Arc Twelve. Chapter Three Hundred Thirty-Five. Sparring Partner

Thor paused as he stepped through the portal, "I like it, and you have redecorated." he boomed as he took in the new warehouse layout.

"Yeah, I kinda have a few more partners now," Peter said as the portal closed behind him. He swiped his hand over the column and as it powered down he placed a hand on it, "uh, take a seat, I'll let everyone know you're here." Connecting to the controller, he wiped several locations from its memory.

Charles had been adamant that if the main portal room on Avalon was ever compromised that security prevented its location from connecting to any other terminal. With Avalon being shut down, Charles had already begun to dismantle the Breach Network. While a lot of Xavier technology was being shared with the world, that one was still a secret.

Hey, Thors here, but, uh, yeah, Thors here. He told everyone in the warehouses.

That's not like you Peter. Is something wrong, Felicia asked him.

I have no idea, but yeah, going next door, if anyone wants to say hi we're going to spar.

Have fun, I think MJ is busy at the moment though, Felicia replied. It was a workday, and everyone was out.

I need a set of eyes on us though, you free?

Yeah, give me a moment though. Are you worried about something? Felicia asked,

Just a hunch, let me know when you're in position.

Peter smiled at Thor and lead him through the security tunnels to the second warehouse, Thor laughed, "this is more like it." as he saw the sparring ring set up in the centre and the rack around it. "It is good to know you keep your training up. Leave the diplomacy to the small fries, eh?" he said as he slapped Peter on the back.

"Kinda have to, they always get me in trouble," Peter admits and Thor laughs.

"Come now, Peter. What do you want to know? I know this is more than just a friendly chat, and that you are distrustful of what is happening. I might not be kept in the loop, but even I know about Queen Shuri." Thor admitted as Peter opened the door to the security tunnel. Pausing for a second, he frowned, "So, you'll just tell me?"

Thor laughed, "Oh, I didn't say that. You are worried this is an invasion, but it's not. We have been here before Peter, or I wouldn't appear in your history books. We simply want to make sure that Earth is protected against greater threats. Threats you cannot imagine, or defend against."

"Like the Cybertronians?" and while Thor frowned and shrugged, "Or the Kree?"

Thor scowled, and narrowed his eyes, "Yes, like the Kree. I am curious though, as to how you know about them. I am sure Carol told you of her past, but without co-ordinates, they are unlikely to return."

"Because we're not all idiots Thor, and we know that pissed off space nazi's dont like it when you bloody their nose. If you're here and add that to what Carol said, there is a war going on right? And you want us to help?"

Thor laughed, "Oh Peter. If the Asgardian forces cannot contend with the Kree, I doubt a handful of what do you call them, Augments will make a difference."

It was Peter's turn to laugh, thinking about Cain or Selene fighting properly, "Yeah, I guess. But, to the spar. So, do we wager? I have some very nicely aged Gwen Special in stock, and I do remember you liked it."

Thor rubbed his chin, "yes, I do remember that. If I win, then you may ask me one of your more serious questions, but if I win, then I am to gain several barrels of your finest Gwen Special, and MJ must be my guide around New York."

"Right," Peter said giving Thor a side glance. "So, one on one, no powers and no summoning your hammer."

Thor nodded, "father said it was hampering my training. So I promise I will not summon it." Thor looked over, and tensing, leapt straight over the ropes around the ring and onto the mats.

Peter grinned, while it was impressive to leap over 20 meters, it wasn't that useful in combat. Once you were in the air, you had no way of altering your course, unless you could fly. While he was sure Thor could, he needed his hammer to do so. Using acrobatics for dodging attacks was great, but a huge leap like that was only good for escaping.

"Are you still calling yourself Venom?"

Peter shook his head, "Nope, Dusk now. Well, maybe. I dunno. It's still up for debate."

Thor shrugged, "You should just name yourself what you like. I mean, I am Thor, God of Thunder. No need to hide, just grin and flex."

Peter made his way over, and stretched, "Earth's a little more complicated. I have family that can't defend themselves. So anyone targeting me can target them." and he shook himself into a loose stance, "but let me guess, that will change?"

Thor shrugged and lifted his hands flexing his fingers, "no idea, those with Godforce on Asgard are usually military and the Xandarians dont really care. A criminal with powers is the same as one without. Lots of people carry blasters, and like your United States there are laws on using them in public but it is not illegal to carry them." He feigned a grab at Peter who rather than retreating, ducked into it, grabbed one of Thor's arms and tossed him over his shoulder,

"That's one," Peter said as he danced away, "gotten slow in your old age, Thor."

Thor snorted and thumped the matt, "I'm barely over three thousand. Whereas you are what almost thirty? Isn't that middle age for a Midgardian?"

