Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Fifteen. Prime Time

Breaking the ice took a few hours but once Arcee was feeling well enough the sleek robot helped, her arm transforming into a small cutting laser that let them peel the thick concrete hard ancient ice from Optimus.

He was huge compared to her, Arcee was roughly seven feet tall, Optimus was almost twenty and as they uncovered more Peter couldn't help but stare in awe at him.

Thick grey legs with two tires on each, a thick red torso that looked exactly like the cabin of a truck and square set shoulder ending in blue forearms.

"Thank you, my friends. Arcee are you okay?" he asked as they cut the last piece of ice away and he wrestled himself free from the rest.

"I am, but I am the only survivor." and she rubbed the top of her arm, "it's not good Optimus."

"There are others here?" Optimus asked.

Peter nodded. "The military was collecting them, and I'm sorry. Nobody knew until they used them to attack us." and

Optimus sighed, he was disappointed his kind had been collected like objects, but given the primitive nature of his own imprisonment, he was not surprised they had failed to recognise his fellow Autobots.

"I would like to see them, and if you have the All-Spark, I would like it back," Optimus said as he stretched and tested his joints.

Peter looked over at Liv, who shrugged. "Do you know what it is?" he asked Optimus

Optimus nodded. "It is the salvation of my people. We cannot create more Cybertronians without it. The All-Spark has belonged to my people since our records began millions of years ago. It is our most sacred relic and a gift from our creator. Primus. And I also know that it is not yours."

Peter couldn't argue with that, and as he let Thor take the Space stone he took out the silver box and placed the Soul Stone back inside.

Optimus's eyes glowed for a brief moment as he took the box, and his chest panel opened to reveal a large oval, made of two silver handles surrounding a golden globe, in which Peter recognised sat more Cybertronian souls. Optimus clicked the All-Spark into the front of this, and it changed, transforming and glowing with new light as it absorbed the power of the Infinity stone.

"Most are gone, returned to the All-Spark, but some may still be saved." and Optimus moved between the vehicles, placing a hand on some and letting the energy travel down into the vehicle.

"I do not blame you for fearing us, but this is barbaric," and he pointed to a few that had been stabbed through and Peter rubbed the back of his head

"That wasn't us."

Arcee huffed. "They are Decepticons, Optimus. They would have tried to kill us," She explained

"Freedom and life is the right of all sentient beings Arcee. Their own actions do not justify yours. We should educate and allow them to grow past their destructive ways." As he placed a hand on the shattered spark chamber of the police car, "he will return, and he will not have learned that violence is not the answer." before he moved to the next.

Optimus released less than five of the souls back into their robot forms, and soon five Autobots were sat hooked up to the power generators that Liv had brought,

"This stuff is nasty," a sports car complained, his white chassis had blue streaks down one side, and as he wasn't a car person, Peter had no idea what kind of car he was, "it tastes like a Decepticon's oil filter, you dont have Energon?" and Peter shrugged,

"We dont even know what that is." and the Autobot huffed

"It glows, bright pink, and comes in cubes. You eat it and it's amazing. You flesh bags dont know what your missing."

Yeah, Peter thought, eating bright pink energy sounds delicious.

"Jazz, until we can find the rest of our people, and our home, we have no choice but to make do. The energy is unpalatable, but it will sustain us, and for that, you have my thanks, Peter Parker."

Peter pointed at Liv, "she's the chef. It's her reactor design, and maybe if you have a scientist they can work with her to tune it to be more appetising."

Optimus sighed "I am afraid that Rachet, our medical officer was not among the recovered Autobots. But I will introduce you. Jazz is our recon, Ironhide is a soldier, Arcee is a scout, Cliffjumper might be small but he is tough and this is Bumblebee, one of our youngest and brightest."

Bumblebee looked up and his radio started, "to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

Prime nodded, "his vocal circuits are damaged, and without Rachet, he can communicate using soundbites."

Peter nodded, "Great, we need to get you out of here, once you've got enough power we have a safe place you can hide where we can plan our next more. How long until you're ready?"

Optimus looked at the others and if they shared some kind of communication Peter didn't register it.

"An hour." Optimus said, "Can we leave you to clean this up?" and Peter nodded

"You will go with Natasha, she'll take you to the location while Liv and I make sure nobody knows you're missing."

Erasing the missing Autobots from the junked vehicles here would be easy enough, they just needed to alter a few logs. The massive missing robot in the iceblock was a different matter.

After an hour Peter and Liv both squealed with excitement as Optimus and the others transferred, with the symphony of strange mechanical sounds. Liv leaned over, "Arcee did mention wanting to learn more about humanity, shall I or are you going to pass on another?" Liv joked but Peter shrugged,

"Would you let me?" and she nudged him in the ribs. He shook his head, smiling, "but now." Liv held his hand as they waved goodbye to Natasha and the others.

