New world!….Lucifer the fallen Angel…. Future wife?


"Another point of view"


"Lucfer's thoughts"

(Aaaa.... this is horrible... I couldn't say anything, so you turned me into a fallen angel?) .

(You're supposed to be a god, it seems like it's a lot to be omnipotent) .

(You must be getting old, so as not to listen to what others have to say).

(Being seated on the throne for hundreds of millions of years must have become senile) .

(And you, Michael... I helped you so much, and you turned against me in an instant..... That's why you will never stop being number two) .

(Well, I don't give a shit about all this anymore... I chose to leave them! ..... Fall to earth or hell as I please!) .

"End of point of view"


"Shin point of view"

It's been three days since I arrived in this world and observing everything today is the day of Lucifer's fall into hell.

Saying goodbye to my women, I went to the church to put my plans on their feet. In an instant I teleport to the church and enter.

[In what can I help you, sir] A young nun asks me.

[Oooh.... I would like to pray alone, please. I answer the young nun with a smile.

[Ok..... Please, please, please... I'll take it to the center where it's time] The nun tells me with her face a little blushed by my beauty.

I started walking next to the nun to where she was taking me.

After three minutes while I'm timed or so I simulate, I see a beautiful and pure young nun...Quickly I realize who she is and she is one of the protagonists of the anime Maria Totsuka.

After looking at her a little, I walk to where she is and I tell her.

[Greetings, beautiful nun... I see that you love oral?] I greet you with a smile.

[Oooh... Hello, sorry for not paying attention to it and if I like to pray to God for taking care of us] Maria says while thanking God.

[I see] I sit down and I think she looks like Asia Argento from dxd.

After that, she and I continue to talk a little about religious things.

[Here it comes!] I said while in an instant it was destroyed on the roof of the church and an explosion happened. I quickly run to where Maria is buying that it is fine and there is no port.

[Maria-chan.... you're fine] I ask her while I look at her on the floor touching all over the porvo.

[Cujun~cujun.... shin-san here I'm fine] Answer Maria coughing while I help her stop.

[What just happened] asks Maria.

[Look there... isn't that a cross? .... Surely that must be the cause] I answer Maria as I point to the cross and tell her to go and see what happens.

[A woman?] Maria asks.

[Yes... and it seems that he is injured since he is losing a lot of blood] I respond to Maria with a serious face.

[We have to call for help] Maria says worried.

While Maria said that, the beautiful girl nailed to the cross opens her eyes and looks at us as she speaks.

[Do you two little humans.... can you see me] Lucifer asks.

[Hahahaha... Of course I can see you] I'll answer her while I look at her breasts shamelessly.

[Damn that you do looking at my breasts] Lucifer says angrily.

[Oto..... Excuse me, as you said, I'm such a small human that I confuse your breasts with your eyes] I told him with a smile.

She looks at me thinking that I'm very upset... Maria, even in her worried state, speaks.

[Shin-san stop joking and help us stop the bleeding] Says Maria.

Lucifer looks at us while we talk and asks us.

[Leaving everything aside.... I would like to know..... What exactly are you two? ... Normal humans?] Lucifer asks what Maria responds to.

[I am.... a normal human] Maria says with her shy voice as she uses a pachuelo to clean the blood from lucifer's mouth.

[I'm also the same as Maria] I'm a lone while I help Maria clean her.... well I'm a pervert so I've cleaned her breasts hahaha to see her angry.

[Thank God... Shin-san is no longer bleeding] Maria says with a smile.

[Well, of course not.... Who do you think I am?] Lucifer speaks in his arrogant tone.

[Eto... although you stopped bleeding.... I don't think you should move so much.... I think I'd better look for help] Says Maria worried.

[Of course we'd better look for help] I say following the act, since I know the following lines that Lucifer will say.

[Wait a moment..... I'm an angel... Do you know? ...That's why normal humans can't see me!] Lucifer says with curiosity since he notices that we are not scared or surprised.

[Uh... but] Maria murmurs.

["...."] .

[You two can see me, can't you? .... Come here, both of us, order Lucifer.

After listening to her, we both get together... well, I just got up to follow her drama.

[What are their names] Lucifer asks.

[Maria.... Totsuka maria] Maria responds to lucifer.... Then Lucifer and I decide to introduce myself.

[Shin.... Amane Shin... Your future husband] I answer her with a smile but since she is arrogant I ignore myself and she spoke again.

[Maria and Shin... They both have good luck!] Lucifer says while everything begins to tremble little by little.

[Ah?] .


Then Lucifer's blood began to float near us... Maria, who saw that, was surprised.

[What's going on?] Maria asks.

After Maria's question, the ground began to break and destroy. I quickly grabbed Maria to protect her.

The ground quickly broke where Lucifer was, causing her to fall into the hole that formed beneath her.

[I will give you two the life of an angel] Lucifer said as he sank into the depths.

(I also gave you a small gift from your husband.... I hope you like my beautiful Lucifer) I speak telepathically to Lucifer as he falls.

(Ding.... the definitive ability Abyss God Nodens was installed in the body of the being called Lucifer by request of S%**£) I increase the voice of the world to Lucifer as he fell.

[What is this definitive skill? ... And who is that man? ... How did you know my name?] Those were Lucifer's last thoughts as she was thrown into hell.

[Kukuku... I hope you have fun my beautiful girl.... We'll see each other soon] I say with a smile.

[This shin-san... What was happening] Maria asks a little scared.

[Because of the way I see things... an angel shut up from heaven and then shut up Asia hell] I summarize things in a simple way.

She looks at me and nods a little surprised by the unreal events that happen... then I look at her with a smile and talk to her.

[Well, Maria-chan, it was a pleasure to meet you and go through the same experience.... But I have to go home now] I'll tell Maria.

[Are you leaving now?] Peegunta maria in a tender way.

[Haha... I have to go... but don't worry, here's my phone number and the location of where I live.... In case you decide to talk to someone, don't hesitate to call me or visit me] I tell Maria while I pass her my number and location... she then takes it and nods thanking me.

After that I said goodbye once again to Maria and leaving the church I teleported to see if everything happened as in the plot or something changed.. but I see that not everything remains the same since as in the plot.

Lucifer once there in hell, she meets Leviathan, an aspiring Demon King who begins to flatter her, and challenged to fight Satan and Belial, two Demon Kings of the Seven Deadly Sins and members of the council that governs Hell and accuse her of trying to invade her territory.

After that I continue to observe how Lucifer is doing since if her life is in danger I will obviously protect her.... And please don't blame me for spoiling her since I like her a lot and I think I will pamper her a lot in the future.

Well, continuing in what we were, I see Lucifer while he fights against the others, and as in the anime despite having the advantage at the beginning, Luciter was eventually defeated by Belial and stripped of her angel powers and wings; but with the disappearance of this last link to Heaven.

Lucifer transforms into a Demon King.

But unlike anime she returns to earth with leviathan, but the different thing is that she won't find Maria like in anime... But with me Dio.... I say Shin.


(N\A: guys these will be the last waifus of the mc since I don't want this to be a big harem since I don't like the idea that the mc has more than 20 women as it happens in other fans... so you already know tarves in I may add another waifu in another verse but that will be if I like it