Chapter 64: Soul Liberation

"You're overreacting. Stop it."

Akuma let out a huge sigh and then stared at Sanaka.

"But… but…"

Sanaka started to sob quietly.

"You're a member of this club. But most importantly, you're our friend. You can't replace a friend just like that, right?"

Angelie came over to Sanaka. Angelie hugged Sanaka and stroked her back.

"Anyway, we have a swimming training session later. Let's just focus on that for now. We can think of a way to deal with Shinsetsu-kun's concern afterwards."

Mimi also went close to Sanaka. She tried to comfort Sanaka by brushing her hand on Sanaka's hair.

"We really shouldn't have gotten involved with that Shinsetsu guy. Now, we have more problems to deal with. You all should have listened to me."

Akuma shook his head.


That afternoon, the Help club went straight to the pool area. They opened the door using the key provided by the student council. They then changed into their swimming attire. After a while, the other students started to come in one by one. Everyone stretched and warmed up before going into the pool.

The training started off with Akuma reminding everyone of what they practiced during the last session. The students practiced their floating and threading again. The afternoon went by with most of the students progressing through their training. Akuma and the others decided to end the session after a few hours. He announced that they would move on to their next lesson during the next session.

When all of the other students left the pool area, the Help club members stayed around to tidy up a bit.

"They are progressing quite well. I think that they would all be ready by the time of the swimming competition."

Mimi was sweeping the floor around the pool.

"Yeah… I think we're doing a good job. It feels good to see our hard work paying off."

Angelie, who was standing beside Mimi, smiled at her.

"Until our next swimming training session, we have to deal with our Shinsetsu problem."

Akuma leaned on the wall of the changing rooms.

"In case you haven't noticed, we still have no idea what to do about it. And stop standing there and start helping us!"

Angelie threw a wet cleaning cloth at Akuma's face. The cloth slowly slid down Akuma's face.

"I am helping! I'm using my brain to think of what to do!"

Akuma grabbed the wet cloth from his face and hurled it at the floor.

"So, making any progress so far?"

Kiba, who was mopping some wet spots on the floor, looked Akuma.

"If he really is from Altro Mondo, then he should know who I am. I'll make him tell us who he is and what he wants."

Akuma grinned maliciously.


The following day, the Help club members went to 1-B's classroom again. Like yesterday, Eizou, who was seated on his chair, was surrounded by his classmates. They were making fun of him again. Yuujin was there to fend the others away. Akuma opened the door of the classroom and entered inside. Yuujin saw him instantly and ran toward Akuma.

"Senpai! Please, you have to do something… They're still making fun of him, and I don't know how long I'll be able to stand it…"

Yuujin stood in front of Akuma. He had his hands clasped together; his eyes begged at Akuma for help.

"I'm here to expose who he is, once and for all."

Akuma didn't look at Yuujin. Instead, his gaze was firmly fixed at Eizou.

"Hey, you! What are you planning to do?!"

Angelie entered the classroom along with the other members of the Help club. She tried to reach out to Akuma. He then walked a few steps closer to Eizou.

"You, who claims to be from Altro Mondo!"

Akuma pointed at Eizou. The other first-year students surrounding Eizou whispered among themselves. They were saying things like 'What the hell is 'Altro Mondo'?' and 'Who is this weirdo?'. Eizou turned around to look up at Akuma.

"I see you've come to seek me out once again. I told you, there's no use in trying to find out my true identity—"

"It seems you still have no grasp as who you are talking to. I am the Demon Lord!"

Akuma condescendingly looked down at Eizou. In return, Eizou immediately rose up from his seat upon hearing the words 'Demon Lord'.

"T-the Demon L-lord?! How? Why?!"

Eizou took a few steps back, away from Akuma.

"It looks like my name still strikes fear in those who hear it. Now, my general, the Vampire King! Inspect this scoundrel once again to find out his identity."

Akuma still looked at the now petrified Eizou. Behind Akuma, Kiba pointed at himself. Akuma looked back and glared at Kiba.

"What? Are we really doing this?"

