Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-One. Royal Pains

Peter and Shuri waited patiently as the plane taxied and then a bit longer as the royal entrance was prepared. Peter could see the progression being constructed, a thick black carpet was laid out and seating for two was set up,

"Uh, what's going on?" and Shuri sighed,

"I believe it was in scroll 137-C, Peter. You really need to read them all. You will present yourself to the King, it is not formal, so don't bow. Just state your name and purpose. He will then speak, I will join him and you will be taken to a separate part of the palace."

But as Peter watched it wasn't T'Challa that came out, it was a tall woman, with her hair braided down her back, wearing a huge golden robe and he could tell by the high cheekbones and the very angry look on her face, that this was probably,

"Mother?" Shuri said as she spied the woman sitting, glaring angrily at the plane.

As the stairs were being moved into position, Shuri looked nervously over at Peter,

"She is probably very angry with us. She was very fond of Ororo, and I think she might have heard about what I did at the warehouse."

Peter sighed. "So we're both in trouble." and Shuri smiled and laughed,

"Oh most definitely. Mother is." and she paused, "Mother is definitely of the older generation, and do not expect her to be as forgiving as your mother."

As they waited by the aircraft's door the stairs were finally in position, and Peter stepped back to let Shuri out first. On Wakandan soil, he was definitely of a lower standing than her, and he knew enough to not screw this up.

As Shuri and her Dora Milaje, the flight attendant, travelled down the stairs Shuri's mother stood and waited with clasped hands. As Shuri approached she hugged her and kissed her on the side of the cheek, and sitting her down waited for Peter to approach as well.

"We greet you Mr Parker. I am Queen Mother Romanda of The Golden Tribe, and in my son's place, I welcome you to Wakanda." as she stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest.

Peter knew the ceremonial Wakandan salute, but as a visitor and nothing more, it was not one he would return. Instead, he bowed slightly, "I am thankful Queen Mother. I am Peter Parker, and I visit your country and home to make official notice of my wishes." and as he raised himself, he took out a scroll and handed it over.

"With this scroll, I make my intentions known." and rather than opening it, Romanda handed it to a guard,

"We are aware, Mr Parker. But several of our council have lodged a complaint, not just towards your wishes, but towards you as well. How do you wish to answer them?" and Peter tried his best not to smirk, this was Shuri's mother after all.

"With honourable combat, Queen Mother." and she nodded in approval.

"And your wishes? How do you wish to proceed."

"With the blessing of Wakanda, and the Guidance of Bast." he answered, the scrolls were very specific in the ritual of marriage.

The Golden Tribe worshipped Bast, and in return, they were blessed in each generation with the power of the Black Panther. No other tribe in Wakanda was so fortunate, and with the rise of the totemic warriors, it only strengthened their position, especially as several warriors had been chosen who were not of Wakandan birth.

Even as Wakanda set itself on the world's stage, their power was centred in their technology and their gifts. It was an almost unforgivable disgrace to find that your God had forsaken your tribe and given their gifts not just to an outsider, and as investigations had concluded, to several criminals as well.

Even their escort from Cross Industries, who was here to register vibranium rights, was checked and double checked. His record had come back too clean, and Okoye suspected he was an agent of one of the American spy organisations.

To Romanda the whole thing stank. Peter's betrothal to Shuri was being too closely scrutinised and used against T'Challa. Companies that would normally be blacklisted and investigated were instead being invited and wined and dined, and all with the approval of the Council.

Even the arrival of the new totemic warriors was suspicious. Normally each tribe would take their chosen for approval and training, but they had been invited to stay and witness the betrothal ceremony, something normally only family was privy to. And Peter himself was going to be subjected to an unusual round of tests, all under the worry of his status as one of the devourers of old.

There was trouble bubbling under the surface of all of this, and Romanda had no clue as to what it would all mean. As long as she could keep her children safe, then she would be satisfied. Having lost her husband, they were all that mattered to her.

"Mr Parker, while you are our guest, you will be escorted by one of our Guards. I believe you are familiar with the Dora Milaje, and hopefully this time, you will feel comfortable in their presence." Peter nodded and smiled, and wasn't about to bring up that particular security breach with his possible mother in law, "but not too comfortable I hope." and as Romanda gave Shuri a pointed look, Peter knew he wasn't going to be bringing that one up either.

"The Royal quarters are in a separate part of the city, and I hope you can understand that our guest, even one such as yourself will be required to have permission to enter. Shuri and I will see you for a brief meeting with the Council and the King, and then we will all be sitting down for a nice dinner." and Romanda paused and looked over at Shuri and then at Peter "Where I hope I can expect you both to behave yourself." and as Shuri opened her mouth to complain, Rowanda raised an eyebrow and gave her a stern look. "You do not wish to argue with me on this Shuri. Your brother tried, and while he may be King, I am still your mother."

