Roshan knew he had two options, which was either to tell the truth or to fabricate some sort of lie, with each having their own consequences but of course, rather than exposing the lie he had told the princess, he could just make up more lies to cover it up, lying never hurt anyone, did it? And it was definitely not going to hurt him unless Hera somehow found the truth in the future that didn’t mean the lie would hurt him, just that Hera would skin him alive or rain down those heavy light rods on him, pulverizing his body, breaking his bones, unless the system was able to heal him fast enough to match the speed at which the light rods were landing on him, he was going to be seeing his parents very soon.

All these thoughts passed through Roshan’s head as he looked at the amount of people that had gathered around him, eager to hear how a kid like him was able to pass through the security.