~A Dumb Clone~

Luna flew back with dozens of icemen. When she landed, she immediately released her domain.

She looked at everyone and noticed something was wrong. 'What did I miss?' She asked. Ma Lie walked up to her and did signs explaining to her. The ice men worked while she watched Ma Lie.

'Twelve plus eight, that's twenty, there are currently nineteen. This could show that we may be wrong,' Xue Li said.

'Or it may show that we are right and that there is one spot available,' Lee Wei said with stars in his eyes.

'Now what we don't have a guess too is if the legendary realm is randomly picked or...,' Huno didn't complete his sentence. He got into thoughts, 'is it possible for the world itself to pick, but is that possible, that means the entire Saint realm is alive, if you are alive then why allow the war to go on for centuries, if it was me I'll end it peacefully or pick one side, favor them to victory, men this is too much, I'm tired of thinking, the world being alive that's funny, haha it's like me thinking plants can... Wait a moment, there are animal-like being's that can cultivate,'.

Seeing Huno scratch his head seriously, Luna worried. Before she said anything, Huno asked, 'Has there ever been a situation where a plant cultivates?'.

Lee Wei and Xue Li looked at each other before turning to Huno. 'What there was?' Huno asked.

'According to records about two hundred years ago in other to repay a deceased cultivator of the mid-rank True realm for her life-saving grace a tree which was equivalent to peak True realm protected the village of the deceased cultivator,' Xue Li replied.

'I will never use common sense for things in this world,' Huno said. 'Where is the village? I'll love to see the tree,'.

'That's not possible because some decades ago the village disappeared from the world,' Xue Li said.

'Some decades ago? Did the legendary realm confirm it was not in this world anymore?' Huno asked.

'Senior brother means?' Xue Li asked.

'Did a legendary realm fly over to confirm that the village wasn't there anymore?'.

'No, they didn't put this in their eyes,' Lee Wei said.

'There you have it, the twentieth legendary realm,' Huno said.

Lee Wei laughed, 'so for us to reach the legendary realm we'll have to kill a legendary realm. How easy will that be?'.

'Very easy, if I get to the peak True realm we may have a chance, we'll have a thirty percent chance at the least,' Huno said. 'The only problem is we don't know if after killing, one of us will become a legendary realm expert,'.

'Who knows? It may go to someone else,' Lee Wei said.

'Alright time to get going, you guys should come in,' Huno said. Luna wrapped all three of them and Huno took them in.

'Let's go to the previous caves. Some should be done,' Huno said after bringing Luna out. 'Alright,' Luna said, and wrapped him with her energy. After taking away the domain, she got on the platform. Seeing Huno sitting on the bed, she rushed over, laid on the bed, and used his laps as pillows.

The platform rose and flew away quickly. Huno looked at Luna and said, 'do you think I'm being too hasty about cultivation?'.

'Well, I feel senior sister is right, sometimes the longer things are the stronger they become, what should be important is all of us learning how to fight and control our abilities,' Luna said.

Huno thought quietly then pinched her on the cheeks softly, 'I guess you guys are right,'.

'We are almost at the first cave,' Luna sat up and said. 'Alright,'.

One after the other, they went to each cave and kept the stones. Days passed. It took five days to complete each cave. When they finished the last, including some caves with yellow stones, Luna turned all the ice men back to snow. All the snow gathered together and a huge rectangular block.

'You want to keep that?' Huno asked.

Luna replied, 'It takes less energy to change the shape of a substance than for me to create one. Wasting energy in a fight isn't good,'.

'I see, come in,' Huno said. 'Come out,'. Luna disappeared and reappeared.

'Let's go,' Huno got on the platform and said. Luna nodded, flew out of the cave and flew towards the western part of the cold region. 'What if we leave several ice men to mine and then maybe when we come back we just have to pack the stones?' Luna said. 'I thought of that, but is there a possibility that the Ice will leave the cold region?' Huno asked. 'They listen to my orders, I will give instructions not to leave and then mine and protect the ores until I get back,' Luna replied. 'They'll follow this instruction for eternity,'.

'That's good. How long will it take you to create a large amount?'

'Well, if I decide to go all out, I can make four thousand a day, but if I have to put a bit of my source in them, I can only make about a thousand a day,'.

'Why are you putting your source in them?'.

'My power source in them makes them like an extension of myself. I'll be able to find them and the same is true for the reverse, it also allows me to give more instructions and receive info from them,' Luna explained. 'You can say they become a weaker and dumber version of me,'.

'Oh a clone, I see that's nice,' Huno said. 'Does separating your power source have any effect on you?'.

'I become weaker for some time but if I hug you for a long time, I'll return to my peak state,' Luna laughed and said.

'Be serious,'.

'I am serious. Splitting my power source will take my energy, but when I hold your left hand, energy flows from it into me,' Luna said. 'You didn't notice it? I always thought you did,'.

