"It takes one push to make someone stumble and gravity is what makes them fall."
Dead Men Smiling was a name that was worth ending a relationship over. No one ever wanted to be associated with that name.
Not that they did anything horrible. The Emperor hated them so everyone else hated them.
Though it was for completely different reasons.
Some hated them because they feared what would happen if they didn't and some hated them because they did what everyone else dreaded doing; they stood for what they believed in. Even if it meant they stood alone.
They protested against the harsh treatment against the unwanted and even fought of the soldiers of Nero who dared to harm the unwanted.
This earned four of the five members of the rebellion a six year probation but after being dubbed as innocent halfway through the punishment, they were allowed to roam free and rebuild what nearly crumbled. Only this time, they have secrets to uncover, truths to discover and Emperors to end.