Record of ragnarok... Part 2 words are the end of everything.

The Ragnarok Tournament was in full swing.

The battle for the fate of humanity seemed lost, almost all human fighters were defeated. Humanity had only a few fighters left and between that the act I am Yogiri the fighter of this round.

[This is our end, Brunhilde. It is impossible for this skinny fighter with a lost face to defeat the supreme god zeus] Göll told his sister.

Brunhilde was lost thinking it was true, she looked very bad. But she can't know the reason why she chose him without thinking twice, but there was something in her mind that told her that that human was the strongest of all those gathered here.

Zeus was dancing a music while looking at Yogiri with an arrogant look.

Actingly a teenager of average height, with pointed beige hair, beige eyes and a cute/beautiful face (according to Tomochika, Mokomoko and several classmates). He is not very muscular, but he looks a little athletic and agile. If this is our mc Yogiri Takatou.

Immediately, all the gods and zeus laughed again every time they looked at his appearance.

One of them shouted angrily: this is supposed to be the opponent of lord zeus, perhaps humans make fun of us gods.

Another said: This is ridiculous, no matter how desperate humanity is, it should not commit such blasphemy against us gods.

[Hahahaha this is very ridiculous maybe they don't see how the human is standing without being able to move from fear... surely father will kill him with a single blow] Says the god of war Ares with a mocking smile.

<<<"Human point of view">>>

All the humans in the sand were restless and desperate.

[But that child seems to be my son's age].

[That brat is so scared that he doesn't even speak and also looks very weak].

[Tarves is strong, because they remember Sasaki Kojiro, Adam, lu Bu, etc..... from afar he seemed weak and turned out to be very powerful].

[I hope you're right... Because if not, this will be the end of humanity].

[That's all, we're doomed... He doesn't even have muscles, I think I'm stronger than him].


[Mocoso, won't you do that that the fighters roast with the valchyria?] .

[Ooooh That? ... I don't need it to beat you old man] I answered zeus with a face of contempt.

When the gods heard that, they couldn't get angry.

[Does that human lose his mind].

[Apparently so much fear led him to madness].

[Hahaha what an interesting human... he dares to call zeus an old man].

[Kukuku... first time I see zeus put on that face].

[It has come to an end in the amount that said].

After listening to everything Yogiri zeus said, I looked at him and answered him.

[Jojojojo... I see... I see... then don't blame me if I end up killing you unintentionally] zeus tells him with his face flushed by his perverted way.

[Don't worry, old man... Since you won't have time to react] Yogiri says with a smile.

Zeus only looked at him in silence waiting to kill him with a chubby or better give him a death full of pain and despair. But then he decides to talk.

[Little brat was giving you an opportunity to entertain me... since I don't like to abuse weaklings... but after listening to you I changed my mind and as you wish I will give you a death full of pain and despair] said zeus to Yogiri with a smile so malevolent that it made everyone present in the sand tremble with fear.

[Anyway... let's start and I hope you're not just a word like everyone else... you heard me old man].

[Very bratty you did it I congratulate you for earning the wrath of the king of the gods I zeus].

After his talk, Heimdall decides to announce the beginning.

[Very well... as everything they were waiting for the battle to begin] says Heimdall aloud with his trumpet of the end.

After announcing the beginning of combat, angry zeus decides to test the arrogance of the human and quickly throws a series of blows at him.

Yogiri avoids it easily since for the whole thing it worked in stopped time. After all that, their reaction was similar to the one they had with Adam in the anime when they managed to dodge Zeus.

Zeus continued to launch his attacks and then stopped and spoke to Yogiri.

[Then human I see that you can dodge.... But you won't always be like this, will you?] .

[Fumu.... I certainly can't be alone wrong so let me tell you my definitive technique] Yogiri says with a smile to which the gods swallowed saliva since in tone and confidence that he said it must be a powerful technique. Zeus just looked in silence waiting to see what movement he will make.

Yogiri instantly teleported in front of zeus and said.

[Definitive technique: Meaningless slap] Saying that I slap zeus who sent him to fly against the wall.

They saw everything that happened but they couldn't believe it.

[Impossible... what happened? ... Perhaps the powerful zeus has just been sent to fly by a human with a simple slap] says Heimdall with a surprised voice. Then the other gods also surprised decide to talk.

[Impossible... how a human can do that].

[Certainly.... And besides, it's not linked to a valkry!] .

[Surely Lord Zeus let himself be beaten by humans to give him hope].

[Certainly it must be that... because if not... there would be no logical explanation for this].

On the human side, they were surprised by what was happening but they didn't comment on anything since they are the ones who benefit from this.

After a while zeus slowly stands up from the wall and looks at where Yogiri is and tells him.

[Jojojojo..... Apparently you weren't just arrogant].

[Old..... arrogance is something that is allowed to the strong like me].

[Jojojo I see... I would like to ask how you did that young man].

[What?] .

[That thing about sending me to fly to the wall... did you make a link with a valchyria before starting the battle?] Zeus asks him with curiosity.

['re an idiot... You haven't just seen that I only slapped you and nothing else 👁️👄👁️] Yogiri tells him with a strange face as if he had just discovered an idiot.

[Jojojo..... very good brat let's stop wasting time and let's continue].

