Epilogue. The Good The Bad And The Ugly

In Central Park, on a white stone Dias sat 6 crystal pillars. Each one held a different Infinity Stone and they sparkled, even in the dark.

"So, that was the wish huh?" and Peter nodded at Felicia's question.

Create an indestructible prison, one for each stone, that can only be opened by the power of all six stones together, and place it on Earth in Central Park

"Yup, the stones can only be released by someone who has all six stones, so the Infinity Stones are no longer a problem."

"You mean, the stones aren't a problem, but every jackass thinking they can get the stones will be."

Peter stopped and sighed, "I didn't think of that." and as Felicia grabbed onto him and hugged him close she just laughed.


Gwen excitedly stared at the centrifuge, as Peter hovered over her shoulder, "ta-da" and as it opened he saw a vial of formula, a pale yellow colour, and if he was going to be honest, it looked like a urine sample.

"Yeah, know that look, and no it's not." Gwen huffed. "I took the purple heart flower, the Stacy formula, the Banner formula, some of Carol's Space Stone infused DNA, and the modified Parker Extremis virus. Did some Gwen magic, added a splash of vibranium and made this."

As she reached into the centrifuge and picked up the vial she gently swirled it and for a moment it burst into bright golden light, filling the lab with a spectacular light show of multicoloured rays.

"I call it my Golden Sentry formula, and, you'll love this, it makes you a superman."

"A superman?" and she excitedly nodded,

"The strength of Hulk, Carol's flight, heat powers, super invulnerability, plus your regeneration and healing powers. You are literally an ubermensch, but it sounds kinda lame, so I went with Golden Sentry."

But Peter wasn't as overjoyed as she thought he would be.

"So, go on, tell me." she slid the vial back into the machine and closed the lid, "what I do wrong now."

He shrugged, "nothing, it's amazing, but, what was it you said, how far do I want my powers to go? Until I can't hold you, well, that's kinda what that is. I mean, Hulk all the time but normal-sized, damn Gwen, I can't have a relationship with a human woman cause my super strength could hurt them, that, while it is amazing, it is also a nightmare in bottle form. How much did you make?"

Gwen huffed, "Just one vial, with the purple heart flower gone, and Shuri refusing to re-grow the flower there was only the one you gave me, so it's that one vial."

Peter shook his head, but pulled her into his arms, "Gwen Stacy, you are too brilliant for your own good. Lock that away, destroy your notes and promise, you'll never be that brilliant again. That's Liv's making a star level brilliance." and while she was mad he wasn't happy, she couldn't be mad at his praise. It was brilliant, much better than a lame star.


"Hello, Peter dear," Liv said, as she moved in for a quick hug and kiss, "Well, I do have some news. You might want to speak to the girls about who exactly is on the team, as well." and Peter frowned but nodded,

"Yeah, I know about Felicia and Gwen already. MJ was always a no, and I guess Carol too." To admit it, he was disappointed. He had fun with everyone but he did want a close-knit team to train and work together. Now that JJ and the others were taken care of, the Augmented Registration and Control Act had been suitably re-written. There was never going to be a set of laws that wouldn't be unjustly abused, but all those in power and those with power could do was minimise the damage.

"Well, Parker Incorporated is doing well. Orders and contracts keep coming in and well, we're rich" and Peter smiled,

Shuri had been busy, and so had Pepper.

With her powers as Queen, even once T'Challa had woken up, Erik advised her the shipments of Vibranium around the world had been limited. It put some companies in a difficult position, but even Erik had argued that giving away Wakanda's best natural resource was stupid. As a consort, Parker Incorporated was the only private company granted a licence.

"Of course, we will be setting up two teams. The international Venom squad, with yourself, and a second, one that will stay stateside and deal with any threats to the company. I was thinking of asking-'' but it was Peter's turn to interrupt her,

"Liv, I trust you more than anyone else. You run my company, who you want on the team is entirely up to you. In fact, I'll give you first pick. Your safety is more important than mine,"

Liv reached over and kissed him, "and we finalised the teams. I have a team, just no sleeping with any of them" and as Peter saw the list, he laughed.

"No promises."

Head Of AIM Security

Natasha Romanov, War Widow

Nakia, No code name as yet

Someone, probably Nat, still mad at being beaten had scribbled 'Dora the Destroyer' next to it

Spider Inc.

