
Roshan leapt from one building to another unaware that he had been caught.

He loved the feeling of the wind on his face even though the air was rather heavy and not as safe as before the invasion.

His father has explained to him that the air before was a lot fresher and smoother than now, the plants were less deadlier and the oceans were much more safer.

People would travel in airplanes without fear of flying beast or poisonous weather.

The earth had changed since the Deagi’s invasion.

Having abilities were unbelievable in the past and was referred to as witchery or black magic.

Those who practiced them would be staked and burnt alive.

Now those who had abilities were called heroes to the commoners.

He had heard that black magic had also changed a lot but what was there to be worried about when you could easily defend yourself.

He landed on top the tall tower in the middle and stoop at the highest point.