chapter 56

"Hyung, Yoshi and Mako have told you about the result?"

"Not yet, Min-ah. They didn't even come here to fetch the food yesterday but Mako came after the hospital visit that night and said that there was nothing to be worried about. He might be tired and stressed, so he needs to rest."

Minhwan just nodded his head.

After Yoshi and Mako came home, he instantly went to their room to ask about it but was driven out as Mako brought him to his own room.

"Sorry hyung, but Yoshi hyung needs to rest. He's a little bit sick and tired but nothing more. The result is still not coming out but the doctor said no worries, it should be okay. So, I think we just might have him to rest and not to stress him, that's all." And that's what Mako told him yesterday.

He wants to visit Yoshi but is scared if he interferes with Yoshi's rest time so he just lets it be and keeps doing his work while helping Minhwan with his assignment.

"Do you have anything this evening?" asked Minsuk