Chapter 25: Cross Examination

The day passed by and it was time for afternoon homeroom. Their teacher explained their itinerary and where they would stay in Kyoto. He also informed them of the schedule of their departure and arrival in detail. He mentioned that late comers would not be tolerated, then glanced over at Akuma.

The bell rang and most of the students started to leave the classroom. Angelie waved goodbye to Sumire and Mizumi as they stepped outside the room. Angelie then went to Sanaka and stood in front of her.

"Are you ready to go to the club room, Sanaka-san?"

"In a bit."

Sanaka was still tidying up her things. Her bag was placed on the floor. It was still open and its contents could be seen from Angelie's point of view.

"Oh, what is this—"

As Angelie was about to reach down into the bag, Sanaka grabbed the bag and put inside some of her notebooks and then closed it.

"There, all done. Let's go."

Sanaka stood up and motioned for Angelie to move already.

They walked down the hallways towards their clubroom. Angelie suddenly opened the conversation.

"Damn that Demon Lord! He made me look like a bad person in front Sumire-san and Mizumi-san… He just infuriates me so much that I can't help myself sometimes…!"

Angelie was clenching her fist while walking.

"I guess that's what usually happens after a bad breakup—"

"We didn't breakup!"

"So, you are STILL a couple, then—"

"We're not that either! I told you so many times already!"

Sanaka burst out in laughter. She then looked at Angelie straight in the eyes.

"When it's about him, you really change into another person, Angelie-san. Look, I don't know what happened between the two of you before, but to me you seem close enough to argue all the time. It doesn't look like you hate him all that much."

Angelie then stared in front of her.

"But I do… I really do."


The two of them reached the Help club room. Only Kiba and Mimi were inside.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Angelie greeted the two who were already inside and seated in their chairs.

"Hi Angelie-san. I'm afraid that cursed Demon Lord has not made an appearance yet."

Mimi stopped writing on her notebook and looked at Angelie.

"Really? When Sanaka-san and I left the classroom, I didn't see his evil presence anymore."

Angelie then took a seat on her chair.

"Why do you guys sound like you're talking about a ghost or something?"

Kiba chuckled to himself.

Sanaka then sat down next to him and she started to take out some things from her bag. Once she pulled out her notebook, a bunny toy came out of her bag, as well.

"Hey, isn't this cute?"

Kiba grabbed the bunny toy and looked at it closely.

"Oh, that is cute. Can I see it to, Kiba-kun?"

Angelie held out her hand asking for the toy. Kiba gladly handed it to her.

"Ah, that bunny toy? Akuma got that for me from a crane game yesterday."

Sanaka casually informed everyone as she was writing something and looking down on her notebook.

Everyone froze and then Angelie dropped the bunny toy on the table.

"H-he got if for you from a c-crane game?!"

Mimi dropped her pen and it rolled on the table.

"Y-you were with him during the w-weekend?!"

Angelie still has her arms up as if still holding the bunny toy.

"He spent money on that?"

Kiba stared at Sanaka.

"That's not the issue, Kiba-kun!"

Both Mimi and Angelie shouted at Kiba at the same time.

"How come? Why were you with him, Sanaka-san? Were you forced into it? What does he have on you?"

Angelie stood up on her chair and leaned over the table towards Sanaka.

"D-did he do anything inappropriate to you? If it hurts a-anywhere, just tell us and we will inform the police immediately."

Mimi clasped her hands together as she spoke.

"It's nothing like that. I just delivered the assignments he missed while he was hospitalized. Our homeroom teacher knew we were in the same club so he asked me. If Angelie-san didn't leave early that day, he would have asked her."

Sanaka raised her hands at her sides and shook her head.

"Yuurei-chan served me the best cookies and tea but she eventually kicked me out of the house. She asked Akuma to walk me home, so he was kicked out as well. H-he insisted on walking me home so I accepted. Then we saw the Vice President at an arcade center. He wanted to get some dirt on him, but I just wanted to see him closer. Then we couldn't find him and I asked for the toy. He got me the bunny toy even though he sucked at the crane game. Bragged about having money so it doesn't matter that he sucked."

