Roshan looked at the white boy who had seated at one of the tables. His eyes moved to the boy’s food and then to his.

Xaden’s food was a lot nicer than his. It looked richer and tastier. Roshan never coveted other people’s things but he felt a slight pang of jealousy when he looked at the boy but he had already gotten over it, and why didn’t the boy mention the fact that he was a grade A, an S+ at that?

Kade and Bahr glanced at each other before looking at Roshan and then at Xaden. They chuckled

“You don't need to say he is your roommate before we believe you know him” Kade smiled as he took a bite from his sandwich.

Roshan looked at him in confusion and then at Bahr before he realized they didn't believe him.

He shrugged. It was their choice to believe him or not.

He kept on eating and realized that bad feeling he had from this morning still lingered. He had the itch that something somewhere was definitely wrong.