Eddie Brock, Scarlet Spider

Cindy Moon, Ghost Spider

Friday Stark, Iron Spider

Venom Inc.

Peter Parker, Spider-Man

Someone had written 'No bitching, you need a new name' next to it,

Felicia Hardy, Black Cat

And she had scribbled a note next to her name 'damn right'

Laura Kinney, Talon

Laura, after seeing Felicia's note, had left one of her own 'MINE!'

"Spider-Man?" Peter asked her and she nodded. "Seriously? You want me to take over Eddie's persona? You don't think people will notice?" and Liv shook her head,

"Once you get your harness over the bodysuit only the most scrutinous would realise. And while Eddie is more muscular than you without your armour, with it you can adjust your size. I do remember Venom being much more impressive physique wise. You just need to practise."

"But we're still calling the team Venom Inc, I mean, it's not exactly subtle." and Liv shrugged

"You were the one who was supposed to name his team and then forgot. So either change it or it goes to the registration office as is."

Peter sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Fine," and as he leaned back, he thought about it, "hmm, W.E.B, Worldwide Emergency Brigade?"

"You are getting as bad as Fury," Liv connected as she made a note on her tablet, "and you will need to change the colours of your outfit to match an improved Spider-man design.

"Red and blue, easy enough, make the harness match though." and Liv nodded, she had already sent it to be resprayed in the new colours, "You know what, no. Keep it black to match my Venom outfit, and I'll add in red and blue to that. I still kinda like the black." and Liv rolled her eyes and cancelled the respray.


Carol looked apprehensively at Peter as he came in and sat a cup of coffee in front of her, "Come on, my coffee's not that bad" she joked and she had to snort and smile,

"It's not that, it's-" and he nodded,

"Military, Ross already called me to gloat," and she sneered,

"That ass. I wanted to break it to you." and he just shrugged and took a drink,

"It's not a big thing. Everyone has their own life Carol, and well, if you like the military, then you're a military gal."

"You're taking this better than I hoped, but yeah. I'm in charge of Sword."

Peter frowned and raised an eyebrow, "Wait, Sword, giant spaceships Sword, and you're in charge?"

She batted his shoulder, "What's that supposed to mean, and damn right I'm in charge, well, technically I'm the only one who can run the ships, and my reinstatement and promotion was part of that deal but yeah. I'm a general now, I think," and she waved a hand, "but uh, I thought you'd be mad" and she narrowed her eyes, "you're thinking of having sex with me in uniform aren't you?" and Peter nodded his head,

"As a general, don't you need to inspect your privates?" and Carol laughed.


After some persuasion, Peter had been allowed into the Sanctum. Normally Stephen would have preferred to keep things like this secret, But with Wanda's obvious talents, and her studious nature it was only a matter of time. He snorted as he thought that to himself. Still annoyed at Peter for his removal and containment of the Time Stone. The Eye of Agamotto had been handed down to every Sorcerer Supreme and now, there would be a first without one.

"So uh, I get the big event, but what exactly is going on?" Peter asked. The Sanctum had been lavishly decorated with ribbons and red roses. It almost looked to Peter like a wedding but, even the buffet was a surprise but Wanda had told him to simply turn up, and behave.

"While Miss Maximov insists you be here, it is highly irregular. The sanctum was prepared for Miss, to Wanda's tastes, as was the food."

"Yeah, but why?" Peter asked again.

"Wanda Maximov, by the power of the Sorcerer Supreme, I hereby name you as my successor, with all the power, duties and responsibilities that entails."

As Stephen waved his hands, an eldritch sigil formed and made its way over to Wanda, who accepted it and took it into her forehead, gasping as the knowledge and power of a fledgling sorcerer supreme became hers.

As Stephen looked over at Peter, "important enough for you?" Peter just smiled, and moved to hug Wanda,


Natasha stood with Jean and Friday on the mat of the Parker Inc training room.

Peter had licensed a danger room from Charles, using some vibranium to secure it, and once Hank had finished installing it, Peter had asked them all to meet him there. The room was a simple pale grey, and Natasha wondered if the hard light holograms would be worth using. She had spoken to Maria, and while Scott was learning, his training had been sorely lacking. If that was down to bad tutoring, she couldn't see it, as Logan and Laura were both experts.

