
Roshan read through the panel again, wasn’t it too harsh? As if hearing his thoughts, the system brought out another panel.

*Host is allowed to decide the fate of a higher ranked crew member*

“There are ranks?” Roshan asked in surprise

*Host is allowed to increase the ranks of his crew members when they have done a spectacular deed or fulfilled an important task. *

*A crew of ten members is called a faction. *

*Each faction is granted special rights or powers depending on their rank. *

*Host is advised to start gathering his first crew. *

*Increase in faction number can lead to addition of some perks to host. *

*Time limit for side quest is endless, but the system advises host to create a crew as soon as possible. *

Roshan scratched his chin, everything the system had said was understandable, but how would he be sure of his crew member’s trust in him.