The Arkon’s Tournament was held in different branches of the planet earth.

Humans living in different planets would gather in earth just to watch the big event as it could likely determine the future of the offsprings.

Roshan’s town was one of the branches of the Tournament so he didn’t need to pay any money for transportation.

Now it was just a day to the Arkon’s Tournament.

Roshan went through his previous notifications.

He didn’t have time to go through them the day before because he was busy with getting foodstuffs and explaining to his caretaker how he got the money.

It was pretty annoying as Master Fyi would ask him every question he thought of.

“Where did you get the money?”

“How did you get a level 3 beast Gem?”

“Where did you even find it?”

“That weapon seller is cunning, was it hard to defeat his son?”

“What ability did his son use?”

“Body Enhancement!!!, How did you manage to defeat him?”

Thinking about everything gave him an headache.