Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Twenty. Maximal Effect

The pair rode for a few hours, as Arcee adapted to her new forms. She entered several gas stations and Peter pointed to some food items that she might like. Grabbing a selection, they had a small picnic where Arcee decided that sweet was unpalatable, salty was her favourite, spicy was amazing but made her hyperactive, and bitter was definitely off the menu. While there was also umami, they couldn't find anything suitable, and the beef jerky came across as either sweet or salty depending on the type of seasoning it had.

Hidden in a field, the naked Arcee stood and let the wind blow across her skin, giggling and laughing as she twirled in the breeze. She stared in amazement as her skin became bumpy and Peter laughed while he explained what goosebumps were. For all intents and purposes, she was human in that form, and even as Reboot slid over her and coated her in armour, she looked more like Peter in his mark two armour than an Autobot.

They were sitting drinking sodas and watching the stars when Arcee cuddled up to him, "I am hesitant to reveal my new nature to the others, what if they reject me?" She said as she stroked the side of his face.

The softness of his skin was new under her fingers and was more than just a reading across her sensors. "Optimus will be pleased with Reboot, but I am hesitant about my new organic form."

Peter leaned over and lay his head on her shoulder, "I can't answer that, but I think Optimus and the rest will be happy for you. I mean, isn't this what you wanted?"

But Arcee signed, "It was. A Klyntar, but now I realise what that means. I am now partly organic, like my ancestors, and I now have a responsibility to keep her, and myself alive. I do not know if my spark will accept another chassis, or if I can even move from this body if it is damaged."

"So, pretty much like the rest of us then. I'm sure you'll be fine. You have good friends and companions who will make sure you are safe."

Arcee nodded, and ran her hand over his collar bone, turning her own head and softly kissing his cheek. It was all new, and it felt wonderful. "I know, but I am unsure as to how to proceed. Reboot is unique, as am I. And we are unsure if we can make another of us." Arcee shifted so she could look Peter in the eye. "It was a unique experience, but as Reboot has shared, you prefer the females of your species. You would be unwilling to perform the same action with the others?"

Peter took a drink of his soda, "Yeah, you might only have one gender, and be built, but they look male enough, that yeah, I wouldn't." and there was the problem. They had no idea if it was Reboot that caused the change, or Peter's cell infusion plus Reboot, or what caused her to revert back to a technorganic lifeform. And while Peter had absolutely no issue with who anyone wanted to have sex with, the thought of repeating the earlier sex with anyone other than Arcee was not appealing.

"No, I understand, your species has a complicated sexual and gender culture, with many strange rules and preferences. Do you know of anyone else who would be willing?" and Peter had to shrug,

He knew Maria was straight, as Scott was proof of that, but Flash was the last person he was ever going to ask what his preferred partner was, or if he would even consider a giant robot.

"It is fine. I am sure Optimus will know a way that we can reformat Cybertron. He is the oldest of us all."

Peter frowned, "I thought that was Megatron?"

Arcee shook her head, "Megatron is a title, the same as Prime, it is passed from leader to leader."

"So wait. Optimus wasn't always Optimus?"

Arcee shook her head, "He had another name, I am sure what it was though, most abandon their former lives when chosen. The Matrix selects a new leader, and we respect its choice. It is the sparks of all previous Primes, and contains wisdom beyond even our years."

Peter nodded, that sounded like a great idea, but what if one Prime was an asshole, or had extremist views? Surely that would make it a bit redundant, but it wasn't up to him, so if the Autobots were happy enough doing things that way, who was he to argue.

"Maybe as you are now a Maximal again, you should see if the Matrix responds to you?" and

Arcee lifted herself from his shoulder and stared at him, "No," and she shook her head, "The Matrix is only passed from one leader to the next when the time of passing draws near. Optimus has been the leader of the Autobots for millennia, and will continue to be for millennia more."

Peter raised his hands in mock surrender, "It's fine, I didn't know," but still cursed his lack of opportunity. Amazon Prime would have been a great suggestion, even if Liv or one of the others would have scolded him.

As the pair sat cuddled together the sun started to creep along the horizon. "Uh, we maybe should head back. We did promise to get some rest before we take back the ark."

Arcee pulled away and stretched, yawning and moaning "oh, that feels amazing, how do you not sleep and stay comfortable all day?"

As he stood, he offered a hand to her and she stood, shifted into her robot form and then into her new hovercycle mode. "It's tough." As he sat down reboot slid beneath him and they connected once more. "Especially with someone you like, last night was a small taste of what we usually get up to."

Peter lay down onto Arcee's new chassis and made himself comfortable. Reboot reached out and the pair joined once more.

Last night was what we do, a date and then uh, Peter explained, but let's stay focused this time, though, not that I didn't enjoy last night, but we have to get back before everyone is ready.

I know, I just enjoy the sensation and the closeness. We do share social events, but I have never attempted to do so. The war made it impossible, and to stray was to invite an ambush.