Peter laughed, "I'm immortal, maybe." he sprung forwards, going low for a leg sweep and when Thor jumped Peter spun and struck upwards, lifting Thor further up and flat onto his back as he fell. "And that's two. Maybe eating so much was bad for the diet"

Thor growled and thumped the mat once more. As he stood he shrugged his shoulders and circled his shoulders, "just warming up, dont want to bruise your ego too much do I?"

Peter laughed and took a martial arts stance, Holding one hand up he motioned with his fingers for Thor to attack.

Thor snorted, and charged, much quicker on his feet than Peter expected he barreled into his and lifted him up, slamming him down into the mat, "and that one for-" but Peter drove his fists into Thor's temples, arched back and with impressive lower body strength lifted Thor from the mat, lifted himself by his hands into a handstand and then back down, flipping both himself and Thor over.

As Thor lay on the mat Peter grabbed him by the back of the neck, "no talking while fighting, and that's three."

"I will give you one more before we get serious." Thor answers before lifting himself up, "you are much better than I expected, but you are still no match for an Asgardian Peter, not even close."

Peter shrugs. "I disagree." and as he took another stance Thor laughed.

"Why dont you prove it then," Thor says and it's Peter's turn to dash forwards. Muscles tense as Thor blocks the first blow, but Peter leapt and kicked out at Thor and as Thor returns the favour with a blow, Peter braces on his arm and knees Thor in the side of the head. As Thor stumbles back, Peter slips forwards and ignoring his open chest, delivers a strike to Thor's throat, and then an elbow to his face.

Staggering back, Thor brings a hand to his lip and gently touches where Peter elbowed him and brings his fingers up, showing the fresh blood. "A nasty move Peter. I thought this was a friendly spar," he says and spits a wad of blood on the mat. "So be it. First blood is yours, but no more."

Thor roars and charges, lifting Peter from the mat, but bracing himself, Peter lifts him and using his own momentum throws him over his head. Peter spins and as Thor lies on the ground Peter lifts his foot and drives it into Thor's back before he can roll away.

Peter moves away and Thor slams a fist into the mat, "I underestimated you, Peter. I won't do it again." Standing and tensing, Thor roars and Peter feels the tension in the air rise, like a pulse of static. The hairs on the back of his neck rise but worse he smells it, something he knows shouldn't be coming from Thor.

Thor slowly lets out a breath, and in a blur pounces on Peter, driving a fist into his gut, followed by an uppercut. Peter tenses and takes the first but the second clacks his jaw and sends him stumbling. As he falls backwards Thor capitalised and floors, sending a right into Peter's midsection followed by a left into his jaw.

As Peter stumbles back, Thor follows, driving blow after blow into his midsection, and finishes it with a haymaker, sending Peter flying across the floor and out of the padded area and onto the concrete.

Thor stands and laughs as Peter tries to stand but stumbles and slumps on his backside on the ground, shaking his head.

"I think that counts as at least three for me. That was more than just one good hit. You are lucky I was holding back." Thor said with a grin, "As I said, you are no match for an Asgardian."

Peter rubs his jaw and nods. Sliding his legs up and standing, "Yup, I guess your right. But, I did get a few hits in and using powers, it would be a fairer fight."

Thor shrugs, "Maybe, but I was holding back as well." Thor titles his head to one side, "I am sorry Peter. I am receiving a message from our Asgardian forces. I must take this."

Peter nods and moves to one side, where mirroring the main warehouse a breakfast table sits, with a small fridge. Watching Thor closely, he can't hear what is being said, as Asgardian is all gibberish to him.

As he presses a cold bottle of water, first to his forehead and then to his jaw, he watched Thor animatedly hold his conversation. Widely throwing his arms about as apparently he argues with however it is.

"I am sorry Peter. I have to leave. You were right and not all of Earth is happy to see us. Please tell MJ I would be glad to reminisce about our time together, and maybe spend more with her if she is willing."

Taking a drink from the bottle, Peter nods. "I'll be sure to tell her." and motioning, "doors over there" he points at the exit.

"Farewell friend Peter. I am sure we'll see each other again."

Nodding Peter lifts the bottle in mock toast and watches as Thor leaves.

"So?" he says to the air,

"Yeah, that wasn't Thor. Even I can smell the formula in the air." Huntress answers back as she shimmers into existence, "We've got a huge problem haven't we?"

Peter nods and moves over to the sink. "Yeah, whoever that was hits like a pussy. I mean, Gwen hits harder, and I was embarrassed having to fake those injuries." He smirks as the marks on his face fade into normal skin, "Plus, there is that other issue. Thor doesn't use formula."

Sighing, Felicia could only nod.

"Yup, better get everyone together. No one is allowed to say no." Peter leans over the sink and pours the water from the bottle, and heads back to the mat. Using the cap to scrape up the blood from the burst lip he gave Thor. As the blood swirls in the remnants of the water, Peter hopes this can answer their questions.

Who was that? and what the hell is going on?