Kiba let out a sigh.

"What is this idiot thinking?"

Angelie shook her head as she covered her eyes with her hand. Kiba, after shrugging his shoulders in defeat, walked closer to Akuma and stood beside him.

"M-my Lord. I sense no malicious intent from this c-creature toward you..."

Kiba looked at Eizou from head to toe.

"But, as my most hated adversary has told me, they do not know this insect. You, accursed Saint and her ally the Elven Leader. Make sure of your claims!"

Akuma pointed at Angelie and Mimi.

"Why is he dragging us into this?"

Mimi glared at Akuma.

"I just want this to end… Let's go Mimi-san."

Angelie made a determined look at Mimi. Touched by Angelie's conviction, Mimi nodded at her. The two girls then walked toward Eizou. They looked at him thoroughly.

"W-we are definitely sure we don't know him…"

Angelie then averted her gaze from Eizou.

"I see. Now that we have our conclusion, speak up! What is it that you want?!"

Akuma continued to point at Eizou.

"I-I am… just a spirit that wandered into this world! I-I have possessed this boy due to my lingering r-regrets…! I had planned to cause enough trouble to get my revenge. But now that I know you are here… You will surely wreak havoc unto this world in my stead!"

Eizou fell to his knees as he looked up at Akuma.

"Then, you are now free from your shackles! Let this boy live his life as he sees fit! He should be able to enjoy his life with his friend and classmates! This is the mercy I will give him as he was just used by a vengeful spirit!"

Akuma then closed his eyes and smirked at Eizou.

Soon after, Eizou smiled and then fell to the floor. Yuujin instantly ran toward his friend and picked him up from the floor. Eizou slowly opened his eyes after a while.

"Hey, Yuujin. What happened? Why am I on the floor?"

Eizou looked around the classroom using only his eyes.

"You… you don't remember anything?"

Yuujin looked at Eizou, who he held in his arms. Eizou shook his head in response to Yuujin.

"I just feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from me… Anyway, let's buy lunch. I'm hungry."

Eizou quickly stood up and dusted himself. He then left the classroom.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Yuujin stood up and bowed at Akuma. Then, he ran after Eizou.

The first-year students of class 1-B had one thought in their minds: 'What just happened?'


The Help club members left the classroom and decided to have lunch at the rooftop. While on the way there, they had a conversation on what just occurred.

"You think what he said about being a spirit was true?"

Kiba looked up at the ceiling.

"I really don't care. He acted normal there, so that's the end of it. Happy ending and all that."

Akuma had his hands inside his pockets while walking.

"I just hope this is really a happy ending. Whenever you do something, it totally ends up worse for us."

Angelie glared at Akuma.

"I'm just glad I won't be getting replaced!"

Sanaka skipped enthusiastically with a smile on her face.


While walking in the hallways, Yuujin and Eizou talked.

"So, were you really possessed by a vengeful spirit?"

Yuujin looked at Eizou.

"Huh? Of course not."

Eizou didn't look back at Yuujin.

"Then what the hell was all of that?!"

Yuujin grabbed Eizou by the collar. They stopped walking.

"Well… When we got to high school, I actually planned to stop all that chuunibyou stuff… But old habits die hard and during the first day of school, I couldn't stop myself from acting that way. Ever since, I just had to go with it, you know?"

Eizou looked away from Yuujin.

"Why didn't you just stop?!"

"You could say I still enjoyed it…"

Eizou looked Yuujin in the eyes. Yuujin then let go of Eizou's collar.

"Well, I didn’t!"

Yuujin turned away from Eizou and crossed his arms.

"But, you know, when those guys showed up, I saw how lame it was to be still acting like that! Thankfully, they finally gave me a way to stop. Now, I can just be a normal high schooler! I know you asked for their help or something. I don't know what you asked them to do, but I'm glad I have a friend like you."

Eizou held out his closed fist.

"What can I do? We've been buddies since we were kids. I had to look out for your sorry ass."

Yuujin bumped fists with Eizou.

And so, the legend of the Help club members being weirdos continued to grow.