The afternoon events started right after lunch break ended. The first event scheduled was the tug of war finals. Classes 1-E, 2-B and 3-C had a three-way round robin to determine their ranking. After a few games against each other, the winner was determined by a tie-breaker between 1-E and 3-C. In the end, the winner was 3-C, who got fifty points. 1-E received twenty-five points while 2-B got ten points.
Sanaka was teary-eyed as she returned to their classmates along with her teammates. Angelie immediately hugged Sanaka and gently stroked her hair to settle her down.
"I… I really tried this time… It's… so much more frustrating… that we didn't win…"
Sanaka sobbed as she embraced Angelie tightly and buried her face on her friend's chest.
"That's just how things go… What's important is you did your best. You won't regret it whatever the results may end up being…"
Angelie smiled and closed her eyes as she whispered into Sanaka's ears.