Lucifer training part Final…. Shin vs Lucifer

[Hmp! ... so easy... hahahah shin didn't need your advice.... so let's praise my greatness] Lucifer says proudly while making fun of me.



[Cogh! ..... Good job] I'm telling Lucifer.

[Ha... That was easy for a demon king like me] she responds with pride.

[Good.... Well... let's go in so you can look for the reward].

[Ok... let's go in].


We started walking while inside the castle you could see huge statues.

[Shin! ..... What are these statues?] Lucifer asks when he sees the shape of the statues.

[These are the legendary otaku gods] I answer you, the truth is that statues only have the form of anime characters.

[Look shin... The thing below] Lucifer says pointing to a shiny chest.

[That should be the recommendation for passing the training] I'll explain.

[Well.... then I'll go look for it] She says with emotion.

Lucifer ran to where the chest was, but unexpectedly the statues began to shine and release a phenomenal aura.

(Sneeling) He says the humanoid estua by telepathy, while increasing his aura.

[Damn.... I haven't come here to kneel] Lucifer says as he releases his aura.

(I said on my knee) The statue says increasing its aura to a point that the engraving increased where Lucifer was, so that he almost knelt.

[I won't kneel... before a worm like you] Lucifer said holding the pressure while he almost knelt.

[Hey... Don't take things so far... Little arrogant the only one who can kneel my wife is me... not you a simple imitation of orochimaru] I say to the statue of orochimaru of naruro that I made before.

After that I destroyed the statue since I was annoyed by his arrogant face.

[Ve luci.... Look for what's in the chest is a restart specially made by me for you] I tell her with a smile, and she walked to where the chest is and opens it.

[!!!!!] .

[Shin.... what is this powerful weapon] She asks as she raises a golden spear.

[That spear belonged to a god..... it's called Longinuslanze's Testament it's a weapon that I put there thinking of you] I tell him as I hold on to it.

[Thank you shin... I will appreciate her very much] she says with an innocent smile.

[Haha! ... I'm glad to see that you like it... now try to look at the skills of the spear, I'm sure you'll like them].

[Ok wait].


Testament of Longinuslanze: The sacred relic known as the Spear of Destiny, a weapon that only Lucifer can wield throughout existence because it is the most charismatic in the world. Longinuslanze is a conceptual weapon, a spear as fast as Albedo (the spear is always faster than the target, regardless of the speed at which the target moves), as well as the inevitable as Rubedo (infinite range and never fails) and also Kill everything (erase the existence of the target), like Nigredo. In addition, it can burn the soul and mind. "The imminent destructive gold, the sacred spear." The spear has such a spiritual power that those who look at the spear will burn their minds and their souls will be erased, and anyone who touches or takes it, except Lucifer, will be erased from existence instantly. In combat, Lucifer can curse his opponents, which automatically classifies their souls into his Legion of the Dead, making them their army and they In addition, each of them can devour souls and become stronger. The concept of death does not exist for them and they will be reborn forever as long as Lucifer is alive. Everyone is killed or cursed by the Longinuslanze Testament becomes part of the Legion of Lucifer, giving him all his memories, experiences and abilities. Lucifer can also use the spear to project rays of golden light, turning anyone and anything in his way into ashes. Also with the Sacred Light of the Spear of Destiny, Lucifer passively denies any form of superpowers, a special ability, barriers or anything else.

Lucifer can manifest the Testament of Longinuslanze at will.



[Shin maybe the system is damaged or maybe my eyes are hallucinating] Lucifer says after seeing the ridiculous state of the spear.

[Hahha.... Luci-chan as I said before that spear belonged to a god..... the state it shows is real] I explain to her.

["....."] .

[Well, just take it and the spear will belong to you from now on.... Let's also go to the house] I'm telling Lucifer, already bored of being here.

[Good!] She nods, then I got up to her and stroked her around the waist to get us to the house.

After arriving at the house, Lucifer went to take a bath, then we started having dinner and went to bed.


I was in the living room watching TV when I noticed Lucifer looking at me.

[What's going on? ... Luci-chan] I ask him, since he was looking at me a lot.

[Well, the thing is that I want to ask you for something shin!] She says looking at me.

[Sure... Tell your husband what you want or need] I tell him with a smile.

[The truth is that I want to have a ban with you to see my level of power acting] She tells me wanting to verify her level.

[Of course I could have a fight against you... but with a condition].

[Which one?] She asks with curiosity.