Sanaka now heaved a deep sigh.

"S-speaking of the Vice President… Don't tell him about us following him! Please! He might think we're stalkers, or much worse… That we're a couple on a weekend date! No!!"

She was now banging on the table with her closed fist.


Kiba slammed the table as well.

"In your testimony, I found an inconsistency. Something that doesn't make sense."

The three girls just looked at Kiba with bated breaths.

"He would NEVER insist on doing something without anything in exchange. So, the fact that he insisted on walking you home must not be true! Unless you gave him 'something' worthwhile?"

Kiba had a smirk on his face.


Mimi then shifted her gaze towards Sanaka.

"Okay, I MAY have added that part… But what matters is that the Vice President doesn't find out! I was just curious as to what he was doing in an arcade center…"

Sanaka averted everyone's gaze as she was pressing both of her index fingers together.

"So, who is Yuurei-chan? Is she his older or younger sister? Sure would love to meet her."

Kiba leered at the ceiling.

"She's his younger sister. And you will never meet her! I will protect her with my life if I have to!"

Sanaka pointed at Kiba.

"Oh, so are you now her sister or something? Hmm?"

Kiba made a side glance at Sanaka.

"Well, no. I did hear her say something about an 'Onee-san'. Who knows, maybe Akuma does have a girlfriend who visits him at home. I doubt it, though."

Sanaka put her finger on her chin while looking up.

"An 'Onee-san' exists, huh? I wonder which one is that…"

Kiba then looked at Mimi and Angelie.

Angelie's face already turned red when she noticed Kiba's gaze at her.

"It's not me!"

(But it's probably me! I even told her not to call me 'Onee-san'... Though, I kind of like that she thinks of me as an older sister… But not because me and her brother is a thing!)


A few days after their interrogation of Sanaka, everyone was inside the Help club room after classes.

"We really are turning into the 'Stare into each other' club. There hasn't been a request for help in the last few days…"

Angelie has her arms crossed on top of the table, and her head rested on top of her arms. She was looking at the door, anticipating it to open any time soon.

"If we wait patiently enough, I am positive that the door will open up and someone with a meaningful request will enter—"

As soon as Mimi spoke, the door of the club opened.

"Hi! Is this the Help Club?"

A girl with long, black hair and wearing round glasses peeked inside the club room.

"Yes, this is the Help Club. How may we be of assistance to you?"

Mimi looked at the female student and answered back, since she was the nearest to the door.

"I see! Good thing you don't look too busy."

Everyone shuddered as the student entered the room and sat down on one of the guest chairs.

"By the way, I'm Kusabana Niwa from 3-B. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I actually need some help with manpower…"

"Oh, can you give us further details?"

Angelie looked at Niwa.

"You see, the school tapped the Gardening Club to help clear out the withering plants around the school grounds. And we also need to plant new flowers before the start of summer. Our club only has so many members, and we wanted to finish it before the school trip of the second and third-years. Just so that we won't have anything to worry about while on the trip."

Niwa gently laughed as she was hunched on her chair.

"I understand, Kusabana-senpai. We do need to vote on it first, but say we do end up helping, when are we supposed to start?"

Akuma leaned towards Niwa who was seated across him.

"Well… Tomorrow we do plan to start after classes. Please visit us by the garden in front of the school building if you do decide to help us. See you."

Niwa stood up and bowed to everyone and then left the room.

"I guess no need to vote for it, but let's just do the vote anyway."

Akuma raised his hand. Everyone else followed suit.

"At least you guys now understand my line of thinking. If we do this, our exposure around the school will increase. Ever since that botched opportunity from Futoi happened, we had to wait for another chance. And this is it. Now let's do it."

Akuma clasped his hands together while his mouth hid behind his hands.

"No, you won't."

Kiba stared into Akuma's eyes.