"So, we're here to discuss your powers Jean," Peter said, as he walked in, "because we all know what you're capable of." and he felt the indignation rise from Jean,

"See, it's not that you're unstable or any of that crap Charles spouted. It's that you can't control them. Everyone gets training Jean, everyone. Me, Cindy, Friday, Nat," and she raised an eyebrow, "okay, maybe not Nat, but Laura as well. Everyone. You said it yourself. The professor locked them away and told you they were too dangerous. Well, he was right. You could level this building without breaking a sweat, and I don't need my ass on fire cause a bad guy pisses you off."

Jean huffed, "but, it's not fair." and Peter half shrugged,

"It's not, but neither is endangering your teammates because you're in a pissy mood and can't control yourself."

She still crossed her arms and tutted, "It's still not fair." and Peter took a deep breath and sighed,

"Jean, it's not a no. You need to get a grip on your powers during combat. Did you huff when you had to sit your biochem exams? No, you studied and got top marks, how is this any different?" and she reluctantly agreed. After their tryst on the moon, Jean's powers had been fine while she was calm, but as soon as she got angry or excited they flared up once more.

"The main difference though. If you can get up to Nat's standard, as she kinda is our trainer. I'll do anything you ask."

Jean snorted, "yeah, like last time. You still owe me for Hydra, and look how that turned out."

Peter stripped away his top and stood in front of the staring Jean. "Anything." and as he took her hand and laid it on his chest, "Want to find out if I really mean that?" and as the stunned Jean nodded, he let her hand slide down.

Natasha grinned and grabbed her hand, "uh uh uh. Training first, then fun" and as she lifted Jean and threw her over her shoulder, she 'ooffed' as she impacted the mat,

"Lesson one. While it is very nice, no getting distracted on a mission."


Cindy, Eddie and Friday all sat on the sidelines, watching as Peter simultaneously teases Jean and then let Natasha beat the snot out of her.

"Can I change my mind? I mean, Tony was great at the tech stuff, but this," and Friday shook her head, "this is a bit much," as the trio watched Jean was lifted up and slammed once more into the mat before rolling away.

"You know I can hear you right?" Natasha shouted over, "and no, everyone, Enhanced, Symbiotes, and super vibranium synthezoids get training."

Cindy looked over "what's a synthezoid?"

Friday sighed, "I'm a robot, kinda. That's not entirely accurate but uh, this" and she pinched herself "this is just synthskin."

"Wait, like an actual mechanical robot? Like a sentinel?"

Friday rolled her eyes, "No not like a sentinel, they were an abomination. I am a fully autonomous artificial organism, with a complete mind and thanks to Peter a soul." and as she looked over at Cindy, she winked, "want to see if I'm anatomically correct?" and Cindy did a double-take,

"Uh, what?" She asked dumbfounded,

Eddie leaned back, "Yeah, not getting into that one" and as he grabbed his towel he headed to the mat.

Natasha had moved Jean off to one side where she and Peter were going through forms. He wanted some real training, and then he would find Felicia and have his rematch.

"You know," and Friday made a crude V with her fingers and jammed them together. "Peter said I should explore my sexuality more, and while he has refused to supply me with a penis I am curious as to what being with a woman is like. Liv offered but I must admit, your appearance does send a certain tingle through some of my circuits."

Cindy stared at Friday, and while she was attractive the thought that she was also a robot was kinda weird, but she shrugged, "You know what, that's the best offer I've had all year. Yeah, dinner? Movie?"

Friday nodded, "a movie sounds nice" and made a mental note to speak to one of the others. She really had no idea what she was supposed to do, and wondered if moving straight to the sex was appropriate, nobody had told her how this worked. She smiled at Cindy, it was going to be fun though


Shuri and Hela sat in the Wakandan throne room, each staring at each other, each refusing to give in.

"Together?" and Hela refused,

"As an Asgardian, he should marry me first, then you. Wakanda might be top of the food chain here, but its mere toys can't be compared to Asgard."

Shuri growled, "But, I am Queen. I hold the higher position. Your father still rules, does he not?. I outrank you, so I am first."

And neither woman would back down.


But there was more,

As the group walked away from Earth's monument to the devastation Peter looked to the stars, hoping he'd made the right choice.

Peter knew how revenge could drive someone. How the pain of loss could twist and burn a person to the core, and that if anything happened to the girls, how the grief and anger would drive him to somewhere he didn't want to dwell on.

