"Rise and shine kids" Hera's delicate yet commanding voice resounded in the room performing the function of an alarm and waking them up. It was a bright new day and it was also the day that they would start the move to the North base, it was almost time for them to get moving as they had a long journey ahead of them.

Roshan opened his eyes immediately and sat up on his bed, he could barely catch some shut eye last night, he was so excited that he had finally levelled up and he wanted to test out his new strength. Anytime he levelled up, the system always gave him free stats and it was the usage of these stats that he was looking forward to.

Suddenly Roshan felt like a terrible thing was going to happen right now and soon enough, Hera's voice reached his ears.

"Roshan, where were you last night?" Hera immediately asked as she was about to step out of the door.