Master Alex

Laura shivered, though she wasn't opportune to see the person's face, she heard his voice clearly and it smells like danger.

Since Laura was the only one left, everyone left after taking the people they bought from the brothel. Dexter who had accompanied Alexander to the auction sale smiled in achievement when Alexander paid Poppy the thirty-five million dollars.

"Dexter go and start the car and wait for me at the front," Alexander instructed. "Poppy I will like to collect what belongs to me." Poppy with shaken legs brought Laura to Alexander but she was blindfolded as per Alex's demand.

Laura couldn't see a thing, she just felt a strong arm guiding her steps, the tears she has been fighting for a long time came flowing down like a broken tap.

"Sir, please let me go I don't have anything to offer you, wasting your time and money on me will yield you no interest" she begged, Alexander was quiet but he chuckled nonetheless, Laura doesn't know that he had been waiting for this for a very long time now.

They have met before but it seems like she doesn't remember his voice and that irked him a little not to worry, he will not only make her remember his voice but his name and smell.

"Sir, please let me go I beg you, oh I can work as a maid in your house for the rest of my life to pay for the money you used." Alexander laughed hysterically, Laura shut her mouth close when she heard the deep laugh coming from the person sitting next to her, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You are not only a maid Laura, but you are also a slave, my slave" he whispered his warm breath fanning her ear. "So stop talking and shut the fuck up before I do something you won't like" he threatened in a low and cold voice.

The tone of his voice made Laura shut her mouth and not speak until they got to his house. Alexander took her to his other house which was far from the city, the area was covered with thick bushes. This house is the same house he uses for his business and where he punishes people who cross him.

When they got home, Laura was dragged into the house. She kept thrashing and shouting for help but no one heard her cry even if they did, everyone knows not to butt into what concerns Alexander Quinn.

"Dexter do me a favor and tie her mouth, let her save for voice for me," he smirked.

"Tie her to the bed and meet me in the dungeon, someone just bought himself a death certificate," he said looking at his phone. Dexter hurriedly took Laura to Alex's room and tied her to his bed, she tried to scream but the cloth on her mouth muffled the sound.

Alex walks through the dark passage of the dungeon, he inhaled the sweet scent of dried blood and rusted iron. "hmm how I love it when people betray me." he muttered.

Inside one of the rooms of the dungeon with scarce light was an elderly man who was shackled with chains, blood dripping from his open wound, he looked weak and out of breath.

"Mr. Lawson, how do you do?" Alex asked, he gave spider a thumbs up. Spider is one of his goons, spider takes care of the underground dungeon when Alex is not around.

"What did he do Spider?" He pulled a chair and sat in front of Lawson.

"Boss he told one of our rivals about our operation. He was a mole planted to spy on us, luckily we were able to discover him before things went too far." Alex's eyes darken, there are two people he hates "betrayals and thieves." he never lets them go unpunished.

He stood up and walked toward Lawson, holding his bloody cheeks in a tight grip, Alex gave him a couple of punches, and Lawson spat out blood from his mouth.

"Boss I am sorry, forgive me," he begged, Alex punched him some more, poor Lawson's body couldn't handle the beating so he passed out.

"Oh," Alex mumbled when he felt his body slacked. "Spider do me a favor and bring me a bucket of water." Spider hurriedly left the room and came back seconds later with a bucket of water.

Alex emptied the content on Lawson's body, and he woke up with a shake, the water was ice cold. "oops" Alex covered his mouth with his hand "you fell asleep in the middle of our conversation, pardon me." he bows his head.

"Now back to where we were" he smiled. Alex beat him up blue and black, Lawson couldn't move a muscle. Dexter who entered the dungeon a few seconds ago frowned, he had missed the show.

"Spider chop off his head and send it to them, make sure it is well parcelled," he ordered, taking a tissue he cleaned his hand.

"Dexter help him out here, I will head to the house I have an unfinished business with someone," he smirked and left the room.

When Alex entered his room, he saw Laura laying flat on his bed with her hands tied to the headboard, her eyes were still tied. He entered the shower and took a bath, washing away the blood on his body.

After bathing, he dressed up and went to the room "It is time you see who owns you." He took off the blindfold and untied her hands.

"You?" Laura asked her brown eyes were wide open with shock, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yes me, do you remember how you ignored me at the mall?" Mason asked Laura just sat there shocked, her lips parted. She doesn't know him personally but she knows that he is Alexander Quinn, someone everybody fears.

'Why is life so unfair to me' she thought as she stared at Alex with a shocked expression.

"Alexander plea-" before she could complete her statement he cut her short

"Master Alex"....