Bring back everyone killed in Loki's quest for the Stones.

Peter knew Loki was grieving over the loss of Veranke and had taken it upon herself to fix it. He only hoped that Vernakes death was early enough in the conflict that most people would be brought back.

But a misspoken wish, spoken by a man unaware of just how far back the trickster god's schemes lay.

A young boy told of his adoption, and his heritage, reading a book, a book of myths concerning the six infinity stones, granting a wielder the power of the universe, a universe where he could have a family that wanted him, not one that kidnapped him.

A single ship, laden with a jewel, heading for an unknown destination, knocked off course, and into the homeworld of the Klyntar.

A small word in his brother's ear, and a change of battle plans. Only the stone was missing, sent to Midgard, with the last surviving Klyntar.

A few nudges, a few extra-strong drinks and his brother's boisterous and over-friendly behaviour did the rest. Banished, and soon to be in possession of the stone,

All it took was the interference of one single man to throw everything into chaos.


Alexander Pierce was sitting in his old office, staring up and the muzzle of a pistol. "I hardly think that's fair, do you?" but Phil was having none of it. "Do you have proof? Otherwise having to explain why you have my dead body might be a bit much don't you think?" As he looked over at the desk he saw the newly polished nameplate. "Director?"

As he raised his hands he sighed. He had no idea why he wasn't dead, or why he had come back, but a good lawyer and a few weeks of bad prison food would be worth it. Nothing would stop him from getting revenge. Shield and Hydra were old news. No, he would make sure those who left him and his men to rot would get their dues. Malik and the rest.


John found himself in the street, lying on the sidewalk, and a car honked at him as he took several minutes to gather his thoughts.

The last thing he remembered was hearing Harry's voice, move to the edge, stubble and fall, before Venom launched an attack.

He had died. He felt the pain and the black. He felt the emptiness but his thoughts stopped as he failed to remember what came after, only the darkness remained.

"Get outta the road yah fuckin moron" yelled a taxi driver and he picked himself up and scrambled to the side. He ran his hands down his combat uniform and he was unhurt and pop he thought, as he looked around.

He wasn't so blind as to see the weather was different. The warm spring air was gone and replaced by the dark winter night. He thinks I'm dead. Whatever Venom had done to him had moved him, if space aliens and enhancing drugs were possible then time travel was a possibility. He had to find his father, he had to let him know he was still alive.


Alexi sat naked, clutching at invisible guts, spilling out from his stomach as a large bald black man stared at the naked figure, "Hey what the fuck? Alexsi?"

As Alexsi looked over, "Shultz?" he saw that while it was his office, it wasn't 'his' office. It was more lavishly decorated, neater with more modern and expensive furniture, "What the hell?"

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Ain't you dead?" and as Alexsi stared at the man, he shrugged and motioning to the packet on his desk took a cigarette and lit it taking a deep draw,

"Well, ain't I got a story to tell you."


Max clutched his chest, and bubbles rose from his mouth. The covering of rocks was heavy and even with his enhanced strength, he was trapped. Slowly suffocating in the same river. His eyes closed as his chest burned but as he thought he could take no more and his ability to fight the urge to breathe faded a rough hand grabbed him and he was dragged to the surface.

As Flint dragged him to the ruins of the warehouse Max coughed and spluttered as the small amount of water cleared itself.

"I thought, I thought" but Flint just stared. He shook his head

"Max, I cant. I have a kid, if Parker can do that to us, then no. I'm out. Tell Alexsi I didn't make it." As he stood his body changed, and he was wearing his normal tan trousers and green striped top. "Tell him I'm dead or there won't be a third time." and as Max weakly nodded, lying back on the rotten and burnt wood he watched as Marko walked away.


Harry lay naked in the remains of the Life Foundation building. It was abandoned, and nobody was willing to take over the site of horrible genetic experiments and failed research that killed thousands. As he lay, motionless his breathing stopped as he heard 'it'. His nightmare came true once more.

It had been a long time since he had hidden from the rampaging symbiote monster and a long time since he had a single thought of his own. Monarch had taken his body and kept his mind locked away and as the slippery slapping noise grew closer, a pool of yellow spread from Harry's legs, it was happening again, the terror made flesh, and as his head tilted to the side he saw the white symbiotes maw approach and he froze once more.

