Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Twenty Seven. Fan Boy

As the trio exited, Charles waved as a portal opened, and Breach held out a hand for Charles to step through. Peter flicked open his phone and as Tony was about to get into his limo, Peter called him over.

"I have something separate for you, Tony. Just for us, and only us."

Tony shrugged, "Aww, it's fine Pete, you dont need to apologise. I forgive you. Now, just politely ask Pepper to start working for me again and I'll even take the museum down."

Peter laughed, "Oh, you mean, please ask Pepper to stop squeezing my balls over the contracts, and beg her to stop making Maya jealous enough to murder me?"

Tony smiled, "Yup, that too, so uh, you're not getting in my limo so."

Peter smiled, "oh no, I have a much better way to travel."

Tony watched as the yellow sparks floated in the air split and became a portal back to the warehouse,

"Hmm, Einstein Rosen bridge, neat. But no transmitter." and as Tony moved forwards he could see Wanda on the other side,

"I dont have all day you know, and Peter, not a taxi, this is the last time." She complained. Since they had discovered her ability, she was harassed daily to take them places.

As Peter smiled at her and pushed Tony through the opening it close behind them,

"I was looking at that," Tony complained but he gave Wanda the famous Tony Stark Smile, but she just rolled her eyes at him and walked away.

"On your own time, this is more important."

A space had been made at the table, for Arcee to sit, and she was talking with Friday, who was in awe of the giant robot woman.

"Is that a?" and Peter nodded as Tony asked, "can I?"

"Ask her, they aren't machines, Tony," Peter said, shaking his head

"Uh hi. I'm Tony, and uh," and Arcee smiled at him,

"Friday has informed us of you, Mr Stark, I am Arcee, one of the Autobot survivors."

"This is amazing, can I?" And as he reached out a hand Arcee frowned but nodded. As Tony lay a hand on her shin he felt the metal under his palm, "not an earth metal, not even vibranium," and before he could move his hand further, Friday shook her head.

"Not a thing Tony, and would you touch a human woman like that?" and he looked down at his hand, up at Arcee, frowned and tilted his head.

"If she was as fascinating, yes." and while he smiled, Friday and Arcee did not, "oh, tough crowd, so why am I here?"

"We need Vision and Jocasta for that," Friday explained and Wanda came back over, in a more suitable office suit.

"We need to get them, can we head to Stark Tower?" Tony shrugged and Wanda summoned another portal.

Peter made a fresh pot of coffee and set out a small plate of cookies while he waited but it wasn't long before the sling ring portal sparked into life.

Jocasta, unarmoured with symbskin came through followed by Vision, and finally Tony with one of his smaller armoured suits. It was more like the harness, with power assist on the limbs and legs, with repulsors that slipped over the hand. But minus the armour.

Peter laughed as he saw him and handed him a coffee. "Stop being a drama queen and let them talk."

Tony tutted and took the cup, "As if. The last cup you poisoned," and he sniffed it but took a drink,

"No, the last cup you said I poisoned, I wouldn't poison you, Tony. I'd just steal your CEO, drive your stock into the toilet an-"

Wanda cleared her throat, "if you two don't stop, I'll send you to the artic and you can continue that discussion while you freeze to death." but she circled her hands again and this time a much larger Autobot stepped through.

"Greetings once more Peter Parker, are these the others you wish us to ensoul?"

Tony stood, holding his cup, staring up at Optimus, "Absolutely amazing. " and he tapped Optimus on the leg, listening to the metal noise, "completely synthetic, a-maz-ing."

"And also very aware of the small human examing me. I am Optimus Prime, and you are?" Optimus asked unamused as Tony examined him.

"Tony, Optimus, Optimus, annoyingly rude arrogant jackass, Tony Stark," Peter said,

Wanda batted him on the shoulder, "Peter, what did I just say?"

Peter pointed at Tony, "He thought they were fake. He assumed that giant robot meant dumb machine and ignored him. Arrogant. Jackass." Wanda frowned and shook her head,

Tony waved a hand at him, "You are amazing, and ignore him. He's jealous as I'm better looking and much smarter than him. Hi, Tony Stark, and I'm sorry. Parker likes his little jokes and I thought he'd done this to annoy me."

"It is fine Arrogant Jackass Tony Stark. We are grateful for your assistance." and Peter burst out laughing while Tony glared at him,

"Yeah, those first two. Pete's a joker, those are bad words. Pete, dont teach aliens who can crush us bad words."

"I understand, but he is correct. You were quite rude, but I am learning that seems to be a trait of most humans. So I will allow this to pass."

"See, you're embarrassing me in front of the cool giant robots." and Tony took out his phone "but uh, do you mind? It's a recording device, Can I maybe get a picture? If you just stay there," and Tony wandered over and handed Peter his phone "I'll forgive you if you take a picture" and as Peter angled the phone to cut Tony's head out of the picture, Wanda tutted, batted him on the arm and grabbed the phone.

"And you wonder why he doesn't like you. Peter, you are almost thirty, stop acting like a child."

Peter snorted, "he started it."

Tony held up his fingers in a peace sign "I heard that, and you started it. Pepper still doesn't talk to me." and he grinned as the phone's flash went off.

"Let me see, let me see," and Tony came over and took the phone, "See, now that's cool. So, giving Jocasta and Vision souls. You know that's not really right. It's made up, like Peters dignity, and uh the tooth fairy."

Peter looked at Wanda with a frown, "okay, for that one you can hit him. That was uncalled for Mr Stark," but Tony wanted a hand at her,

"He's asking for it. But look. Actual robotic life from outer space. You know I would love if you could-" but Optimus shook his head.