Peter hid his smile, yeah, he got that look from May as well. It made him smile though, he could feel the concern, and only a hint of mild annoyance coming from her. It was the love of a mother, and not as bad as Shuri made it out to be.

The pair said their goodbyes and a stoic and very attractive Dora approached Peter from behind, and he ignored her at first until she cleared her throat, as he slowly turned her smirk hinted she was expecting to surprise him, instead he cast a critical eye over her. She was stunning, but so far Peter hadn't met a single Wakandan who wasn't.

If it was the Purple Heart serum they gave their guards or if a similar effect was present in the soil every person he saw was perfect. The woman was tall, bald as all Dora were, but with a steely gaze and piercing brown eyes, she radiated authority, even if Peter could feel her emotional state,

"So. My escort?" and she nodded and motioned with her spear down a separate corridor than Shuri and her mother had gone,

"Not much for conversation huh?" he asked and she shook her head.

"You may address me as Nakia," she stated and continued to lead Peter into the building.

There was a slight tinge of annoyance from her as they walked down the corridor. Peter had left his luggage on the plane, as Wakandan security insisted on checking it for any smuggled contraband.

He doubted that the few gifts he had prepared for the more personal meetings would draw any attention. A few of Gwen's special creams, and not just the potent ones.

Her love of chemistry had blossomed into a whole range of different scents and lotions, all designed to not just moisturise but heal and renew as well, her perfected formula graced a large range of products, and once Parker Inc had been set up properly, they were heading to stores across America. Soon enough, Gwen would be richer than everyone else combined as her products actually worked, rather than filling or masking the problem.

He had no complaints though, everyone smelled and looked wonderful, and even though he had sat and let Gwen use him for testing out her male themed range, including a male 'enhancing' cream similar to the female one, she had made sure that everyone gave him a thorough going over to make sure they were all girlfriend approved.

Felicia had also been correct, and that everything to do with Parker Inc had been gone over with the finest tooth comb. Even his connection to Felicia had been exposed and investigated, but surprisingly they hadn't raised any concerns. Where she had also been right. His powers.

Shield had given him a minimal exam once it was found his powers were hard to quantify, and simply shrugged when their samples had dissolved into nothing, but reading over the report Wakanda would not be so lax.

As well as a demonstration, he was to be interviewed by the Royal Council, a group of elder statesmen who were former leaders of each tribe, and now advised the king on matters of Wakandan security, growth and interest. Peter knew though, and Shuri was adamant about it, they were the same as any American politician, and this was to see if they could get any kind of benefits from his powers, and from him.

Under advisement from Shuri, he had to give them something. She knew M'Baku was pushing the council and had an agenda to gain support and eventually the crown, and Shuri picking a skinny white kid from Brooklyn, with no formal education and ties to the underworld was just ammunition for his plan.

They had discussed it on the plane, quietly, and telepathically. Even her own jet would be monitored, and while they had a plan, things almost never went how you wanted them to. He would undergo their test and tolerate their bullshit as long as it suited him. If M'Baku wanted a fight, and if he chose Fisk to do it, then Peter would give them one.

While Shuri had said he needed to impress her mother and make peace with T'Challa, she had also made it clear that he was not to give in to any stupid demands. The council would ruin any chances they had taking larger and larger liberties with him, and as she sat on his lap and softly kissed him, reminded him that taking liberties was now her job.

As he sat in the lavish room thought, that was in the past. He now had to smooth talk her mother and make peace with T'Challa, and on top of it all, he had to find Eddie and see if he was willing to make amends as well. As he leaned back and crossed his fingers on the top of his head, he frowned as he heard shouting out in the corridor.

Nakia shook her head and brought a finger to her lips. As she opened the door a crack she could see the pair outside arguing. As the voices stopped being muffled by the thick door, Peter recognized the nasal tone of Eddie and a voice he hadn't heard in years, Cindy Moon.

With a look of resignation, Nakia closed the door but Peter was already up and had a hand on it, "I need to speak to them." but she shook her head,

"You should leave the other delegates alone. They are guests of the tribes, and you are still," but Peter glared at her before she could finish,

"Yeah, unless I'm a prisoner and you're willing to use that spear you can't stop me." and as he stared she nodded and moved to one side.

Finding the voices stopped he found Cindy crouched by a planter with some kind of fern in it, looking like she was ready to cry.

"Hey, Cindy," he said as nonchalantly as possible and as she saw him, she snarled,

"You, fucking Parker. What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Guest, you?" and she slid down the wall and sat down.

"Fuck off." and sniffed back tears, "I'm in enough shit without Peter Puker making it worse."

"Yeah, tough shit," and as Peter stormed over he grabbed her arms, lifted her up, "we need to talk," and dragged her into his room. As the door closed he pushed her towards the couch and as she flopped back onto it, he frowned, "What the hell Cindy? A Symbiote?"