"After this, we can't keep using the stone like this. It's getting worse and worse, and Charles was right. Once you start there is no stopping."

Liv squeezed his hand. "Emma?" and he nodded. They would ask Jean as well, but both in tandem would let them pierce the natural psychic defences of the Symbiotes, and make sure that nothing went wrong. After the incident with Ross, Peter felt they could trust her with something that important.

"Right, I'll make arrangements." and waving at a soldier, "excuse me, where are the main servers?" As Liv was led away, Peter spread out his power, tapping into the Mind Stone and altering the memories of every person in the base.

Most were easy enough, a slight adjustment was only required for anyone who hadn't seen or heard the group leave. But some like Lennox required much much more.

Peter kept his visit, it would be much easier this way and as Liv worked on altering the base's security systems Peter began to draw in a similar-sized Cybertronian and began ripping it apart. It was easy enough t grab parts from the bodies, and while he felt a bit morose at using them this way, he did notice that once Optimus had failed to resurrect one, he simply moved on, treating the body as an empty shell. Once he was done, and Liv had finished, he unleashed his power, and the base shared a new set of memories.

Lennox awoke with a jolt, the damn thing had broken the ice where that idiot Parker was messing with it. He watched as it swatted the man and then bashed at the ice scattering over the floor.

"Weapons hot" he shouted and the grad begin to fire, with normal weapons at first but as it roared at them all they could do was concentrate fire on it and hope.

"Dammit," he swore, "Sword one, prime and fire." it was a last-ditch method, but as the machine ignored the bullets and began to smash at the ice surrounding its leg, he knew if it escaped then it would kill them all.

The blue discharge chamber of the Sword above the machine's head glowed and with a heavy sigh, he smashed a fist down, giving the signal to fire.

The blue light struck the machine on the top of its head, and its eyes glowed for a moment and smoke began to pour from its mouth. "NO, NO!" it yelled

"Again" Lennox yelled and Sword two and three, the weapons on either side, powered up and fired.

Great scores were cut along the body of the machine but they also broke the ice enough to allow the monster more freedom, dammit she cured again, "final Sword. Discharge."

As the massive EMP fired all the lights in the base dimmed and then came back. Every system was shielded, and those that weren't weren't important. The machine struggled, and he could see sparks coming om the gashed they had made in its armour before it toppled over. Running, he grabbed a rifle from tha soldier and as he leapt over its shoulder he flicked the panel on the back of its head, and began to fire into the exposed circuits.

Bullets ricocheted but so did chunks of metal and fragments of its brain. Once Lennox was sure that thing was never getting back up he looked and saw the sparking crater his bullets had left.

"Shit. Find Parker, and get him out of here," he yelled at a soldier, damn civilians. He should recommend the project be scrapped completely. That every part of those damn machines is melted down and safely stored. It was bad enough the pyramid stopped working but this as well, he was just damn lucky that nobody was killed.

"Give me a damn report," he yelled into his walkie talkie,

"Sir, the bases servers are fried. The Sword discharge was too much one after the other. Everything not backed up is gone." and Lennox swore. This was a giant mess, and thankfully, he could just dump it all on Parker, he was in deep enough shit with Ross and Shield anyway, one more giant fuck up wouldn't phase him.

Liv had already left when Peter was stretchered out. He stood and hobbled to a waiting ambulance where an EMT checked him out, shrugged and then unseen by anyone, Peter moved over and got into a car with Liv.

"I already know you're a genius, so I won't ask."

Liv crossed her arms and tutted. "But how else am I going to brag about hacking the military servers, erasing every instance of Arcee and Optimus."

Peter shrugged, leaned over and kissed her cheek, "You dont need to brag, I know you're amazing."

Liv nodded, "damn right I am. Unfortunately, we need to drive back, Natasha called and Fury is not happy we borrowed his jet."

But Peter shrugged "And I'm sure Natasha was all cut up about having to tell Fury to go screw himself." Peter turned and looked in the back of the rental car Liv had brought, "no snacks?" and she frowned and scowled at him,

"This was an important mission Peter, dear, so no I did not buy snacks."

Peter crossed his arms and huffed. "Road trips should always have snacks," and he shrugged, "no road trip sex for you then."

Liv paused before she put the car into gear and drove off. After a few minutes of him pouting, she smiled as Peter sat, still in a huff. She bumped the glovebox and as it opened, bags of candy, chips and two bottles of soda rolled out.

"So, in the back seat or find a secluded spot and scare the wildlife?" Peter asked as he grabbed a bag of chips.

"Peter dear, it's a forty-five hour drive from Nevada to New York." and she grinned and looked at him with a knowing look. "So most definitely both."