Chapter 3

Kioshi understood that his element , Darkness , had characteristics similar to the Dark element since his first ability was Umbrakinesis.

The Dark element had many branches that it could branch off since it's an abstract element which doesn't rely on external things like oxygen or gas to fuel it. It shares similar laws with the Light element since light can be created when there's radiation which is linked to the sun.

"I'll study it a bit more when I return." Kioshi decided to deal with it at his place and closed the status screen with a wave of his hand.

He was fond of walking alone since it always brought a serene peace of mind to him.

In only took 20 minutes for Kioshi to arrive back home since he didn't live that far from the Evaluation Center.

"I'm back." With little to no emotion within his words , he opened the door and went inside.

It couldn't exactly be called a household since the only people living in the house was Kioshi and a 33 year old women named Binna.

"How was your evaluation?" A sweet echo could be heard from the kitchen along with chopping sounds.

Kioshi didn't say anything and directly took of his shoes and placed it beside the wall which was near the door.

He then walked towards the staircase leading upwards until he heard sounds of footsteps closing in towards his position.

"Didn't I ask a question?" The sound of her tone showed that she was irritated.

When Kioshi turned his head back to view the women. His eyes narrowed showing he wasn't in a mood to talk to someone.

Binna stomped her foot on the ground and caused a small crack to appear on the surface area of it. "Speak! A beautiful women is asking you something!"

Kioshi could only let out a sigh since it couldn't be helped. Knowing this women , he knew she wouldn't leave him be until he told her about his element.

"My element is Darkness , bye." After he said those words , he strode off into his room and locked the door.

"Darkness?" Binna who didn't know what was the element Kioshi awakened , was visibly irritated since he didn't explain what it was.

She snorted and walked back towards the kitchen. Her carmine shade hair flowed with her as she went back to the kitchen. She continued what she doing which was chopping vegetables that was going to be used to make dinner with.


Kioshi who arrived at his room , locked the door and sat on his grey recliner which he usually relaxes in.

"Shall I test my first ability now?" Kioshi was curious about his ability. He has seen people who had the Dark element explain Umbrakinesis. With the ability to generate and manipulate shadows , they could even create objects that are shown with special effects.

But before he could test his ability , he should first try to manipulate mana.

For all elemental users , the basics of mana manipulation was to concentrate in a comfortable position. If the user senses the mana around the atmosphere , they should try to pull the mana within their body to increase their elemental power.

Kioshi followed the basics of mana manipulating and started to concentrate while relaxing his body. After about 2 minutes he could sense the mana around him , he tried pulling the mana towards his body but something unexpected happen instead.

Mana was a pure substance which had no impurities mixed within it. When people start sensing it and reached a higher rank they would be able to see it with their own eyes. They all exclaimed that when they see mana , it's raw state is a color which resembles a amber like color. When the person who has an elemental ability tries to pull the mana within them , the amber like substance will transform into the color representing the element that the user has.

But what Kioshi senses isn't what was known by others. When he pulled the mana within himself , his element hastened the process and sped up his mana gathering. The color of the mana was dark at first with some light but as Kioshi continued to absorb the mana within the atmosphere , it turned ominous black which was the same shade the crystal had when Kioshi touched it.

Kioshi could feel a certain thrust in his body as if someone shoved something in his body. His body shook for 5 minutes until an audible sound was heard in room which Binna accidentally dropped the knife in surprise.

[You've Reached Rank 2]


(A/N: Every week , the information for the novel will be updated. If you aren't certain about something , read the information that is posted. If your answer is not found within the information , then post your comment on and clarify what you don't understand.)