Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Seven. When Worlds Collide

"Holy Shit," was all Cindy could say as she was let into the warehouse. She and Eddie both agreed to work for Peter, and as Liv was going to pay for accommodation for the pair, investigate their powers and then make sure they were both healthy, they were staying in two of the four spare homes for now.

Nakia was still in Wakanda. Her application to become Peter's official guard had been accepted, and she would be given one of the homes when she rejoined with Peter in Egypt and then returned to the States.

"This?" and Cindy pointed at the interior of the warehouse, "What the hell?" and Eddie just shrugged and dropped his rucksack in the home next to hers.

"While I appreciate you've been on a flight, Mr Brock, there is no smoking in the warehouse, well, not anymore and please, for the love of everything you will shower, daily, with soap. We all have enhanced senses and unwashed is unacceptable." and as Cindy stared at the bathhouse, Liv continued "Miss Moon, Red if you are in there and do not wish company, naked or otherwise. We do not allow mixed bathing, not for guests anyway, red means women only, blue means mixed, and a bathing suit will be required and green means couples only, bathing suits are optional. However, please be aware Peter's mother may visit, so." and Octave covered her, and the four arms of her new harness sprang forth, glinting with a wicked vibranium sharpness on its bladed ends, "You will behave." and both Eddie and Cindy nodded.

"On a more personal note, Miss Moon. I believe that your school life was rather," and Liv paused while she thought of a polite way to put it, "Elitist. Remember that everyone here, myself included, are in a relationship, We all share, and we all look out for one another. Your attitude in high school might have gotten you far, but here-"

"Yeah Cind, just don't be a bitch and we won't kick your ass," and Liv sighed and rubbed her forehead with a hand,

"I was trying to be more tactful, Felicia dear. Miss Moon is working for us now, and we do not want to-" but Cindy interrupted her,

"Felicia!" and as her symbskin wrapped around her, Silk leapt at her and wrapped her arms around her. Felicia looked mortified and held her arms out, unsure of what was going on.

"I was at the building when they attacked. I know your Huntress, and uh, yeah, I was a nightmare in school, so, sorry, I guess." and Eddie looked over,

"You?" and he stomped towards her. "You're that grey Symbiote bit-" but as the symbskin covered her, he stopped, "Huntress," and he grinned. "I've been wanting a rematch."

"Yeah, continue that last sentence and you'll see how much of a fucking bitch I am." and large claws sprang from her hands, "no fucking rifle asshole to save you now," and Silk backed away,

"Ahem!" Liv cleared her throat loudly. "May I remind you that there is no antagonising of my employees, Felicia. And you Mister Brock, You will be tested before you step foot on a mat with Felicia or Huntress. We are a lot more powerful than before, and I don't want you getting hurt."

Eddie rubbed the back of his head, "sorry, and sorry for calling you a bitch, uh, yeah, shower right?" and Liv nodded,

"The homes are fully fitted, you can do laundry. The fridges are separated, especially as Miss Hardy likes to indulge herself, so take a drawer and write your name on the card. You are welcome here until you find a better place. Miss Moon, the same applies to you, once Silk is healed of course."

"Yeah, so Felicia, what's been happening?" and as Silk slid back into her clothing Felicia did the same and stared at her,

"Yeah, don't act like we were friends Cindy," but Cindy frowned and looked at the floor,

"But, we were friends. I had homeroom with you, and math. I even tried to join the club, but Parker the douche wouldn't let me, my grades were too low."

Felicia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, and nothing to do with sucking up to Flash every day, or making comments about Gwen behind her back, sure, grades." and Cindy rubbed her thumbs over her fingers nervously,

"I uh, do you all? Peter mentioned a few of the old crowd but uh," and Felicia nodded.

"MJ and Flash still don't talk, Peter sorted out that mess by beating the crap outta him, but he's got his own gig now. Liv doesn't know any better but what I said to him goes for you too. We weren't friends, we moved in different circles. You won't be staying here past healing Silk, don't act like you care, cause we both know you never fucking did." and Felicia turned, paused for a second, before turning back, "oh, and except Pete, we're all bi, so if that an issue, then fuck off right now." and she turned and headed back into her home.

Cindy looked as if she was ready to cry, and Liv sighed. "I feel that the others might be just as hostile dear. I am sorry. I had no idea it was that bad." and Cindy shook her head.

"She's right. Queen Bitch, that's what they called me, even her I guess."

"Yes well, I don't care, it's been three years and you can all put on your big girl pants. If Peter can teach math to Eugene, then you and the others can sit and live together for a few months." and Cindy stared at the warehouse floor dejected, "and I don't just mean you. I know you can hear me, that goes for you and MJ as well, Felicia. You weren't exactly the nicest person if I remember rightly, so Cindy gets a chance, just like you did, just like I did."

Eddie chose that moment to come out of his home, wearing sweatpants and just a towel around his shoulders. As he dried himself off Liv looked over, "and Mr Brock, that goes for you too." but as he looked confused over at Cindy he just shrugged,

"What I do?"

