Arc Ten. Chapter Two-Hundred Seventy-Six. Small Problems

Gwen, Felicia, and Liv hurried to the lab, and they kept a radio on to keep apprised of the situation. Liv had been practising, and while she could connect to Peter, she didn't want to distract him if he was fighting, the radio was easier, as he could just listen without needing to concentrate.

It had come over the radio. New York was under unofficial martial law. The Sentinels had been granted authority to scan and tag unregistered Augments but the situation was worse than just that. Breaking their programming there had been reports of violence against anyone who resisted. It started small, containment lines and stunning blasts were used, but when anyone fought back, the Sentinels responded with force.

As they approached they could see that the Parker building was free of Sentinels and cautiously making their way inside Liv nodded at the receptionist and motioned for her phone.

"Sorry, Joanna. Go home, we're going to close until this blows over." Lifting the phone as the woman grabbed her things and hurried out, Liv called each department in turn, ordering everyone out of the building. If the Sentinels attacked here she wanted people safe, and more importantly, she wanted to be able to use her powers without revealing exactly what she was.

Ivan came from her lab, wiping his hands on a washcloth. "Lab is all set up. You want me to stay?" but Liv shook her head and patted Ivan on the shoulder,

"No, I want everyone home. This could get messy Ivan and nobody needs to get hurt because of us."

Cindy landed outside, dressed in Ghost-Spider and as the costume became a set of slacks and a t-shirt, "Too late, the big robot things aren't coming because I saw a military van heading this way."

Liv rubbed her forehead, "Right. Gwen, get into the lab and start analysing that metal. Felicia, if you want to check on Elektra and Emma, go ahead, if it's only one van then I doubt they're sending more than a token force to contain us. Cindy, well, it's time to earn that paycheck. As security for Parker Inc unless they have a legal warrant, then they stay outside."

Ivan took off his shirt, and Liv saw the harness Peter had gifted him at the Expo. Its arms uncoiled and connected to the two bracers he was wearing and they whined and lit up blue as they powered on. Ivan nodded at her, "You give me a home and hope. I even stop thinking about kicking Stark off a building, If they come, I will make sure you have time okay?"

Liv smiled, "we should go drinking after this Ivan,"

Ivan laughed, "After last time, I know better, but maybe just one or two."

Liv just smirked. Ivan had no idea the Symbiotes made them immune to most alcohol and had been soundly drunk under the table by Liv.

Cindy took a deep breath and let it out, nodding and clenching her fists, "Right. I can do this." As she headed out, Huntress covered Felicia and the pair vanished.

Watching the door stay open for more than a normal amount, "stay safe dear," Liv said to the air

You should worry about them,

Liv heard her reply and she snorted, "Indeed." and turning, went into her lab to help Gwen with the analysis.

The other half of the Avengers, Falcon and Ant-Man, were already under orders and had headed out without Steve and Flash.

Scott cursed Tony. Since he had been taken to Shield, his suit had been handed over to Stark and taken apart. Sure the new one was a million times better, the shrinking tech felt smoother and Tony even thought he could reverse the process and make him Giant-Man, which sounded a lot cooler than Ant-Man. He just felt it was betraying Hank, who'd given him his second chance, but it was this or prison, and Scott hated prison.

As they pulled up to the building, in two vans, the first held Shields official agents, themselves, and the second was full of Federal agents, there to make sure that everyone stayed calm and followed orders.

Taking a deep breath Sam looked over at the two Enhanced arguing with the federal agents they had brought, while Olivia Octavious looked over the paperwork.

"Sorry, Mr Wilson. Your warrant is for Parker Industries, yes?" and Sam shrugged, he wasn't a lawyer and was only here in case it turned ugly.

"Parker Industries isn't in this building. Peters private research company is an offshore holding. Parker Inc is a mailbox. The building holds everyone else. So, I'm afraid I can't let you in." Olivia said with a smile and Sam knew this was going to go south any minute now.

"We still have access to the Parker Building, that's the address on the warrant." and Olivia gave him a very predatory smile,

"Yes, but as my very competent legal team informed me, The Parker building is not the building's real name, and the address covers every building in this block. Even the cars in the parking lot are covered under that warrant, and that belongs to the building next door," Olivia touched her earpiece, "oh too late. Miss Potts has already filed several illegal entry complaints, against Shield, federal enforcement, and the military. I do happen to recognise the patch those men are wearing."

"I'll need to call this in, my orders were specific, and if you're right." Sam motioned to Scott, who took out his phone and dialled the only person he could. Stark.

Tony was receiving reports from across the city. The team dealing with Carol and Natasha were under fire, but the team sent to the Parker Inc building was arguing with the Enhanced they had there. Tony cursed, he knew about Natasha but these two new ones were a problem. His phone buzzed and he connected, "Yeah Scott, I don't care what you do, just do it. Parker needs to be contained, get it done" and he hung up.

The report he had done had already condemned Captain America and his ward, and Tony had been promised lead on the new Avengers team. Scott and Sam had just shrugged, who ran the team wasn't important, what the team did was.

Sam looked over, "so? What did he say?"

Scott just smiled and shrugged, "Uh, yeah, we need to hurry up, and he sounded pissed."

"Tony always sounds pissed, but after reading the file on Parker and his team, I don't blame him."

