Meeting with the Queen of the ramiri spirits.

<3 days later>

It's already been 3 days since I arrived at this inn and I've been training my powers because the truth is that I'm bored before canon as there's nothing to be, the truth is I created a fragment with a universe inside and created life then I began to see how it went everything but the truth I had to destroy that universe because the life I made rebelled against it so I erased the universe.

I think that tarves should see the dwarf fairy from the anime according to the ramiris novel, now she should be a waifu in her true form.

I started to leave the room of the inn and I see the lady who manages the inn and I greet her like the good citizen that I am.

Then I start to use my [Omniscience] to search for the abode of the spirits because there is Ramiris, well I found it so I transported myself.

(A/N: guys want featherine male, female or genderless version, but it will look the same as her regardless of gender).

After arriving I began to look at the house in my opinion from the outside I don't see anything beautiful so I decided to go in, while I was walking I noticed that like rimuru in the anime they wanted to scare me and play jokes on me as I don't like being bothered a lot I freed 1% of me aura to scare them and they quickly left leaving me alone as I walked.

<9 seconds later>

I already arrived and I stood watching when suddenly a white light appears which tells me.

"hello young man who brings you to the abode of the spirits". Said the light.

"Well, the truth is I wanted to see the queen of the spirits." Said featherine to which the light responded.

"hahaha so you want to see me first let me introduce myself my name is Ramiris and I am the queen of the spirits this is my domain so now tell me why you are here don't tell me you want the blessing of the spirits". Said Ramiris to featherine.

"Ooo so you are the Queen of the spirits you are as beautiful as the rumors say and to answer your question I do not want the blessing of the spirits." Featherine replied.

Ramiris after listening to featherine say beautiful could not help but blush the truth featherine told her sincerely beautiful because it was if it were her version of the anime all dwarf would have played a joke on her but after seeing her and decided not to do it.

"Ujum it seems that you have a good eye to notice a beauty like me, not many have the privilege of talking to the great ramiris, I mean hahahahaha." Ramiris said proudly.

"I take back what I said, it's just beautiful but it's still a bit of an idiot like in the anime." Featherine thought with a blank face.

"You bastard just thought something bad about my truth." Ramiris said looking at him while fumes came out of his head.

"Hahahahaha of course I didn't just think I was making a girl as beautiful as you here alone." Featherine said but the truth is that he thought how he discovered it, perhaps he has the sixth sense of spider-man.

"Mm I'll forgive you for now, and the truth is I'm the one in charge of preserving the balance of the world and I can only do it from here so I can't even leave." Ramiris said with a sad tone.

"Oo so you preserve the balance of the world from here but in my opinion you could leave and teleport back here if something like that happens it won't be a problem for you to leave." Featherine said giving him an idea.

"M~mm l~I really didn't think so hehehehehe". Ramiris answered with a smile as she thought.

"Aaaaa how could I be such an idiot, surely he will think that I am an idiot for not thinking of something so simple but well the mistake is already made, oo an idea just occurred to me I will tell him that I will teach him magic so he will forget it and since no one would hesitate to act later offer from the great me hahaha I'm so cool." Ramirirs thought inside as he continued with a giggle.

"Aaa she's an idiot, the truth is I can read everything she thinks so as not to make her look so bad. I'll learn the magic that they teach me, the truth is I don't need it, but there's no problem in learning it." I think featherine.

(A/N: I agree with you, featherine is very idiotic and also he even wants to blackmail you with magic hahaha he even made me laugh).

"ujum you, what was your name". Ramiris said looking at him for not averse presenting early.

"Oo excuse me Watashi wa featherine." she replied.

"Mm then featherine what if I teach you primitive magic it will be very useful to you maybe you could become one of the strongest people in this world if I teach you". Ramiris said proudly.

"Primitive magic sounds powerful, of course I would like to learn", replied featherine, well if he wanted he could manipulate the voice of the world and obtain all the skills and magic of the verse but it would be boring.

"Well let me explain primitive magic is the magic used by the creator of this world is the strongest magic only we spirits know." Ramiris said proudly.

And so I continued explaining everything to her and they spent weeks training, talking and Ramiris had greater confidence and affection for Featherine and Featherine found her cute so she decided that in the future she would take care of her.

(Author's note)

How did you like the chapter, comment and do not hesitate to say your ideas and improvements for the story.

Also, if you find an error in the writing, it is because I translate everything, so if you find faults, please comment to improve it.