one and handed it to Peter,

"Today is a special day, yes?" and Peter lifted the glass and nodded.

"I don't see why not, as long as your terms are acceptable." and Shaw grinned and looked at Azael,

"See, I told you he'd be open to listening." and the foursome sat down. "Emma, I ordered you a salad, I know you like to keep your weight down, and spritzer, too much alcohol is unbecoming on your charms." and as Emma smiled and nodded, Peter raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Before we eat, my terms are simple. I know you and Felicia Hardy have taken over Hell's Kitchen, Huntress and Venom, through the Black Cats. Daredevil is keeping his distance as you offed Bullseye," and Shaw took a drink. "What I'm offering is a split on the business, I supply drugs, and some muscle to keep the places open, and you continue to do what you're doing. Intimidation and elimination."

"Sounds fair, but then what's the split, and the contract? I need to know before I can move forwards." and as Shaw slid over the contract, Peter picked and started reading,

"You don't need to speak to Miss Hardy?" and Peter shook his head, let's see if a theory is correct, he thought. He had already discussed it with everyone. Shaw was old and from an entirely different time. Peter needed to act as if this was the 1800s and, as everyone agreed, a racist misogynistic dick.

"Felicia follows and does what I tell her, as long as I sign, she'll fall in line," and the grin on Shaw's face said it all. "But, how about Emma, she's been more than helpful, and I do like seeing her taste in clothing," and Shaw smiled and leant back.

"I think Emma can be negotiated with, isn't that right?" and while Emma smiled through a scowl Shaw just laughed, "See, I think she likes you. Why don't you powder your nose while Peter and I talk business," and as he dismissed her, she stood and walked out of the room.

"Did you already?" but Peter shook his head, "Shame, she was much better when she was younger, but she'll do as she's told. But will Felicia?" and Peter nodded while staring at Emma's ass.

"Sure sure, we both know Venoms in charge and I'm stronger than her. One thing though. This is net, not cost. Can't agree, you want us to pay for everything and then take your cut, not happening," and Shaw laughed.

"Can't slip anything by you. We can adjust that, but I want a larger cut. If I'm supplying men, drugs and security then it needs to go up, another 10%" but Peter shook his head,

"But you expect us to provide girls, bunk rooms, and feed them. Bullets are cheap Mr Shaw, feeding an army isn't," and Sebastian shook his head, "7.5% and I sign, but I want to see what I'm getting."

"Stick with the 10 and I can give you something much better than Emma, well, I'll throw her in for free anyway. Once this hits, I won't need her." and he motioned to Azazel, "Get the facility ready, we'll do the tour after dinner." and the man nodded and vanished,

"Neat, teleporter?" and Shaw nodded, "Would be nice."

"I can arrange for someone like him to work for you, but you already met his, uh, son. Nightcrawler. He didn't like you very much though." and Shaw leaned back as a plate was brought in and placed in front of him. As Peter was given the same meal he flicked the napkin over his lap before starting,

"If he had said who he worked for, I would have backed down. I already had one asshole give me grief over her, I thought he was the same." and as he savoured the taste of the steak he had to suppress a moan,

"Really?" and Peter nodded,

"Fucking Xavier, those fucking kids of his put me through the wringer, Summers and that redhead bitch, Jean, but I resolved it."

Sebastian, lifting his glass, took a small sip, "tell me more."