Chapter 66: House Invitation

After a while, the other students finally arrived at the pool area. Akuma started the session once the others were done changing into their swimming outfits. They resumed where they left off from the last session, which was practicing breathing and the proper stroke while swimming.

While the Help club members were busy conducting the swimming training session, Kuchi sat quietly on the bench and watched them. He patiently waited until the session was over.

Akuma announced to the other students that they would conduct a mock swimming contest the following week. It was because the coming week would be the last week before the swimming competition. The students could put into practice everything they learned so far.

It was already lunchtime by the time the training session ended. The other students went on their separate ways afterwards. The Help club members stayed for a while to clean. Sanaka spoke up while they were still inside the pool area.

"So, guys. Since it's already lunchtime, why don't we all eat together? I also have an announcement to make…"

Sanaka looked at everyone with a serious face.

"Eh? I want to go home now."

Akuma picked his ear with his pinky finger.

"No, you can't. You two boys need to hear what I am about to say."

Sanaka pointed the mop she was holding at Akuma.

"Huh? What is it about, Sanaka?"

Kiba looked at Sanaka.

"You'll just have to come with me to find out. Anyway, let's go to a family restaurant! I'm starving."

Sanaka pumped her fist into the air and cheered out loud.


In the end, Akuma went with the others to a family restaurant. They took a booth seat that could accommodate six people, with three persons on each side.

All the boys were seated together on one side. Kuchi sat between Kiba and Akuma. Kiba was seated near the glass window. The girls were seated together on the other side. Sanaka sat between Angelie and Mimi. Angelie was the one who sat near the window. They started eating when all of their orders arrived. While eating, Sanaka made her announcement.

"So, as I was saying earlier, I have something important to tell you guys."

Sanaka put down her chopsticks on the table.

"Quit it with the suspense and get it over with."

Akuma glared at Sanaka as he had his chopsticks inside his mouth.

"Such an impatient person, as always. Anyway, here it goes…"

Sanaka leaned back on the bench and took a deep breath.

"What are you doing…?"

Kiba intently watched Sanaka. She then bent over and bowed. Sanaka's face almost touched the food in front of her.

"My parents want to meet my friends! Can you guys go to my house tomorrow? Pretty please?!"

Sanaka raised her voice without disturbing the other customers inside the restaurant.

"Oh, so you've decided on a date? Sure, I can go tomorrow."

Angelie faced sideways at Sanaka and smiled.

"Hana-nee and mother will be at home tomorrow so I can leave Kuchi with them. I can go tomorrow, as well."

Mimi answered as she continued to eat.

"I'll ask my dad. He'll probably let me go, just like he did today. He said something about repaying my friends. Even though he needs my help…"

Kiba smiled as he shook his head.

"Not interested. I told you before, we're not friends. You're my minions."

Akuma glared at Sanaka.

"But I consider you my friend. And that's final!"

Sanaka raised her head and looked at Akuma.

"The feeling is not mutual."

Akuma averted his gaze from Sanaka.

"You leave me no choice. I will have to use my trump card."

Sanaka lowered her head.

"You… you don't mean—"


Sanaka looked up and smirked at Akuma.


The following day, everyone from the Help club met outside of Sanaka's house in the afternoon. They were all wearing casual clothing. Akuma, surprisingly, was among the visitors. Sanaka sent her address to everyone the previous night.

Sanaka's house was a two-story western style house. They had a gated fence and a small lawn outside of their house.

Angelie rang the doorbell. While they waited for someone to come out of the house, they stood anxiously in front of the gate.

"So, what happened to not being interested?"

Kiba grinned at Akuma.

"Tch. She used my sister to get me to come here."

Akuma looked away.

The door of the house opened and Sanaka came outside. She went to the gate and opened it.

"Hi everyone! Especially you, Akuma. Yuurei-chan agreed to cooperate with me once I mentioned Angelie-san would also be coming. At first, she didn't want to help since you'll be going to my house. But when I promised to help you and Angelie-san get closer, she finally decided to help me."

Sanaka smiled and pointed at Akuma.

"Please refrain from using me, Sanaka-san."

Angelie glared at Sanaka.

"This is why Yuurei has some weird ideas inside her head."

Akuma shook his head.


Everyone followed Sanaka inside her house. They removed their shoes by the entranceway. Sanaka led them through a short hallway into the living room. When the four visitors entered the living room, party poppers went off and party horns sounded.

Sanaka's parents greeted the Help club members with a loud welcome. There was a banner that hanged behind them saying 'Welcome Sanaka's Friends'. There was also a long table with a lot of food on top of it. There was fried chicken, a sushi boat, gyoza, and a largely white, circular, icing-covered cake.

The four of them were taken aback and were unable to speak.

"Hi, everyone! Welcome to our home! I'm so glad to finally meet my dear Sanaka's friends."

A man in his early forties, wearing round-framed glasses, and hair parted on the left approached them while carrying the opened party poppers and party horns in his hands.

"Please, make yourselves at home. Take a seat first and we'll serve some drinks."

A woman in her late thirties directed them to the sofa in the middle of the living room.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Sentaku Tadashii. My wife here is Kanao."

Tadashii stood in front of the seated guests and pointed at his wife.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Sentaku. Thank you for inviting us to your house."

Angelie bowed at them and then smiled.

"No, no, no. It's us who are honored to finally meet you. Thank you for being friends with our Sanaka… She has never brought over any friends before. We were worried she had a hard time making friends…"

Kanao smiled but then became teary-eyed.

"Mom! You're embarrassing me!"

Sanaka stomped her feet.


Angelie and Mimi were seated together on one part of the sofa. On the other sofa, Kiba and Akuma were sitting together. Kanao served them orange juice in a cup. After a while, they were invited to get food from the table. The four of them got some food on a plate and went back to sit down on the sofa.

Tadashii then took out a cake knife to cut the circular white cake. He cut some cake slices and put them on small plates. He then stood behind the sofa where Kiba and Akuma were sitting on. He was still holding the cake knife when he leaned over the two guys. His head was placed in between their faces. He put his arms around Kiba and Akuma. The hand holding the cake knife was near Akuma's face.

"So, boys. Which among you two are trying to date my daughter?"

Tadashii whispered into their ears while smiling.

"Um, no one, sir."

Kiba awkwardly smiled back at Tadashii. He answered with a whisper as well.

"Hey, this cake knife is dangerously close to my face. Sir."

Akuma was stretching his neck back to keep his face away from the cake knife.

"I see, I see. That's good. Please continue being friends with my daughter, then. Remember, just friends. Okay?"

Tadashii then stood straight again and laughed while getting the cake slices he prepared earlier.

Kiba and Akuma looked at each other. Sanaka, who saw what happened from afar, approached the two of them.

"So, why were you guys whispering there with my dad?"

Sanaka stood in front of the two.

"Oh, nothing. Just telling him we're really good friends."

Kiba made sure his voice was heard inside the room.

"Yeah. Friends. Sure."

Akuma then ate a piece of sushi from the plate he had in his hand.

"Oh, so now we're friends, huh?"

Sanaka raised an eyebrow at Akuma.

Tadashii heard this and then raised the cake knife while looking at Akuma from behind. Akuma, who had a chill run down his spine, immediately reacted.

"Hey, hey. What are you talking about? We've been friends for a while now, right? Friends!"

Akuma glared at Sanaka. He then took a drink from his cup of orange juice.

"Eh. You’re the one who said you don't want us to be friends. You treat me differently than a friend, right?"

Sanaka glared back at Akuma.

"Stop talking so vaguely! Someone might misunderstand!"

Akuma spit out some of the orange juice in his mouth.