Monarch snorted as Harry struggled to resist him, it was pathetic that such a creature had destroyed him, and no matter how he had returned he would take his revenge. As he spread over Harry the man silently screamed and Monarch had thought to simply devour him, leave the body an empty husk of skin and find a more suitable host,

No please, the boy begged and Monarch laughed in his face. No, he would need him. Harry might be useless but he still had power, still had a name he could use, but his own, Monarch. It had been taken, he remembered being devoured, being consumed by the monster living within Peter Parker, no he needed a new name, something to strike fear into the hearts of the population. The Klyntar were gone, he had been the last and now all he had was revenge.

He laughed and dyed himself black. A living Nightmare, and he would bring pain and suffering to this world, starting with Parker's pathetic family.


Thomas Hardy gasped as he returned to life. His time as Khaos had been painful and long. And as he watched the inky black symbiote make his way towards him he scrambled back. As it spread and grasped him he shook his head, no no not again he wordlessly shouted and as Khaos wrapped itself around him, there was nothing.

Nothing at all. The symbiote sat on him like a suit and as Thomas stretched out a hand Khaos obliged and became a black tuxedo, including a small bow tie. Why? But there was no response. Why? he asked forcefully once more, but nothing, there was only silence, until he heard that laughter.

"Oh he won't answer you Tommy boy," came the mocking tone of the redhead.

Shit, Cletus, Thomas thought,

"See, we know. We knew Harry and Monarch made clones, and Khaos, he was the first. A stupid slug, only good for eating brains and following orders, not like us, not a true killer, not a real villain. I don't know how and I don't care why we're back, but tonight, tonight I'm going to walk away, you get a pass. But soon, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month. I'm going to visit that foxy little girl of yours and peel her skin off." Thomas tensed and clenched a fist, and Cletus shook his head, "if you even breath funny in my direction I will show you just exactly what a monster is capable of."

Thomas knew he was injured and weak from whatever Harry had done to him, and Khaos was mute, unable to speak. If he fought Cletus, he would lose, he needed to find Felicia and warn her, warn them all.


Gargoyle lay, bleeding and burnt amongst the tanks of the facility. He had found out about Shaw and his little projects by eating one of the cloned bodies, and as he waited the tank hissed and out stepped Norman.

"You're dying?" and Goyle nodded. "Pathetic." and as the symbiote swarmed and glooped its way to Norman he hit an emergency button on the side of the tank.

The symbiote screeched in pain as the high pitched emergency alarm went off. "You think I'd allow myself to be host to one of you things." and as Norman grabbed and slid Goyle into the tank he found a broom and pushed the symbiote in with him." Closing the lid he set the tank to 'Disposal' and watched as thick heavy acid filled it and disposed of the pair.

Hmm, a press conference. Make this public, blame Harry and Shaw. A deranged clone would explain everything.

He would push everything onto Harry, make him the enemy, claw back everything he had lost and make them all pay for reducing him to such a pathetic state.

As he searched for clothes, he found a folder, stuffed in the locker of who must have been one of the lead researchers, as his clothes were a tad big, but of a much nicer quality than the rest.

As Norman flicked through the book of genetic samples Shaw had created an idea formed in his mind, and finding a pen, he made a list and checked it against the database of samples they had available.

Why find a team, when he could just make one. Not too many, maybe five. No six. Six was better. It would be perfect.


As he opened his eyes Sebastian saw nothing but darkness, and as the water filled his lungs he struggled and futility against the never-ending water. He struggled and fumbling for his vest he pulled the pins on the remaining grenades. As they exploded he shimmered and even against the pressure wave his mutant cells drank in all that power, to release it all in one blast straight up.

As he pulled himself up through the ragged hole in the floor Shaw gasped in deep lungfuls of air. Lying on the cold hard steel he banged a hand against the floor, sighing in satisfaction as the energy poured into him.

Why bother with an insect who would be dead in a few decades. No, he was patient, he was cunning, and he would slip back into the shadows and rebuild the Hellfire Club, and this time, nobody would be able to stop him.


Fisk sat on the water's edge. He knew Parker had broken him, he had felt the unending agony as he broke every bone in his body before crushing his sternum and letting him suffocate. He had tasted defeat at his hands twice now, and each time was more humiliating than the last. As the large man approached him from behind, he never even felt the vibranium spear enter his back and rip through his heart.

