Kate was running alone in the woods. She was surrounded by fire. She kept running. And then her foot hit something and she fell face first on the floor. As soon as she regained, her surroundings changed and she found herself surrounded by dark silhouette of people or around her taunting and laughing at her. She screamed and woke up from her night mare. She found herself in the dark alley where she slept. She could feel cold sweat trickling down her spine. She scooted closer to her brother who was fast asleep. 9 year old Michael She dragged with her in the cold and merciless world two years ago after her mother died. She knew from her experience that they wont be able to survive in the orphanage. Because she knew those demons will find her again.

She was 14 when her mother was eaten by that monster in front of her eyes. That was the first time she ever saw a demon but after that she couldn't stop seeing and sensing them whenever they were near.. She was screaming as a large scaly demon with large teeth opened its mouth and chopped her mother in half. She couldn't do anything as she saw blood splatter all around her. And that wasn't even the worst part as she saw the demon ate every single organ of her mother and lick every ounce of blood. She tried to tell everyone and they thought she was out of her mind. Her brother was fortunate enough to be in school when everything happened because she herself suffered so much from her nightmare. Kate and Michael loved there mother. Kate never saw her father but still loved her step brother like his own. There mother was the only one left. Now after she died Kate and Michael were sent to the orphanage but everyone thought she was mentally ill because after a while she started seeing smaller kind of demons with green scaled skin, big long tails and sharp teeth like daggers in places like inside the cabinet and washrooms. Just like the one who killed her mother. She was sure that ony she could see them. Now she was sure those hideous creatures wont be able to find her because she kept changing her location. Now she was living a life of a thief and did a lot of crimes. She was doing her best to not to drag her brother in the mess. But still she couldn't always hide it.

Now she saw a guy dressed in black jeans a white t shirt and a leather jacket. He was tall and big. He also had a scar running from his left eye to his lips. He had brown eyes and a pale skin tone. Luke she thought. He was the leader of the gang of thieves she was a part of. She stood up from beside her brother went to the end of the alley to meet him.

"I have an assignment for you". Luke told her.

"I hope this one doesn't in involve using me as an imposture." Kate told him

The last time they had a plan, she had to act like a poor helpless girl who was being bullied. Of course the bullies were also part of the plan. Just to lure the guards away from the front door of the jewelry shop. Fortunately the plan was successful. She got enough money to eat till her brother and she was full. They even bought clothes. But it was a month ago. The first two weeks were a blessing. But now they were on the road again having barely enough to eat. Both the brother and the sister kept moving from one place to another just to hide from any more blood thirsty demons. But still how Luke was able to find her every single time was still a mystery to her.

"Maybe it does" Luke winked at her.

"Then don't expect me to be a part of it "Kate told him

"Hey! its not my fault you look so cute and and helpless and not to mention you are an acting genius." Luke grinned

Kate looked at herself. She knew Luke was right. she was very underweight and small in size as a result of starving most nights but still she was extraordinarily powerful and she even once broke Luke's arm when she met him first time because she thought he was a stalker. but ever since then Luke have been taking care of her and making sure she gets equal money even if she played a small role in the robbery. Kate had heterochromia meaning she had one blue eye and one orange. her orange eye was probably in inherited from her mother and she assumed blue one was from her dad. she had a pale skin color as well unlike her mother.

"Maybe but don't worry i can still break you bones just like before." Kate stated.

Luke winced. "Yeah i know now tell me if you want to participate or are you okay with starving yourself and your brother." He gestured towards her still sleeping brother.

"AGH! fine.. I'll do as u say. When is the robbery?" she asked

"Tomorrow eleven o clock at night at the bank."He answered

"Are u sure your plan is foul proof?"She asked

"Yes" Luke assured her

and that was enough to for her to accept.