Liv looked over at him, and sighed, "Sorry, I forget that they are all so young. Just post teenage angst dear, but please. It's not a show, dress before you leave your home." and Eddie looked down, and covered his chest with the towel,

"Yeah sorry, it's just," and he paused, "thank you. I mean it." and Liv nodded.

"The kitchen is open for all, Peter usually does the grocery shopping once a week, so let him know if there is anything you need or want. Anything extravagant is paid for separately. I also don't have to remind you, but upstairs is completely off-limits unless you are invited up, as are the other homes." and both Cindy and Eddie forward and looked up,

"Shit," Eddie said, "is that a house?" and Liv nodded,

"Peters." and Cindy shook her head,

"Typical, he takes the biggest one." but Liv tutted,

"Miss Moon, what did I just say? Everything here, and I mean everything has been built by Peter, I believe your combat instructor helped with some of the minor work but everything else, including the two homes you are gracing, was his design, and work. You will learn to be civil or you will find yourself living in a tent on the roof."

Cindy nodded. Liv reminded her of Hank, but with a more motherly tone. Not that she ever got on with her own mother. Nothing she ever did was good enough, and as she got older, it became worse. As soon as she was old enough, she left.

"So, Uh, Boss? Doc, When are we starting? I mean, I know we're just off a plane but sitting around was part of our last gig, and things got bad with so many living together. I kinda want to start right away." Eddie asked,

Liv nodded, "and we intend to Mr Brock. I do not believe in paying someone to sit and do nothing. But, jetlag and tests make bad bedfellows. So today, eat, relax, and then tomorrow we start. I will also need to either get your phones or to arrange for you to get new ones. We have security issues, and Peter has a package of applications to take care of that." and Eddie nodded and wrapped the towel around his neck. He hadn't been able to afford a phone since he left New York, and he'd never seen Cindy using one.

"Yeah, we'll need two?" and he looked over at Cindy who was still taking in the warehouse, and was peering behind the closed shower room curtain, before excitedly bounding over to the breakfast area.

"So, uh is it just us? I mean, I can only hear one other person in this place? And uh, can I use that?" she asked as she pointed at the bathhouse.

"Natasha is busy quitting her last job. I was thinking tomorrow. Healing Silk will be done by me, as, do you mind if I call you Cindy?" and she shook her head, "as Cindy needs to be unbonded while we heal her. Mr Brock" and he frowned and shrugged, as Liv smiled, "Eddie. I believe your powers are from the old Oscrop serum. We can-" but he interrupted her,

"Uh no. Sorry, I was cured of that." and Liv raised an eyebrow,

"Wakanda?" and he looked surprised and then frowned,

"Peter is marrying their Princess, Eddie, There are no secrets. Fine, The Purple Heart flower is the purest, I would suggest tests just to be sure though, and then a full physical. Natasha will have her own schedule, I only deal with the medical and research side."

Cindy rubbed a hand over her arm, "Uh, you need to unbond us?" and Liv nodded.

"Symbiotes spawned from a hurt symbiote or when the host is critically injured do not mature or develop properly. Silk was hurt, as we know Webb was hurt by the hybridisation process. It takes a few minutes, and you can stay with her. It's just a swim in a solution and then," and Liv threw up her hands, "that's it." but Cindy still looked apprehensive.

"You know Hank," but Liv interrupted her.

"Hank Pym is a monster, and I fully intend on giving him a piece of my mind if I ever see him. I will not do anything Silk is unwilling to do, and if you wish to talk to Octave, I have nothing to hide. You might not appreciate it though." and Cindy looked confused.

"Symbiotes learn from the DNA and memories of their previous hosts. We all share, but as we all live and, well, do everything together it isn't an issue. Unless you want to become incredibly familiar with everyone here, I would suggest you refrain." but Cindy's look of confusion changed to one of excitement,

"So wait, if I allow her to bond with say you, I get a whole bunch of science stuff as well?" and Liv nodded.

"Yes, but you still need to be able to understand it. Gwen is a chemist, as am I but Peter and Felicia cannot reproduce everything we can, as their science knowledge is limited. Even after we found out Webb was Peter's symbiote, Eugene still only scraped by in his exams after we healed him. It won't make you smarter dear, not unless you already were."

Cindy didn't care though, "Uh, can I?" and Liv shrugged,

"It's not a prison dear. This is the communal area, it's only the homes you shouldn't barge into."

Cindy walked over to Felicia's door, and as Liv turned to Eddie he was already sitting at the table, eating what looked like a bowl of cereal. He shrugged and went back to his breakfast, figuring if there was nothing to do, he would eat and sleep. If the pair took down the three of them a few years ago, there was no telling what they had in store come tomorrow.

Cindy stopped and rocked back on her heels, shit, shit, okay and she took a breath,

"Oh for fuck sake, just come in, get it off your chest, and then leave me the hell alone."

That threw Cindy off. Felicia had been gruff before but this was anger and even Silk recoiled slightly.

Felica was sat cross-legged on the floor, and looked up, "what?"

Cindy swallowed her pride, took a deep breath.

"I love you."