Liv just shook her head, "So with no new orders and a huge legal mess, this just got ugly. However, if you leave now then-" but as Sam predicted it all went sideways,

"Watch where your fucking touching," Sam heard the grey-clad Enhanced shout, and he saw her bat away the hand of one of the Gamma Troopers they had brought. His skin swelled and the bright blue soldier returned the favour, swatting her across the parking lot,

Oh shit, he thought to himself as the harness on the back of the large Russian snaked down his arms. Sideways it is. He watched as the woman stood and shook herself off, her masked face splitting into a rictus grin and she couched and sparing at the soldier, scoring several lines across his chest with thick wicked looking claws. As he stumbled back, she flipped, kicked him with both feet and he went flying across the street.

As Scott shrank and headed towards the brawling Enhanced and Gamma trooper, Sam looked over at Olivia, who crossed her arms and tutted. "Peter will hear about this."

"Won't matter, assaulting a military officer, assaulting a sanctioned agent of the US government, she is going to jail, and immigration wants to speak to Iva-" but Sam was thrown backwards as a Gamma trooper flew into him.

Picking himself up, he watched as the woman was flipped by an invisible, or in this case very small assailant, and struggled to move as he grew and pinned her arms behind her back,

"I got her," Scott shouted, "Oh shit, no I don't," as several tendrils erupted from her back. As he shrunk once more Sam watched a tiny dust cloud puff form on the side of the building as a tendril impacted against something.

"Will you tell her to stand down, or do we do this the even harder way?" he asked a smirking Liv

"Last time the military attempted to arrest me on private property I almost killed Ross. Stop this? You will only walk away from this, Agent Wilson, as I am being benevolent." There was an audible whine as her harness erupted from her back. "Illegal search warrants, illegal involvement of the US military. You know you are in the wrong here, and my lawyer is having a field day by proving it."

"That might be true, but right now, I don't see anyone else kicking an Avenger up and down the parking lot."

Cindy was pacing back and forth until she would dart out a tendril and another small cloud of dust would puff up.

Sam just rubbed his forehead, "Your employee still assaulted an officer, and Ivan is still under investigation over his visa. Look, I'll call off Scott if you promise not to hurt him or anyone else."

Liv paused for a moment and then nodded, "Cindy, Leave the idiot alone, but Mr Wilson, you provoked the situation, even if you take her, you are in a lot of trouble."

As a small dust cloud puffed up once more Scott grew and undid his face mask, "I almost had her," before collapsing back onto the ground.

Liv tutted, "I want to make a call though." and she pulled out her phone.

While Peter stared at Tony in his new armour his phone buzzed again, "Liv?"

"They sent agents to the lab's Peter. A winged man and some shrinking idiot."

Peter heard someone yell "It's Ant-Man" in the background. "They are claiming a lot of nonsense, and one even assaulted Cindy."

"That's all you get," Peter heard Sam say, "sorry Parker, at least I let her call you," and the line went dead.


It's fine, we have footage that they started it, however, Cindy and Ivan are both being taken in for questioning. They agreed to call off the dogs Peter but the damage was still done. They are doing a lot of posturing but they can punish us for overreacting. They are being very sneaky Peter.

Call Matt, for Cindy and Pepper for Ivan. I know she sorted out his visa, I was there when she signed off on it. If they say no, tell me, and I'll do it.

I have. Stay safe. Love you.

Liv crossed her arms as Cindy and Ivan were loaded into the back of the military jeep. She had no reason to stop them, and as she dialled her phone, Sam tutted and she darted out the way as he grabbed for it.

"Matthew. They took Cindy and Ivan, I'll send over the security footage." and as she hung up and pursed her lips angrily. Don't think this is over. And huffing she went back inside to find Gwen. "I don't believe you have a warrant for my arrest Mr Wilson, so kindly leave."

Sam nodded and as the rest of the teams got back in the jeeps he gave the building one last look over, well, that was a disaster,

In the second Jeep, Scott was holding an ice pack against his forehead, where the Enhanced woman had swatted him, like a bug he laughed to himself. "Hey, you think this is over?" he asked Sam, who was sitting holding his hands over his face.

"Over? I think we're lucky she didn't kill all of us."

Flash had no idea if the soldiers were there for him, or if they were after Liv and the rest, and hiding on a rooftop across the street he wasn't taking any chances. If it looked like there was going to be trouble he would help, but for now, he needed to stay low and stay hidden.

Swinging down he landed outside the building and stumbled back as Liv was standing in the doorway, waiting for him.

"I might not be telepathic Eugene but I can sense your panic a mile away. Here to finish things off?" and as she spoke, Octave and the four arms of the harness sprung from her back.

"What? No, shit no. they got Cap, we were ordered to help take you all in, and uh," and Flash's shoulders slumped, "I'm a fugitive, Steve's in jail, and-"

"And you need help. I'm sorry Eugene, but I really don't know," and she paused and smiled, "wait one moment." Liv lifted her phone and after a moment, "I think you'll like this."

Flash lifted his head as he heard the engine noise of a quinjet approach, "You called Shield? I just came from there." he yelled at Liv as the noise grew louder than his voice and

She crossed her arms and tutted, "Give me some credit."

As they waited the jet landed in front of the building, and the back cargo door descended.

"So, taxi for one?" said Vengeance as she and Scott stood waiting for Flash to embark.

Take care, you know they'll be back,

We'll be fine. Now, go kick some ass for us all.

Vengeance gave Liv a small nod and the jet lifted off once more.

Don't worry Peter, they haven't got us yet.