We are happy to be bonded with such a unique lifeform, we wish to share with our sisters though, and we believe the Liv would like that more than the others, Reboot added, but we are happy with our host.

Liv will be mad I had sex with you, and then mad that she wasn't invited, and then mad if you say no but she won't make an issue out of it, she's just really really into giant robots,

We know, and we will not say no, will we? Reboot added while laughing

I have yet to experience the female of your species, and I am curious if they will be as compatible as you were. I understand though, that they are missing your entry plug, we will have to adapt.

Yeah, you didn't get to the gay stuff then, most humans learned to adapt pretty quick when sex is involved,

Arcee laughed and revved her engine, shooting off down the highway. Her new form was now much faster, reaching Mach speeds while keeping on the ground. Her form didn't have flight and compensated for the upthrust. Peter didn't care though but kept an eye out for police cruisers, and towns. Travelling close to the sound barrier would be good enough without shattering windows or causing property damage as they sped back to the camp.

As they pulled up Optimus stood from the small gathering that had assembled. "It is good to see you back, you were almost late." but he made no comment about Arcee's new vehicle form.

"Optimus, wait." she said and as she transformed she stayed in her usual robot mode, "Peter and I came to an agreement." and Optimus nodded "But, not what we were expecting."

Arcee stood, and first transformed into her technorganic form, waiting until her plates had settled before looking at Optimus, then she transformed once more, becoming her human form, one Peter and herself had dubbed her Pretender form. As Reboot swarmed over her, covering her modesty, Optimus shifted and sat down again,

"And your vehicle form, is that a result of the changes?" Optimus asked. It was normal for younger Autobots to choose different forms until they were satisfied, and he himself had grown past feeling the need to alter his outer configuration.

Arcee nodded, "I am now part organic, as our ancestors once were, but I do not have an animal form."

Optimus laughed, "You are incorrect Arcee. Humans are not unique on this planet. Your Maximal form is that of a human," and Arcee looked over at Peter who shrugged.

"I dont know the rules, you tell me," he said, "but, he is correct, Homo Sapien, or well, I dont know what I am, something in between human and Klyntar. I guess." They had never given Peter his own classification, human-Klyntar hybrid was as far as it went.

"Will the others accept me?" Arcee asked, worried she would be rejected.

Optimus stood, and moved over, placing a huge hand on her shoulder. "Arcee, you are the most important member of the Autobots now. Your Maximal form will allow us to return the planet to its original form, and the Autobots as well. The future is in your hands."

Arcee looked up, and as she transformed back into her robot mode Peter heard her whisper, "no pressure then," and the pair moved off to rejoin the group.

"After we have recharged the best we can, we will make the last leg of our journey. Three teams. Peter, you can scout the entrance your people made, while we form two teams to scout for the entrance I left through. It has been several million years, and I doubt the tunnel is still there. I can but hope." and Peter nodded.

While Trask had taken samples he hadn't gutted the ark, or there would have been more than one Master Mold. The entrance he used must have been small, or larger Cybertronians in robot form would have been at the dam. He may have even hidden the Ark from the government, hoping to salvage more technology once his business was more profitable. But as he was dead, Peter could only guess what the man's plan was.

Whatever it was, Peter was glad it had failed. While the larger machines would have been easier to spot, they would have also been more destructive and Master Mold was probably the limit of Trask's expertise. Thankfully he hadn't released a plague of angry and violent newly born Cybertronians on the Earth.

Optimus and Arcee left the small group and Natasha sidled over, with a huge grin on her face, "Giant robot?"

Peter smiled and shrugged, "Scored it off my bucket list."

Natasha laughed, "Liv is going to be mad at you,"

"It's not like I planned it, it just happened, I was supposed to be a test to see if her systems were compatible with a Klyntar, to see if -" but Natasha put a finger on his lips

"Liv is going to be mad you had sex with a giant robot without her, not that you did. Plus, her human form is kinda sexy. Think she likes women?"

Peter shook his head in amusement and laughed, "We can save that conversation for when we're home. For now, let's get the RV back and then head to this volcano. Where I'm sure it's full of doom or evil or something else. They always are."

"Intimidating with convenient dead body disposal. What's not to love if you're after a secret death mountain," Natasha joked as she mounted the RV, "Can you get one of the others to follow me, I'll need a ride back, or you know," and she waved a hand at Arcee, "maybe ask the latest addition."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Arcee, Nat wants a ride, like the one you gave me, want to, or"

He was greeted by the familiar mechanical noise, as Arcee transformed into her Maximal form. She let Reboot slide over her, forming leather pants and a white tank top.

"Yes, I think I shall allow Natasha to ride me." and she stepped into the RV, "On the way back as well."

Natasha laughed and left Peter staring at the closing door, as Arcee sat in the passenger seat next to her. He could only shake his head and laugh to himself. As he looked over, he shouted,

"Uh Optimus, I need a ride. Mine just discovered girls."