Arc Twelve. Chapter Three-Hundred Sixty. Death And Taxes

It had taken just over a week for the riots to start.

Having heard the news, people were angry and sad, and that needed to be vented. Normal people took to the streets and grieved together. Food was shared with those without, and governments soon rallied troops and began to start the rebuilding process.

A nation mourned together, but then as the clean up continued and the lives lost were calculated, a simple question sparked the fire.

"Why did this happen?"

All it took was one child, rescued too late and lifted out of the rubble by an Iron Legion Drone to spark an outcry. And once one became two, and then more and more, news spread of people who could have been rescued but were trapped during the fighting, it became a national movement.

Spearheaded by JJ and his, slowly becoming a political party, movement, "Humanity First"

"We saw what happens when powered individuals become complacent. Hydra sprang up within the government. Modok sprang up within the private sector, and then the Sentinel program. Designed to keep us safe from any of these freaks, turned on us as well. Let's face it, ladies and gentlemen. Those with power are playing us.

We heard from Charles Xavier, the so-called leader of these Augments that he could literally change our brains, so who's to say he didn't. Aliens walked up to us and we let them in, why? Why did we unlock the door and let the invaders in?

It sounds like maybe the Augments, afraid of us, afraid that the ordinary American citizen would realise they were being duped showed us what happens when that line is crossed. Maybe there were no aliens, and those green and blue monsters were just more Augments, firing giant space lasers at us from the moon.

We all suffered a great tragedy, but maybe we suffered and their friends simply took another stance. Will we ever find the truth, I hope so, but with mind-controlling mutants, and shapeshifting monsters lurking behind closed doors. I doubt we will."

JJ's rhetoric was relentless.

Calls for the X-scanner to be expanded, and a motion was tabled by a Senator.

All government officials, regardless of political alignment, were to be frequently and publicly scanned, to ensure they were who they said they were.

It didn't stop there. Calls for every government official to be checked were called for. And with that came calls for laxer gun laws. Gun lobbyists were calling for grenade launchers and rocket launchers to be made legal. Home security meant being able to stop a Hulk or even worse a spaceship.

"You have powers. Why didn't you save us?" was the rallying cry, but it soon turned to "if you can't save us, why should you have powers? Why should you be in power?" and the violence started.

But it wasn't a fight. One of the things the ARCA and now the Powered Individual Control and Containment Act, or PICCA, was designed to do was take events like this and let normal civilians deal with them.

The national guard, just was weary and just as angry was called, and eventually, the protest faltered. The animosity remained, even if the people had left. It was now being pushed into the Senate, where day after day debate about what restrictions to place were endlessly talked over and over, with no clear results.

PICCA was just a clearer and more robust version of ARCA, and without Charles to oversee its effects nobody knew what harm it would cause until it was made public. The Sentinel program was being revised but revisited, and President Ellis had been impeached, as to his involvement with Charles Xavier and the alien treaty.

It was a giant mess, and the powered community waited with bated breath to see just how much would be blamed on them.

A week had passed since the war ended, and Peter was invited back into Shield headquarters, where Fury sat behind Coulson's desk,

"Yeah yeah," Fury said waving a hand "it's temporary, but this won't be." and he motioned to the newly installed black device sitting on his desk.

Peter rolled his eyes, stuck a finger in, watched as the light turned yellow and then shrugged, "I'm not one hundred per cent human, so that's what you'll get."

"Yeah I know, but as long as it doesn't go green I dont care." Fury said and he opened a drawer and slid a folder over to Peter.

"It's not pretty, but right now it's all you get."

Peter forward and opened the folder. He read and frowned, "Yeah" he huffed, "I expected that."

AIM and every manufacturing company in the United States were being drafted under a military provision, allowing the government to repurpose any and all manufacturing in times of need.

"This one, you didn't get from me." and he slid out another red folder with a stamp on it, "For the President Of The United States Only"

Peter raised an eyebrow as he flicked to the first page, "You have to be kidding?" but Fury shook his head.

"You knew you weren't getting to keep it, so why all the drama. I mean, you can, if you want, but as the US government gets a cut of the taxes on everything you own, and technically it counts as a second home, it's what, a few billion in property taxes alone. "

Peter huffed. It was his giant spaceship, he stole it fair and square. He snorted, "Yeah Yeah, I know. Can't I at least joyride in it for a little bit?"

Fury laughed but then his face fell, "no. We're getting enough grief over powered individuals in positions of authority. And, while they know they can't exactly make you."

Fury handed him another folder. Peter clenched his jaw as he read, "You know this makes me angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry."

Fury waved a hand, "it's all bullshit anyway. I doubt the US could muster enough troops to go anywhere right now, let alone Wakanda." and he leant forwards and placed both elbows on the desk, clasping his hand together, "it's to make you angry and stupid. Just give up the damn ships, You cant crew them anyway."

Peter snorted, "and you can't get to them, or fly them. Do you have anyone who can read Kree?"