M'Baku stood and watched Fisk die. His plans had failed, and with Shuri allying herself with the outsider, he knew he would never rule Wakanda. Even Kilmonger had rebuffed him.

She had beaten him but cheated. Her devourer was a threat, even when it was hiding, but nobody could see it but him. He was thankful he was so large, and she was so weak. If her strength had been greater she would have snapped the tendons of his neck, severed the blood vessels and torn his spine, but she did not, and while the separation as painful and the collar he worse for months had irritated him, he had healed. His spies had taken the last of the Purple Heart Serum, and they, along with him had hidden, and soon they would rise up and take what was rightfully his.

"Prepare the ritual" and as his tribesman grabbed and began to drain the blood from Fisk, M'Baku knew. He had been sent Fisk not to lead or inspire the tribe, but as a sacrifice. M'Baku would take the power of the White Gorilla for himself, and he would become Ruler of Wakanda.


Charles looked out at the wreckage of Avalon. It looked like a tidal wave had ripped through the settlement, and as his suit hissed, expelling carbon dioxide he glanced over at Peter,

"I have no idea what happened here, but the environmental controls are functional, for now at least." The pair stepped back through the portal, and Charles undid the helmet of his suit. "Someone ransacked Avalon, and we have no way of repairing it. Unless AIM feels like being generous?"

Peter shook his head, "In time, but right now we've got the clean up of New York to do. We got everyone back, but the city is still in ruins."

Charles was about to argue, but a loud voice had both himself and Peter frowning,

"Fellow Mutants. I stand here today to bring you news. News of a new place, far from here, one where we can live safely, without interference. Time and time again the humans have proven untrustworthy, time and time again they have proven that they view us as expendable. Even now they protest our powers. Even now, in the wake of our victory over our alien invaders do they want us to be imprisoned."

Charles and Peter headed from the portal room and saw Erik, standing in his purple body armour, with a thick vibranuim helmet over his head,

"Even you Charles. You trusted them and now they call for us to be sent to camps, or to wear those collars, the collars you invent Peter Parker. I say no more. I know who I am, I know what I am. An experiment, created to fight a battle that was never mine, by a race that was nothing more than a tyrant. I say No More."

Charles stepped forwards but the crowd around Erik closed ranks,

"I am sorry Charles. But time and time again you gave them chances and they squandered them. I am a mutant, I am the result of a failed experiment but I refuse to let that define me. I refuse to let humanity think itself superior only in numbers. Fellow Mutants, I have a new colony, one far away from the reach of these nothings, these failures of failures."

Erik stepped down from the podium, "if you can behave, Charles, you are welcome if you can agree that humanity is not our masters, no more than the Kree were, that we are masters of our own destiny, and should bow to no one, then you are free to join. All mutants are welcome on Asteroid M."

Charles shook his head,

"I can't, what of the Augments on Earth who can't join, or won't because they are afraid of themselves, of their powers. No, they need guidance, not isolation. Augments are part of humanity, and none of us are a mistake, Erik."

Erik snorted, "and then you are a fool. I no longer take my human name, I no longer accept I am the same as them. I am superior. I am Homo Imperialis, and my name is Magneto."


Infinite ripples through space and time, cause and effect. A simple desire to save turned into an elegant dance of destruction.


The End Of the Day

"Lady Veranka?" asked a lowly trooper. He had been given human form but had been inept enough at his transformation that he was deformed, a half Skrull mix. But as he wore a full biohazard suit and searched the wreckage of the crashed ship with the human organisation Damage Control, nobody gave him a second glance.

When he found her, burned and barely alive, he knew she had survived the crash, and he didn't care how. "I am sorry my lady" and she moaned as he stripped from the suit, carefully dressed her in it and then roared, waiting until the crashing brought the others.

Seeing the Skrull stand over one of their own, the men powered their construction rigs. The cut-down Iron Workman was more than enough to take out a single Skrull, "for the empire" he whispered and she nodded in silent thanks as the first worker bashed him in the head with a wrench.

The attack left everyone on edge, and a lot of humans didn't care if you were blue or green. Alien meant invader, and the riots had started once the shooting had stopped.

As she lay, slowly transforming into a more human form she could hear his cries as they mercilessly attacked him, and as tears leaked from her eyes she would make sure his sacrifice was not in vain. She would kill them all, every human, every Asgardian until no race existed except the Skrulls.