"No Mr Stark, There will be no in-depth examinations. We will allow you to examine an empty chassis, one without a spark."

Tony raised an eyebrow and looked over at Peter, "what did you do?" and Peter shrugged.

"Trask, based the sentinels on them. So no, dont ask." and Toiny swore,

"Always the bad guys ruining things for everyone else." putting his phone away Tony lifted his cup and stared at it, "well," and he held it out at Peter.

"Kitchen is right there." and Peter moved while Tony tutted.

He moved the four feet to the sink and left the cup sitting on the metal drainer, while he moved over to Wanda.

"How did you get dimensional teleportation to work anyway? I heard Richards is working on it but he just makes apple sauce right now."

Peter laughed, He had also heard about Reed trying to replicate the dimensional shift. His portals were fine if you wanted to turn whatever you sent through them inside out or dissolve into their constituent parts. Destablalising anything sent through them was a hurdle he was having problems solving but Peter wasn't going anywhere near Reed or his newly christened team of the Fantastic Four.

"Wanda knows magic. Wizards are real." He replied before Wanda got annoyed at him.

Tony laughed, "yeah right, souls and now magic, what's next, you'll tell me dragons are real too, maybe I can get a unicorn to ride around New York on."

"Remind me to let Stephen and Tony spend some time together Peter," Wanda stated, ignoring the laugh Peter was trying to contain,

"Aww, that's not really fair on Stephen, I mean they do have the same barber, but really, I wouldn't inflict Tony on my worst enemy, and Stephen's not that bad."

Tony snorted, "You've got me all wrong Pete, it's you I don't like. Everyone else is great. Just, not you."

Peter couldn't rebuke that. He knew the charity work Tony was doing, he knew the newer Iron Halo replaced a lot of medication and work on a medical suit, to monitor those with a fragile constitution as being trialled.

Right now the Iron Worker, Iron Doctor and a whole range of non-lethal Iron Man armours were being shipped out across America and soon the world, as Tony branched out of the military aspect of the Iron Man suit. He was starting to match Peter's own philanthropy levels, and while they shared a few barbs, Peter was glad that it was really just him that endured Tony's smug side.

"I'm great, you're just jealous, and who wouldn't be." but he lifted his own cup and pointed it at the forms of Jocasta and Vison, as they both received their own souls. "But let's not spoil this for them. This is an important thing. Ultron might have given them a mind, but a soul is very real Tony, and they are now truly alive."

Tony snorted, "yeah, a little light show won't change my mind. Just like your magic tricks, and now I know dimensional transport is possible, I'll crack it as well. "

Peter just shrugged, "go right ahead." and Wanda shook her head as the pair never gave it a rest for one moment, even with something as important as this.

Jocasta and Vision both came over, with a bouncing Friday in tow. "See, it's amazing right?" and Vision nodded but Jocasta shook her head

"I now feel sick, I am sorry for my inappropriate behaviour Peter, and Tony, I, can't tell you how sorry I am for shouting at you. This, these feelings are difficult. I may need some time to adjust." With a pained expression, she sat on one of the chairs around the breakfast table, but tilted her head, "what is that smell?"

"Dunno sis, can't smell a thing. Other than the coffee, it's great, isn't it? Oh, and food has taste now, like proper taste, not a chemical composition report."

Peter had moved away from Jocasta, and Tony was busy leaning over her,

"What did you do? Her skin feels like real skin now, and her eyes are actually responding to the light" he was waving his phone torch in front of her,

"Yeah Tony, they're alive, so maybe not blind her in the first five minutes." Friday admonished him, "Vision? Are you okay?"

Vision looked down at his hand and then at Friday, "I love you sister. I finally understand what that means. I truly love you. You are annoying, you are what I now understand to be a pain in my rear, and I imagine that Tony feels a similar way towards Mr Parker, but I truly love you, and Jocasta." And she lifted her head from her hands, and looked at him, "You are brash and unkind. Your bluntness towards everyone is hurtful and inconsiderate. But I feel a warmth in my chest when I imagine either of you and a sudden coldness and pain when I think of anything happening to you. This is amazing, and I wish to learn more."

"Aww, your so sweet," Friday said "but that last bit was maybe a bit mean, Jo's just as sensitive as some of us are and look, she's crying. Vision, are you bullying her?"

"What no, I am simply," but as he looked over Jocasta was staring at her hands as she wiped tears away from her face.

"I am leaking. There is a pain in my chest at your words Vision, and I am now leaking." she shook her head, "is this a soul? I dont like it, please, take it away."

Tony, step up now or I will.

Tony stared at Peter for a moment, and nodded, telepathy was new but he lifted Jocasta up and hugged her "No, you will miss so much, there is so much more, like friends, and cake, and you just need to learn it's not all bad." and Jocasta looked hesitantly at him and nodded before awkwardly sliding her arms around him, "see, feels good right? Hugs are always good."

As he stood holding Jocasta in his arms, "I think we should go home now. Friday, can you stay, I think the three of you should be together until you get through this" and as Friday looked over at Peter he nodded,

Wanda sighed "finally, I can get some rest. You owe me, Peter," and as she circled her arms the sling ring portal opened, "and Stark, magic is real." she stepped through followed by the others. "Don't make me prove it by turning you into a frog."

Optimus and the others had stayed quiet as the four left to spend time together.

Optimus finally spoke, as Wanda sat and made herself a cup of coffee before summoning another portal to send Optimus back. "A soul is a terrible burden. It makes us who we are but sometimes comes with a heavy price. You did a good thing tonight Peter. Not many would grant a machine true life, and from what I have seen of humanity, not many would allow it to continue either."