"Flash is still on the books as a Shield agent, and Carol is still military. So yeah. Just, please. Let this one go." Fury asked him, "We have enough issues without this as well."

Peter huffed out a breath, "fine. But touch Shuri and I will flatten" but Fury raised a hand

"Do not finish that sentence. Things are bad enough that someone who is maybe listening in will report you, and you might find that cushy life of yours is under very close scrutiny. Not now, just leave it."

Peter stretched out with his senses and found at least four recording devices. "Fine. I'll just be grumpy then,"

"That might change." Fury hit the intercom on his desk, "yeah, bring her in."

After a few moments, A heavily armoured Shield agent, wearing one of Tony's Iron Warden suits brought in a Skrull. Her hands were bound but Peter recognised her as the woman that had been masquerading as Thor.

Once the Shield agent left, Soren wriggled her hands and the cuffs fell off, and she sat down on a chair next to Peter.

"I get the theatrics but really Nicholas?" Soren said and lifted a cup, sniffed it and poured herself coffee from the filter machine.

"You know my office is still bugged right." Fury said, scowling,

Soren smiled as she sipped her drink, "Who do you think put them there?" and as a small frown crossed her face, "it was Talos's office."

Fury sighed and rubbed his face, "sorry. He was a good man. But that's not why you are here. The other problem."

Soren nodded, "Mr Parker. Peter. I am sorry for the deception," but Peter lifted a hand and stopped her,

"Nope, I get it. I met the more physically altered Augments, so no. I totally get it, but I'm also getting better at reading alien thoughts, so, tell me the bad news."

Soren sighed, "Veranke, my daughter and the leader of the Skrulls was on board the cruiser they destroyed."

Peter raised an eyebrow and looked over at Fury, "I am sorry to what that, but I get the feeling there is a but. She was pretending to be Loki?"

Soren nodded, "Loki is on Asgard, Acting as Queen Freya, Thor is missing, and most of Asgard's forces on Earth are Skrulls."

Peter frowned, "It was a coup?" and Soren nodded, "So, why tell us? We aren't going to help, and we aren't going to tell anyone."

"Because Loki and Veranke were in a relationship and Loki has gone missing. We fear she may be after retribution."

Peter furrowed his brow, "again, why is that our problem? Just get Thor to take over, or whoever else there is."

Soren sighed, "Our coup only worked as Carol took out the Bifrost," as Peter and Fury both looked confused she continued, "the Asgard version of the portal device. When the Guardians of the Galaxy destroyed it, they, along with Carol, were sent hurtling through space, and when Thor tried to follow. He went missing a few weeks later." and she took a drink, "There are no ruling Asgardians. We already deposed Odin and Freya."

"So?" Peter asked, his patience had finally run out with Soren. "I get you're grieving, but so are lot of people, my wife included. I get you screwed up, but right now, we've already been dealing with that. This mess is your fault, so please, tell me why I should care? Tell me how this is anything to do with us or the Earth."

Soren looked down at her cup guiltily, "Oh you didn't?" he asked angrily.

"Odin and Freya are on Earth." and she looked right at Peter, "and we can't find them."

Peter rubbed his forehead, "and you want me to help? Because you know I can find alien minds?"

Soren only nodded.

Peter smiled though, "good. Here." and he handed her an envelope of his own. "My terms."

Soren frowned and even Fury peered over the desk to see what was in the file.

"Is this real?" she asked, rubbing her chin with one hand while flicking through the contents with another.

"You realise how restrictive this is, and what you'll be doing?" Peter asked her and she nodded,

"My people have been refugees for centuries Mr Parker, and this is more than any of us could imagine." she stood and extended a hand. "I already know, I was bonded to one of you. We accept. I can have everyone with you in a few days."

"Great, They know," and Peter clasped his other hand onto hers and she laughed, "Then see you later."

Soren looked over at Fury, "I am sorry, but I won't go back into custody. My people need me, and we what is the saying, ah, yes, we have been made an offer we cannot refuse."

Fury frowned and as the sling portal sparked into life, he reached for his gun, finding his hand was trapped under Peters, "Sorry, the government can't be trusted with this." and his eyes flicked to the hidden camera.

"We won't let you get away with this." Fury said, and Peter webbed his hand to the desk,

Sorry, we need to make it look good for the suits. They'll be safe.

Peter stood and ushered Soren through the portal, "My wife will be taking care of them, and as a newly christened citizen of Wakanda, AIM moving its HQ to Wakanda, Sorry Nick, but we won't be letting the government dictate terms to us again."

Fury growled, but smirked and nodded, "You know they'll be pissed. And they might even send Ross after you."

"Rule Four of the ARCA, Nick. Enhanced or Augmented cannot operate on the sovereign territory of another country without express permission. So go ahead, we'll just depower him and anyone else you send." Peter said. "Or you know, use one of the giant spaceships in orbit that belong to me, and made a really nice wedding gift."