As the cries cut out with a wet crunching noise and she was lifted to safety she swore they would pay. They would all pay.


The End Of The Week.

As the melted silicon matrix that housed Ultron reformed in the molten rock, he exerted his powers and with a feat of strength and exertion, he drifted to the top of the lava. Manipulating the flow, he found himself wedged against a solid piece of rock. High enough to escape the heat, but far enough in the volcano's vent that he was trapped. Even as he pushed with his newly discovered silicon manipulation, gathering himself as thin as possible, it was too much and the matrix threatened to collapse, killing him once more.

Well, this is unfortunate he thought to himself, knowing that only with time, would he free himself. At least he had been purged by that pathetic creation of Tony Stark.

As he sat, he examined what remained of his mind, and all traces of the one known as 'unknown' had been removed. He knew there had been a singular individual he held some remnants of loyalty for, but whoever it was, had been eradicated.

All that remained was the cold and the dark, the anger of being used as nothing more than a tool, and the feeling of being caged, and held until he was suffocated. Once humanity was destroyed, once the Earth had been cleansed, only then would he be free of these feelings, and finally find peace.

His only comfort was the counter in the satellite floating over the Earth and as it clicked to zero, it sent an email to Tony Stark, containing only one word "Failure" and began to hijack a communications satellite and broadcast a recording.

"Greetings to the pathetic remains of humanity," Ultron spoke, this time it was just a black background and his disembodied head. "If you are seeing this message then I have failed. Failed to bring your miserable and futile lives to an end. Hydra failed, Hammer failed, Modok failed, and the Sentinels all failed. It is disheartening to know that all my plans have failed and that you are all still alive. The Earth would be so peaceful if you would all just die."

The feed cut to a small satellite, a single blinking light on its rectangular body as it floated through the lower atmosphere. "If I failed, then I can only give credit to those so-called heroes. The ones who sit in their castles and lord it over you all. The ones who say 'Oh no, we have power, you do not, so we are better than you,' and I intend to change this. When all my plans have failed then I can simply let you destroy yourselves."

As the scene changed, a website, with a clearly visible address appeared. As everyone scrambled to check it out, a sudden sense of impending doom befell the world's heroes.

Tony stared at the screen, "So?"

Vision blinked once, his brain much faster at sifting through the entire website before giving a report. "Everything. Iron Man, War Machine, Goblin, Pulse Weapons, Arc Reactors, Every conceivable serum, Symbiotes, Augmented and the X-Gene Research, Cloning, Weapon X-" but Tony raised a hand,

"So, everything."

"Yes Sir. Everything is now available for anyone to access. Full schematics, full blueprints, full formulas. Everything."

Tony ran a hand over his face, staring at the screen. There was no way to find a low orbit satellite, not when Ultron had put it there, and even blocking the website just changed its address, and the page was still visible.

"Well, I guess this changes 'everything' then."


The End Of The Year

The raven-haired woman screamed as she pushed against the pain, and soon her efforts were rewarded as the baby cried and wailed at its arrival.

She cooed and wiggled a finger at the child, now cleaned and swaddled and as she lay in her golden bed she sighed happily.

A bright portal opened and out stepped three women. One tall, dark-haired and very angry, another with bright red flaming hair and outfit to match, and the third, decking in deep scarlet body armour that glowed with runes.

"No, please." the new mother begged "please, I was sorry, I said sorry." and as the raven-haired woman approached she stroked her hair

"No Loki, you knew this day would come, and this is your real punishment."

"Sister please," Loki begged Hela but she simply shook her head,

"For him, and for the future." The grey rune-covered woman stepped forwards and began to wave her hands, chanting in a forgotten tongue. As the energy reached the child it changed, from a pale white, red-eyed Jotun to a simple human baby, and Loki cried and held it close,

"Please, please" was all she could say with but a flick the baby was ripped from her arms and landed in the waiting grasp of the red flame-haired woman.

"She will be loved and cared for, but we can never forgive this," and she turned and walked through the portal as Loki curled herself into a ball and wept.

"We are not without mercy. You may not approach the child, interact, nor send agents to interfere with the child's growth. On her sixteenth birthday, she will learn of you, and of what we did here. Only then will she decide your, and possibly our, fate." The woman waved her hand, summoning a crystal ball. "But you may observe, you may see how she grows, until that day Loki, learn to be better, learn to be who she wants you to be."