Huno stared at her blankly and said, 'So my left arm is like a charger to you when you are tired.'

Huno didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Luna nodding. 'Why do you think I haven't gotten tired since we started? Your hands have always been massaging my feet or caressing my head,' Luna said.

'How come I didn't notice? How long does it take to charge back to peak?'.

'I don't know, I have never been fully empty of energy,' Luna said.

'Alright let's make the Icemen,' Huno said.

'Okay,' Luna said and activated her domain before stepping down from the platform.

Soon snow around her rose and icemen appeared one after the other. Huno noticed that immediately after an ice man was fully formed, there will be a small light either on its head or its chest. After the tiny light shines a little, it dims away and a tiny diamond shape appears in its place.

Luna kept making it nonstop and when it was almost a day later, she got tired and fell. Huno walked up to her and carried her to the platform, place her on the bed, and held her hand with his left. 'I couldn't reach a thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six,' Luna said. 'That's my limit by myself,'.

'Next time we'll try it together,' Huno said with a big smile on. 'Let's see how long it takes for you to return to your peak state,'.

'Alright,' Luna said, and closed her eyes.

Huno stared at her quietly while he tries to perceive the flow of energy from his left arm to her. He found out he couldn't, not even in the slightest. The energy in his left arm remained the same, not being changed.

'Brother, is there any change over there?' Huno asked.

'Give me a moment,' Lee Wei's voice entered his ear.

'No, no change. Did something happen?' Lee Wei asked.

'No nothing, if you notice any change please let me know,' Huno replied.

'Okay I will,'.

Huno stared at Luna, who seemed to be asleep and thought,

'Hey Mia, you probably can't hear me but I would love to let you know you were right, I've found another reason to stay, I have a family that makes me want to stay, two brothers and two sisters, haha who knows I may get parents later on, I think I should give a little talk about them, Luna the first sister I got, unlike you she's more childlike, a big baby, she gives me that feeling that I have someone to take care of, but like you she is very reliable, too reliable that I almost feel like I don't have to do anything but I don't want her to feel I'm unreliable so I'm going to do the best I can do, Lee Wei, Xue Li and Ma Lie, my two brothers and other sister they have a deep trust for me especially Lee Wei his trust for me is almost on par if not more than the one you had for me, we are now sworn brothers and I'm happy to have him, if you had met them you would have liked them too, oh I forgot to tell you I'm in another world now or rather an higher realm than our world, after the exams I left the orphanage home to a far place, I had some twist and turn got into an accident and boom I arrived here, where I met wonderful people, well now I'm going into hiding with them, strong people may be interested in Luna in the future and I'm not ready to lose her, funny how we found a treasure land no one else can enter, haha I'm stinky rich here, though I can't spend indiscriminately but I am rich, those around me don't have to worry about what they need because I am seventy percent sure I can provide it, I wished I could have been able to provide for you bestie, yes I just said it, I really miss you I hope you know that, oh one more thing...'.

'Huno, Huno, Huno,' Luna's voice came into his ear, bringing him back to reality.

'Oh, I'm here, I'm here,' Huno said.

'Are you okay?' Luna asked.

'Yeah, I'm great,' Huno smiled. 'I'm glad to have you and everyone,'.

Luna paused and then smiled immediately. 'me too,'.

'We should get going. I'm all done now,'.

'How long has it been?' Huno asked.

'About an hour, I'm not sure,' Luna replied.

'Alright let's be on our way, we'll spend two more days, then leave the cold region,' Huno said. 'Where are the ice men?'.

'I sent them away in groups a hundred a while ago. You seem to be lost in thoughts so I didn't want to disturb you,' Luna said. 'Do you have something troubling you?'.

Luna raised her head and sat up beside Huno. 'if there's something please tell me,' she said.

'No, there's nothing, I just remembered something from before,' Huno said. He kissed her forehead and said, 'you don't have to worry. I'm good. I have you and everyone,'.

'Okay,' Luna said and hugged him tightly while smiling.

'Senior brother is sugar coating little sister,' Xue Li's voice came. 'No, I'm not, I'm just saying the truth, junior sister,' Huno defended.

'What did senior sister say?' Luna asked.

'She said I'm sweet talking to you,' Huno replied.

'Oh, let's go, it's better to go make more ice men in another place so they can cover more directions,' Luna said.

'Little sister is cute,' Xue Li said teasingly.

Huno didn't reply to her, and Luna flew away in a direction. After covering a huge distance, Luna stopped and came down. Huno walked over and held her with his left hand as she began making the ice men. With Huno holding her, she found it easier and less energy-consuming to make the ice men. She kept on making until she heard Huno's voice, 'Let's stop and move to the next area, how many did you make?'.

'nine hundred and twenty-eight,' Luna replied.

'It's been about fourteen hours now, let's go, we'll spend half a day in a place and move to another, after three more times we'll leave this cold place,' Huno said.