[If I win, give me a kiss for 10 minutes] I tell him with a smile.

["....."] .

["....."] .

[So what do you say?] .

[Well, if you win, I'll allow it].

[Hahha.... Well then we go to the battlefield] I tell Lucifer, after a little walk we arrive and we prepare for the little versus, and of course I lower my power level to his level so as not to hurt him.

[Okay, let's start Lucifer] Shin said and immediately ran directly to Lucifer.

Lucifer didn't stand still either and pulled out his wings and flew towards Shin with an incredible speed.

The two began to collide with each other when their attacks smashed the ground. Shin, who saw Lucifer's fist approaching him, dodged him and then covered his fist with Magic Aura and hit Lucifer in his stomach, which caused her to fly due to the impact.

Lucifer's attacks didn't hit him because she was only using his magical power.

After being hit by Shin, Lucifer began to run towards Shin and began to exchange blows with him.

Shin, who now had a lower physical strength than Lucifer, began to use only a magical aura and basic attacks such as fireballs, etc.

[Improve corporate!] .

Lucifer, who saw that Shin's physical strength was increasing faster and stronger than her, was surprised and began to smile because she was having fun. Since it's the first time he can fight with someone as much as he wants.

Shin teleported behind Lucifer and kicked her. The kick caused Lucifer to fall.

Lucifer got up, blood comes out of his mouth and he also has damage inside his body. But Lucifer was not called the most powerful Angel of God for nothing.

Lucifer then used his firepower and formed a small nebula and threw it at me.

Shin, who saw the huge Nebuloa of fire approaching him, reached out his hand calmly and said.

[God of the void, Oblivion]

Then a huge darkness came out of Shin's hand and the huge Nebula was devoured in an instant.

Despite the fact that those small attacks won't hurt him. Shin wanted to show off in front of his wife.

Lucifer, who saw his attack disappear, was surprised, but then tried to attack Shin again, this time he wanted to create a new attack.

[Uriel] Lucifer says creating a pseudo-sun of power, density and heat comparable to that of the real sun, capable of emitting equal solar eruptions in power and form to the real sun. Then she throws the attack at me.

Shin, who saw him, smiled at his wife's great creativity in the middle of a battle.

[Nova blanca] Says shin launching his attack against the Pseudo-sun. When the two attacks collided, they tried a small big bang inside the training room, but it doesn't cause damage, they just flew against the wall.

[Uahhh!] Lucifer, who received the May impact, bleeds instantly from his mouth and also felt that his internal organs hurt. The cause of his damage is that although shin lowered his power, he still maintained the damage power of his god level.

But even though Lucifer was wounded. Due to his pride as a demon King and the most powerful Old Angel of creation, he refuses to lose. Lucifer

He also knew that Shin wasn't using all his power.

After trying several ways, he decided to use his last move. Lucifer was not afraid of his move to kill Shin, because he knew that he would not die with his attack.

She was creating that attack, but they were only simulated theories in her mind so she wasn't sure.

Without wasting time, Lucifer used his last move.

Using his definitive ability he forced a teleportation and took Shin to an Aternative Universe so as not to destroy the universe they are in, after that in an instant he launched his attack.

[! Big Crunch] Immediately after Lucifer said those words, the compression process of the entire universe was activated. The world begins to shrink, all the stars are attracted to Lucifer with great speed, the universe shrinks This ability completely destroys the universe in its entirety, including space and time. But Lucifer stopped the destruction and created a sphere which threw Shin.

Shin, he start smiling after he saw the attack that his wife was about to create.

Lucifer knew that his attack would not kill Shin, but he thought that at least he could hurt Shin to a certain extent.

But that thought was instantly lost the moment he saw that Shin didn't even have a single scratch.

[I really expected this.... But at least I thought I could hurt you a little] Lucifer says.

[But well, it's your victory... At least I know what my level is] She says.

[Hhahaa..... wife don't worry you're strong but the thing is that I face you against the great self] Shin says proudly and then I remember the bet.

[Wifes don't you forget something] Says shin with his perverted face.

[What?] She asks.

[The bet.... I won, so you should give me the kiss] He says with his perverted face and a smile, Lucifer after seeing his face gets angry.

[Hump! .... I was thinking of giving you the kiss... but after seeing your face I lost all desire to fulfill the bet... So goodbye I'm going to sleep I'm tired] She says saying goodbye to shin, who had a face of not knowing where he was.

["...", 👁️👄👁️].