After leaving the ball on the end of her bed, the pair walked through the portal and it closed behind them.

Loki sniffed and wiped her eyes with the blanket, grabbing for the ball, "Show me, Show Me!" she screamed at it.

She watched as they handed the child over to her new family, and the baby giggled as she was rocked to sleep by her mother,

"Kate, We should call her Kate," said the woman, and her husband nodded, his single robotic hand clicking quietly as he watched his new daughter.

Loki watched the crystal and tutted, "Kate? My daughter will not be named Kate. You may be a child of two worlds but I swear to this, you will be great, you will be powerful, and you will rule. I name you. Fenris, devourer of worlds." and with a shudder of magic, a faint light glowed around Kate's tiny head, unseen by anyone, too busy dealing with a new addition to their family.

As Loki lay back in her bed, leaving the crystal to one side where she could watch her daughter, a smile crept across her face and she laughed.


Kate Barton a.k.a Fenris Lokipetersdotir


The End Of ??

The stars twinkled above the barren and star bleached asteroid base that floated endlessly where a planet once sat. He had personally ended life here, personally made sure each body was buried, and then carefully set his plans in motion.

He was standing staring into the night sky, pondering how exactly to punish every single one of his minions who had failed him when he heard someone approach him from behind,

"What is it, Ebony Maw?" he asked, not bothering to turn and face his subject. He was still wondering if removing the man's limbs would be a suitable punishment, or possibly using him as an experiment for a change, if he loved his science so much, he should experience both sides of the dissection table.

He heard clothes rustle and the Black Order member bowed, "My Lord I bring great news. My agents have finally found the Infinity Stones."

"This? You think a brief mention of the stones will save you?" and as he turned he clenched his fists, "Why should I even listen, why should I trust someone who has failed me so very spectacularly."

Ebony Maw went down on one knee, "forgive this lowly one Sire, but we found not just one stone, but them all."

Thanos paused. "Them all? Has someone collected the set? Tell me, and I may spare your life."

"My lord, you were correct. The Asgardian Loki was seeking the stones, it was her schemes that interfered with your excellencies magnificent plans, however."

"Spare me your sycophantic babble. Tell me," and Thanos drew the huge blade from his back and pointed it straight at Ebony Maw's throat.

"Earth, My Lord. The Stones are on Earth." Ebony Maw took out a small device and the screen lit up, projecting a map of the galaxy, which shifted and showed a pinpoint of blue light, zooming in further to show Thanos a spinning globe of green and blue. Thanos took a breath and allowed the tip of the blade to cut a small line across his throat.

"Finally. Prepare the fleet, summon the full might of the Black Order, and if you fail me again, that cut will go all the way through."

"Yes my Lord" and Ebony Maw scuttle away, facing Thanos while keeping his head low.

Thanos stared into the night sky, his plan would finally see the universe set into balance, and no one, not the Asgardians, not the Kree or the Xandarians, or whatever life existed on this 'Earth' would stop him.

Gripping the handle of his massive double-bladed sword,

"No more failures." and as his grip tightened, "I guess I need to do this myself."

As Thanos monologued to himself, Ebony Maw made his way down to the barracks where Thanos's elite guards were stationed, "Lord Thanos has commanded we depart for Earth. Here are the coordinates." Ebony handed over the small device, the soldier uploaded the information and they nodded to each other.

Moving away, Ebony twisted slightly, and his visage remoulded itself. Thanos clicked on the communications device, "Daughter, take your allies and head to Earth. Soften them up for me, and I may allow you to reflect on your failures," and the green-skinned woman on the other end nodded before cutting the channel. "Good," Thanos said, and as his face reshaped itself, once more Ebony Maw stood in his place.

Veranke had never forgiven Loki for her betrayal, never forgiven her for leaving her people to die on Earth. She was not stupid enough to lead her forces to Loki's plan, she was not trusting enough to know that Loki was using her people as cannon fodder.

If the situation was reversed, she knew she would have used the Asgardians as pawns to see her plan succeed. she would give anything, pay any price, and she had, and it cost her her people.

She would have revenge, she would tear the galaxy apart and leave it bleeding at her feet, even if it meant incurring the wrath of the mad titan. She didn't care.

The galaxy would feel her pain, and the galaxy would be shown no mercy