This zeus did not plan to take Yogiri lightly since in that blow he could notice that there is something strange in Yogiri. Continuing zeus began again with a barrage of attacks at the speed of light along with incredible attacks that he called "meteor fist and divine axe", but everything was useless since Yogiri easily dodged it.

[I see you can dodge everything... so let's see if you can dodge this] saying that Zeus goes on to put part of his divine energy in his fist and says.

[Fist that exceeded time]

Saying that time seemed to stop in all the sand except for zeus.. quickly zeus runs in the stopped time to end Yogiri, but suddenly he is surprised when Yogiri appears in front of him and tells him.

[Elder.... You are strong but it is a shame that you had to fight against me] by saying that Yogiri proceeds to make his definitive technique.

[Ultimative technique: Meaningless slap]

[Ultimative technique: senseless belly kick]

[Ultimate technique: Senseless kick to the penis]

At the moment that Yogiri said that, a series of blows proceeds to appear in the body of Zeus.

Quickly the 0.000000000000000000001 seconds passed and time returned to normal. The only thing everyone in the sand could see was zeus on the ground for no reason and the human standing as if nothing had happened.

[That the almighty zeus has just passed... He's on the ground] Heimdall screams surprised and desperate since he doesn't know what happened.

[Imposbile that just happened]Ares asked with a trembling voice.

[Q~How strong].


Everyone on the side of humanity, although they didn't know what happened, was happy to see that a human silenced the king of the gods. On the side of the gods, he was silently processing what just happened.

[H~sister this human is very powerful] Goll says to brunhilde with a surprised face.

[Certainly...I knew he was strong but not at this point] Brunhilde responds with a face amazed by the strength of that human. But he quickly started laughing since he is happy to see how the tracero kicked that old pervert.

[Apparently the almighty zeus callus... so the winner of this versus is Me—-] at the moment that

Heimdall was going to announce the winner is interrupted by a tiring zeus.

[Yeen't... I haven't finished yet] zeus says with a murderous look at Heimdall.

[Jaaaa Mr. zeus sorry] I said Heimdall quickly stepping aside.

[Very boy... this is the first time they've taken me to extreme..... When you activate this technique, don't expect to have a simple death] zeus says a little angry and with a tired voice.

Yogiri looks him in the face and tells him.

[Elder... Do you dare to challenge me?] Yogiri asks him with a face of contempt. Then he speaks again and tells him.

[Apparently the only thing worth praising about you is your recklessness] Yogiri says again to Zeus with a smile full of arrogance.

Quickly after seeing this zeus got angry and activated his Adamas mode and ran quickly towards Yogiri and as always yogiri slapped him and sent him to fly. The gods could no longer speak since they saw how a human was playing with the all-powerful zeus.

In an instant zeus begins to recover and quickly throws himself again against Yogiri, but this time yogiri looked at him and told him.

[What a shame old man.. I really expected something from you... but I guess I waited a lot] Yogiri tells him with a disappointed face and quickly speaks again while Zeus stood up.

[Good old man, no one needs you here anymore... So "Die"] announcing his sentence Yogiri killed him instantly..

Zeus that hiva quickly suddenly fell to the floor and all the gods were surprised.... Heimdall quickly moves to see what happened with zeus and then he notices how he decides to talk tremblingly.

[He is dead] He announce Heimdall with a voice full of despair.

Everyone in the sand was surprised since they saw how a human killed his king god with a single word. Many gods began to look at Yogiri with fear.. while others look at him with lust.

[Impossible the only one who should possess the power of death should be me hadez] says hades with astonishment.

[I don't care what power this human has but this humiliation can't be done] He says angrily at his father's death.

Quickly you stop and decide to talk to the gods.

[All the gods here.... Our father and god king zeus was killed by some witchcraft of the human.... We can't leave this like this... so I ask everyone to kill that human] ares tells the gods with anger to those who decide to accept quickly since humiliation was not allowed.

Yogiri who saw this couldn't help but think that this is surprising since he didn't expect such a thing.... But he quickly recovered and looked at Asia the gods and announced.

[All the male gods of that line Asia the next.... "Die"] at the time that Yogiri said that all the male gods died leaving only the female ones.

In an instant the noise that had before disappeared completely only leaving fear in everyone's face..

[Very all the goddesses of this world will be mine from now on] Yogiri announce to all the goddesses.

He quickly looks to the human side and says.

[You humans can continue with your normal lives and please try to avoid this again.... Because if I find out that they are ruining the earth... I will kill them all in an instant.... Ok] That said, Yogiri snaps his fingers and humans disappear from the divine kingdom.

Actingly, only the goddesses and the valchyrias were women in the sand. On behalf of the goddesses, some were scared while some are looking at Yogiri with lust.

[Aaahh.... please forgive me Yogiri-sama if you want I can offer you my body] I speak an ugly goddess.

[But what the hell get away from me... Phenomenon of the natural]Yogiri the apasto with a slap since she disliked how that goddess with a horse's head offered her head..

Yogiri without thinking twice mocks all the goddesses seeing what they were worth leaving alive.

[Very all of you in the background with sheep's head, dog, snake and horse..... please die for my sight] says yogiri with a face of disgust.

All the goddesses with the descritions given by Yogiri died instantly leaving only a few goddesses among them; Athena, Aphrodite, Freya and the Valchyrias.

[From now on you will all be mine... ok] Yogiri told him with a smile.

She could only nod since they would not dare to challenge to be with such a fearsome power.